Anyone Mind Recapping?

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#1 Aug 29 - 1AM
SBlaze86's picture

Anyone Mind Recapping?

For those of you who did attend the first meeting in person (or participated via videoconference), was there any new information that hasn't been touched on here, were there any resources such as new websites, literature or research discussed that you wouldn't mind sharing, if so?

I really wanted to witness the gathering via webcam (as I couldn't be there), but obviously couldn't and was just curious to know how it went and what new information was shared. Thanks!

Aug 29 - 10AM
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture

Our First Meeting!

Thanks for asking about our meeting! We did hold our meeting on Friday and it was a lot of fun! Small turn-out, but that's ok. Everything starts small. In attendance were myself, Betty and Ms. Vulcan! We posted pics on my Facebook page. We went out afterwards and had a blast. On-line were Lynn, Fierfly, Bodhi, and Carolyn! There were a couple guest users on-line as well. We narrowed down the steps to our recovery plan. There are 6 steps and I have posted them below. Please provide your input and suggestions. Step 1 - Get It Out ~ Share Your Story ~ Create “What I Will Not Forget” List ~ Write “Dear Narc” Letter ~ Write “Dear Me” Letter Step 2 - Understand it ~ Knowledge is Power ~ This section will include an explanation of NPD, NS, Madonna-Whore Complex, etc. Step 3 - Establish No Contact ~ What is No Contact? ~ Why is it Important? ~ Coping Strategies Step 4 - Accept it ~ Create “What I Can Control” List ~ Create “What I Cannot Control” List ~ Serenity Prayer ~ Say Goodbye by writing his Eulogy Step 5 - Find an Outlet ~ Choose an Outlet ~ Create/Give expression to your feelings ~ Release Anger, Pain & Fear ~ Write "Forgiveness Letter" to yourself (Ms. Vulcan's idea!) Step 6 - Live in the Now ~ Understand the Power of the Present ~ Create Gratitude List We discussed what to call our program. Right now, these are the working titles and we would love your input and ideas: "The Six Steps to Getting Over a Narcissist" "Get it Out, Girl! - The First Step to Getting Over a Narcissist" (Concern over gender-bias) "All About Him - How to Get Over a Narcissist" We will publish this book as an e-book so it can be easily downloaded by anyone who needs help getting over a narcissist. I have started writing the book and am interested in quoting some of you throughout the book. I think when victims hear from those who have been through it themselves, the impact is incredibly powerful. More powerful, in my opinion, than anything a doctor could say. Please understand that no one will be quoted without their direct written approval. We will e-mail anyone that we're interested in quoting and will get your written approval before doing so. If you don't mind being quoted, please let Betty and I know. Most likely, quotes that receive permission for publication will be from those of you who have been separated from your narc for a very long time now. We want everyone to be sure their user name is not one that anyone could ever identify. Please see Betty's post about this today. We realize many of you are still pulling out of your relationship with a narcissist. We are extremely sensitive to this and will take every measure to ensure you cannot be identified here. We will not publish anything without your direct written approval. For example, there's a section titled "Why He Keeps Coming Back" and I'd like to quote "Foolmeonce" with her permission, of course: Why The Narcissist Keeps Coming Back "The narcissist I was involved with had me change my entire life for him then called me and in a 5 minute telephone conversation told me he changed his mind and he was not going to be with me. He said it as casually as if he decided to have chicken for dinner instead of steak. Then he proceeded to f with my mind for another 3 years." ~Foolmeonce (AAH Forum Member) Why? Why does the narcissist keep coming back? Why can't he leave us alone? It's important to understand that a narcissist has no inner-sense of self. He disconnected from himself a long time ago. Because he has no sense of self, he must be validated by others in order to feel alive. Without outside validation, he feels dead inside. If a narcissist is deficient in Narcissistic Supply (NS), he will seek it out from anyone he can get it from. If he comes to you after your relationship has ended, you must understand he is coming to you because he is not getting enough attention or validation from his current source of supply. This may be harsh and hard to accept, but you must get it. He is not returning to you because he misses you or genuinely loves you. Remember, the only two feelings a narcissist experiences are fear and rage. Love is not a feeling a narcissist can experience. If he returns to you, it's because he needs to be validated and nothing more. We are often asked why some narcissists return only to change their mind immediately after you commit or why they return simply to say something insulting or hurtful to you. The reason for this is because he is only returning to get a "quick fix" on his addiction. Once you validate him by responding to him in any way, shape or form, he's got his fix and will move on to the next best high. Getting a reaction out of you is like a drug to him. He gets off on it and he needs it in order to feel alive. It gives him a thrill. Without it, he feels dead inside. This is why he will come back simply to insult you or demean you. If he knows he can't get a positive reaction from you, he's going to try to elicit a negative reaction. All he needs is a reaction from you to get his fix - good or bad, he doesn't care - as long as he gets a reaction from you. He likes to know he still has some kind of hold or effect on you. Do NOT give him this satisfaction. Please Do NOT feed his addiction. The only way to deal with a narcissist is to go "No Contact" and refuse to react to him. We hope if you better understand why he is coming back around, it will help you stay away him. Don't give in to him. He feels dead inside and is coming back to you to validate him now. How dare he? End As you can see from the steps, the workbook/e-book will consist of several writing assignments and be laid out in such a way that someone can journal directly in the e-book to complete assignments. One step must be completed before moving on to another. Ideally, we view this book as a collaboration of collective wisdom from everyone here - people who have been there and understand better than anyone else. There is a tremendous amount of invaluable advice here! Our workbook will contain all the pertinent info. and knowledge one needs to understand the narcissist in their lives, as well as actionable steps to help one get over the narcissist and move on. We hope you will help us by contributing your ideas, thoughts, and wisdom. Thanks for your interest and your help in supporting victims and building awareness! xoxo
Aug 29 - 12PM (Reply to #5)
faithinthefuture's picture


I so can't wait for your workboook to be out! We all need & will continue to need your's and Bettys knowledge. I have come to realize my relationship with a N will forever be with me. I know I will heal but only to a point. That experience is one I don't think any of us will ever be able to let go of completely. It has changed us and in many ways for the better. We will wiser and stronger. But the devastation that they have created in our lives and within ourselves runs so deep. I never thought I would be a woman to be emotionally abused and to look at myself & what I allowed and how I low I became rips my heart in half. I want the day to come and as Betty says it's all about baby steps but I wish for that day when I can really say I feel nothing for him for what I believed we had. I don't want to always carry around this hurt and anger and disbelief. I want to look back and feel nothing about him or us. And i know with all of my heart God led me to you and Betty and all the women(men) on this board. I have no where else to go to get the understanding or knowledge about what happened except here. And I thank all of you soo very much! there are some kick ass strong women on here and my life is blessed because of all of you. Thank You!
Aug 30 - 12AM (Reply to #6)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture

Why Living in the Now is so Important

Thank you, Faithinthefuture and Janet! I so appreciate your posts! You have no idea. I'm so grateful we found one another and I strongly believe God led us to one another as well. I am not a religious person, but I am very spiritual and I belive in a higher power, a higher energy that makes the sun come up every day. It's our job to tap into that energy that exists within ourselves. We all posess the energy to make the sun come up in our lives every day. Tapping into that energy is something we will help each other do by working the steps and supporting one another. I agree that we will never quite be the same after what we have been through, but I believe in looking at the positive of what we learned. To me, I know that had I not experienced what I did, I would never be this in touch with myself at this age. Now, I'm not saying I'm some enlightened guru or soothsayer. LOL Not by any means, but I can tell you I am so much happier and content with myself and my life as a result of what this struggle has taught me. I know I would not be at this point had certain events in my life not forced me to look deep inside myself for strength. One thing I learned is that every day is a gift and every day I wake up, I have a choice. A choice about whether I want to tap into my positive energy or wallow in my negative energy. As I've said before, I do not believe life is about what happens to us, but rather how we respond to it that matters. Happiness is a choice we all have. However, before we can tap into it, we must process what we've been through and be honest with ourselves. It is our hope that the 6 steps will enable all of us to do this. If you ask me, being here is the first step in achieving this enlightenment. Being honest with ourselves is critical. Too many people live in the dark and deny their reality. Lying to ourselves only causes more pain. We cannot avoid pain, anger, fear or regret. We must feel these feelings, confront them and process them before we can truly move on. No one who is lying to themselves is living in the light of consciousness. Enlightenment is what we all seek, but in order to achieve this, we must be honest with ourselves about our situation and the part we played or are playing in it. Being here and working the steps will allow you to answer these questions so that you may live in the moment and experience happiness. Buddha defines enlightenment as the "end of suffering." The whole idea of Zen is to be so utterly and completely present in the now that no suffering can survive within you. The more we deny our reality and lie to ourselves, the deeper we put ourselves in the dark. Unfortunately, this is how many of us learned how to get through the tough times. We've used lying and denial as a coping mechanism. What we fail to realize is that the very method that got us through the tough times is now what is killing us inside. No more! No mas, I say! We are done lying to ourselves. We owe it to ourselves to be honest and truthful for it is the only way to find happiness and serenity. As I've mentioned before, I truly believe that all of our anxiety comes from worrying about the future or regretting the past. When we accept what we can and cannot control, stop lying to ourselves about our situation and begin living in the moment, we finally start to live in a state of consciousness that will bring us happiness. It's that simple. It may sound complicated, but it's not. We will help each other bring about this enlightenment by helping one another work the steps. The steps will bring us out of the darkness, or what Eckhart Tolle refers to as the "pain body" for those of you who read "The Power of Now." Tolle refers to the false self (which we know is the narcissists's only functioning self) as the "pain body." Remember, our true self is who we are when we feel most in touch with ourselves. The false self is used by narcissists as a way to cover up their true feelings. The false self is inhibited and fearful. Once formed and functioning, the false self stifles the growth of the true self. The more developed one's false self becomes, the more nonexistent the true self becomes. As a result of our relationship with a narcissist, we learned how to engage the false self, didn't we? Oh, we learned all too well how to utilize the false self. We had to at a certain point in order to survive, right? We were brainwashed and refused to believe that the person we felI madly in love with was a fraud and an abuser. That's understandable. Do not beat yourself up for this. No one wants to admit that the man of their dreams is a monster in disguise. I know I lied to myself for several years before I finally got honest about my marriage. To live in denial and avoidance is horribly toxic. Others may have lied to us for years, but to lie to ourselves is no longer acceptable. It's no way to live. You can't run from yourself, avoid your feelings or deny your reality for any longer. It only leads to pain and suffering. You owe it to yourself to come clean and be honest with yourself about your reality. Tolle says: "The pain body is actually afraid of the light of consciousness. Its survival is dependent on your unconscious fear of facing the pain that lives in you. As mentioned, I believe all negativity is caused by too much focus on the past or future. Worry and anxiety are caused by too much future focus and not enough presence. Being stuck in the past, either feeling resentful or guilty, is a result of too much past and not enough presence. By focusing on the past or future and denying the reality of your present, you remain stuck in the "pain-body." I can personally tell you that identification with your mind causes thought to be compulsive. This mental noise prevnts you from finding the realm of inner stillness inside you that is necessary to achieve enlightenment. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, right? This has certainly been the case for me. I finally surrendered. What did I surrender? My ego. I stopped lying to myself that everything was ok. I dropped all inner resistance and started being honest with myself. I have learned and strongly believe that it's not what happens to us that matters in life, but how we respond to it that determines our overall happiness and success. I feel a sense of inner peace now that I never knew was possible. As I mentioned, I am certain I would not have gotten to this point so early in my life had I not experienced what I did. We believe the six steps will allow us to face the pain that lives within in us so that we may process our feelings and get to the point where we can truly live in the moment and appreciate life again. We have so much to be grateful for and we often forget that in the midst of our pain. That's ok, but we just need to remind ourselves that every day we have a choice. A choice to be happy or a choice to remain in the dark. There's no magic pill or chant, as Betty always says so eloquently, but we do have a choice. We have a choice every day to be honest with ourselves and tap into our positive energy - our innate potential - or continue to live in the darkness. I seek the light and know that if you stay true to yourself and your feelings, you will find the clarity you need to live your life to its fullest. You deserve nothing less! xoxo
Aug 29 - 11AM (Reply to #2)
tica's picture


thanks you so much for all you do and are continuing to do for this website..I know i do not speak alone when i tell you how much better i feel when i get my "fix" of hearing about Narc similarities..and it's not "misery loves company" it truly is "knowledge is power" i am looking forward to reading the new e-book, best of luck and keep doing what you are doing, you are an inspiration to "making lemonade out of lemons!"
Aug 29 - 11AM (Reply to #3)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Awwe, thanks Tica! I really appreciate your post. I couldn't do any of this without all of you! Thanks for your support! Knowledge is definitely power! xoxo
Aug 29 - 11AM (Reply to #4)
Janet's picture

Thank you, great post and

Thank you, great post and clearly a productive meeting. This board has been the single most important part of my recovery. Thank you Lisa and thank you all! Peace. J

Peace. J