Aging is a Special Horror for the Narc

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#1 Oct 19 - 3PM
anonymous's picture

Aging is a Special Horror for the Narc

Ok – so Freeing Yourself From the Narc in Your Life is about to come due at the library – so I’m going to post a bunch of threads about topics that hit home with me as I was reading the book.

This one is called Hidden Despair – of particular interest is what happens to them when they age.

“Behind a mask of bravado, the narcissist suffers from deep despair. Unconsciously, he knows that he is a fraud. He has played roles all his life in exchange for love. He deludes himself and others into believing that these performances are real. From childhood, he mastered the parts that most pleased his audience and ensured endless applause.” (Morty – this would explain why my ex-narc used to constantly talk about ‘acting’ and ‘putting on a performance’).

“For purposes of survival, the child cast away his real feelings – sadness, fear, loss, longing, tenderness – any sign of weaknesses that didn’t fit the narrow role dictated by his parents. But there are consequences to leading a false life. When life is performed rather than lived, it is hollow inside. The emotional residue of acting at life rather than living it is despair. “

“Aging for the narcissist is a special horror. As middle age winds down into old age, the meticulously erected illusions crumble. Physical attractiveness diminishes. Sexual vigor and potency decrease, fueling feelings of helplessness. (Morty – interesting here…. My ex-narc was 36 when we were together and because he puts so much shit in his body, legal or otherwise; he was already experiencing ED about 50% of the time. As you all know, he dumped me because I couldn’t be two things at the same time – infertile when he wanted me to be but fertile when and if he ever did want me to be … the ironic thing here is he was assuming he is fertile. Two packs a day, 20 cups a coffee a day and several joints every night …. I’ll bet he shoots blanks. No wonder he’s in despair). It is during these crises that narcissists often turn to much younger partners as lovers. In some instances, men start new families with young wives to reconstitute a sense of lost potency and desirability. These are measures that appear to work. They are actually signs of desperation and disintegration. “

“A life of illusion, selfishness and callousness catches up with the narcissist. He has incurred countless enemies. He has injured so many. Like candy wrappers strewn along a long road, he has used people up over the years. Everyone crossing his path was disposable. Victims on his treacheries, malignant lies and broken promises continue to suffer."

“Ultimately the narcissist is burdened with a cold undeveloped heart that cannot be warmed or penetrated. “

Oct 20 - 10AM
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

RE: Aging/Narc

Excuse me, I'm on fumes right now with no sleep, wired but still plugging away...I can't digest all that is written I will get to it after my siesta...LOL BUT I did want to say, I look like crap right now, I have a unibrow, I need to get my brows tweezed and my "hair did" (I don't really have a unibrow..) BUT... I've been nervous I might run into him looking like death's door - that's what this does to me...make me look gaunt, I have raccoon eyes I look like Crap...anyhoooo I did wonder what I'd do if I ran into him. It is my hope if it EVER happens, I look good, and I will say first think...Hey, how are you? My GOD, are you okay? You look like SHIT, but seem pleasant on the surface "concerned" then check my watch and run off to my "appointment" even if it is just to go to get my ICED COFFEE! Gosh, I do hope one day in the future, I look fantastic and can get that jab in...although by that point I probably won't care....
Oct 20 - 10AM
Susan32's picture

Looking for excitement

My Narc grandmother went on a trip to New Jersey, and now she's in Paso Robles for a couple of days. She now craves excitement. She's in her 80s. She's widowed, and doesn't have a boyfriend/husband. It was a very impulsive trip to Paso, only alerting her friend 2 days before her arrival. The fact that she wants to travel around is a concern because she also has Alzheimer's. I think some Narcs seek excitement... even when they grow older. The ex-Psych professor, on the other hand, he preferred sitting around reading books or watching movies.
Oct 19 - 11PM
loveofmylife's picture

morty acting

Mine just said this to me for the first time about one month ago; or maybe it is just the first time i noticed. I told him that he could not discuss confidential company information with outsiders if asked, and he response was "ok, then I will act coy". Amazing what you pick up on when you listen. I would NEVER say "I will act......" have never used that phrase in my life. I don't act!
Oct 19 - 7PM
tica's picture

like candy wrappers strewn along a long road,he head used people

up over the years...yes he did..and I reminded him , his life could go one way or another...I saw the destruction ofmy XNH narc, his choice...the narc was quiet..maybe a little scared..remember I am 15 years older
Oct 19 - 7PM
cluelessuntilnow's picture


great post. My exN is kind of obsessed with aging too and mostly how HE is perceived as he ages. He constantly drops in conversations how he is getting old, looks old, cannot attract younger girls/women because he is old (mind you he is married!), talks about his weight and receding hairline, etc... He dresses like he is 18, he is in his 40's. Yuck, anyway. That being said the most interesting thing in this post to me what the "cold undeveloped heart." My exN has talked about his heart in similar terms. This reference to it is chilling (pardon the joke) and made me sad because I have heard him say that before directly from him. I find it sad. Infinitely sad...
Oct 19 - 11PM (Reply to #19)
MsVulcan500's picture

Mine was VERY obsessed with

Mine was VERY obsessed with aging. He always said he looked younger than his old high school buddies. He was always asking people (usually salespeople or waitresses) how old they thought he was. Of course they always guessed young! And he would talk about that for the rest of the afternoon or evening. One time we went to a concert and sat next to this gay couple. I really liked them and had a lot of fun with them. N didn't like them at all! Not because they were gay, but because they told him he was a cradle robber. They thought I was 40 and he was 60. I was 43 at the time and he was 51. Hahahaha! But seriously, he really thought we looked the same age. All of those mirrors in his house were truly trick mirrors. Getting old is his biggest fear, I think. Too bad he's already there.
Oct 19 - 6PM
Susan32's picture

Students as supply

The ex-Psych professor definitely considered his students supply. I was one of them... along with his circle of young male disciples. He even saw me as backup supply and hoovered me AFTER I had met his fiancee... and after that I went to MC, then NC. Then I left town without telling a soul. Being a teacher can very much be a source of ego supply, especially if you expect your students to call you by your surname instead of your real name, you brag about being a philosopher, you have a famous father, and you've had famous mentors. But there's a jagged little pill in all of students are increasingly narcissistic. A teacher who sees his students only as objects ends up being objectified himself.
Oct 19 - 6PM
hooklineandsinker's picture

That's interesting about the aging thing.

Mine is only 32 but took up with a woman 6 years younger than him. I'm 10 years older than him. That's part of what I hate about all this - apart from the fact that she's younger, I hate the thought that maybe he was beginning to be disgusted by my age (even though most people think I'm in my early 30s when they meet me)
Oct 20 - 6AM (Reply to #16)
faithinthefuture's picture


My xN is 35 I'm 17 yrs older than him and not to blow sunshine up my own ass oh hey what the hell I do not look my age I am in much better physical condition than he will ever be...the joke between us was how I'd be pushing him around in the wheelchair not the other way around.and since he's gone from my life people say I look even better! But...the thought has crossed my mind if he was becoming disgusted & embarrassed by my age. When we were first together he was proud to tell people how much older I was. He hooked up with a woman(skank) 12 yrs younger than him. She saw the light and dumped his ass within a month.
Oct 20 - 6AM (Reply to #15)
ewa's picture

It is not about how you

It is not about how you look. They date younger women because the reality is that they never grown up. I am 15 years younger then my exN, he was cheating me with the girl 20 years younger then him. He is 43. The longer relationships before me he had with 8 and then 10 years old younger girls. So: 8,10,15,20 - if it will progress like this soon his dating will be illegal ;)
Oct 19 - 6PM
onwithmylife's picture

almostlydia and morty

Love this post, it is MY speciality---my EXN is in his later 60's and is reduced to cybersex in his" desperate and depraved "condition, he used those words to me, I did not randomly make them up, so there you have it, he was having ED problems before he discarded me and I never let it bother me because I know it can be tough to be a man and have to perform, unlike women, but irregardless, he must now be reduced to porn on the internet because THAT IS EXACTLY what he accused me of in a hate filled letter he sent me two weeks ago, so almostlydia, if your EXN is taking a lot of medication, espically for high blood pressure, watch it all unfold................
Oct 19 - 11PM (Reply to #13)
mystwoman's picture

Onwithmylife, it's

Onwithmylife, it's interesting that you mentioned high blood pressure medication. Right before my xnh D&D'd me, his blood pressure was at 210/120. His doctor put him on blood pressure medication immediately because he pretty much was a bomb about to explode. Of course according to him, his blood pressure problem was all because of me. I guess his age, poor life style habits, or the fact that his daughter has had a drug problem for years had nothing to do with it. That other woman he'd been screwing or his double life hiding his affair probably didn't have anything to do with his blood pressure either. was all because of me. I have the gall to exist and breath air. The stress I caused him must have been horrible. rofl. Funny how now that we're divorced and I'm completely NC, he's still on blood pressure medication. I wonder how he is twisting it to be my fault now...I'm sure he'll find a way. It seems to be a narc talent. lol. My xnh also came back soon after discarding me and "confessed" that I'd "forced" him to look at lots of porn because *I* was frigid. I wasn't terribly interested in hearing his "confession" (aka, another excuse for him to attack me), but I guess that certainly explains where all of the viruses on his computer were coming from. No, my xnh is definitely NOT accepting his aging well at all.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Oct 19 - 5PM
almostlydia's picture

I have been most curious as

I have been most curious as to how the aging thing works out since the exN is 50 now and sex is his entire life. He actually said life would not be worth living if his dick didn't work anymore. I also read that aging scares the hell out of them - and I wondered if it was the actual aging part or getting close to the 'reckoning' time when all sins must be paid:) I always thought the exN surrounded himself with younger people for numerous maturity reasons but I wonder if he realizes how much older he looks when in the company of men 20 and 30 years younger. He was so hyped about aging he had begun to lie about his age and buy more skin products that I had ever thought about buying. I knew I would never have the comfort of growing old gracefully with this man, I would always be tormented for something that should have been celebrated (to a degree) as far as wisdom and history but I would never have had it with him. I absolutely agree that they know they are a fraud. I just don't think they know why, necessarily. I can't even imagine how horrible it must be to be them. almostlydia


Oct 19 - 5PM (Reply to #11)
Susan32's picture


The ex-Psych professor couldn't stand the prospect of death. He had a clueless attitude towards it, like Christian Scientists (not to be confused with Scientology or Religious Science) Total denial. He thought going to a professor's memorial held at the college was a burden, and he acted like it was a chore. When my grandfather died, he treated it as no big deal and commanded me to "toughen up" and not cry. His favorite literary character is Prince Andrei in "War and Peace".... who is cold&callous towards Princess Marya while he's dying, and refuses to let Marya, Natasha, and his 7 year old son weep in his presence. He yells at them when they DO weep. The ex-P would compare himself to Andrei, saying he was "destroying himself." He wouldn't celebrate his birthday because he saw himself as a dying man. Yet he hated the closure of the REAL thing. Leo Tolstoy makes the apt observation that narcissism is a living death. Andrei is described as the walking dead looong before he gets his fatal injury. Even Prince Pierre tells Andrei at Bald Hills that Andrei should LIVE life fully, not just observe it. (I remember telling the ex-P the same thing) I think Narcs/Psychs fear the final reckoning. Some have a morbid fascination with death. The ex-P enjoyed the Terminator series, had a sick fixation on suicide and mad cow disease (he claimed to be vegetarian) He loved Halloween and horror movies. They fear their OWN death. When I saw that the OW (his future wife,at the time) had a bumper sticker saying "Anubis"--for the Egyptian god of the dead... I sorta thought I was leaving him in good hands. Anubis, the jackal-headed judge of the dead, was all about reckoning.
Oct 19 - 5PM
blueeyes's picture

So? Are they doomed?

Doomed to always look for the next willing stranger all the time? If they use everyone up, then how can they possibly continue that life? Ridiculous ppl!!!
Oct 19 - 5PM
Susan32's picture

They don't always seek younger partners

The ex-P D&D'd me for a woman a DECADE my senior. I was 22 at the time... she was 32 (and 5 years his junior, so same generation as him). Even my friends were baffled. Wouldn't an older man WANT a younger, more naive innocent woman? I guess her "advantage" was that she had a long-distance relationship with him. She didn't see him on a daily basis, the students who feared him, the professors who avoided him. Since the ex-P was more cerebral than somatic, the loss of sexual vigor was probably not as big a deal. "Men start new families to reconstitute a sense of lost potency"-Yep, a year after the D&D he had a wife&twins. But then again, the birth of the twins was not long after the wedding. Who knew people still had shotgun weddings? In a sense, I hoped the OW was a narc, so she wouldn't suffer like I did.
Oct 19 - 5PM (Reply to #2)
MovinOnUp's picture

My N is panicked about

My N is panicked about aging. I guess it makes sense that a controlling individual would go ballistic over something they can't controll. Meanwhile, I'm going to turn fifty-four in a few weeks and I feel pretty damn good. And I guess if an N went for an older woman, he might do it to make himself feel younger. A younger chick might look good on his arm while out in public -- but if he's having sex with her he's going to have to take his clothes off eventually. lol
Oct 19 - 6PM (Reply to #3)
mystwoman's picture

My xnh is panicked about

My xnh is panicked about aging, too...and it does make sense that a controlling person would go ballistic over something they can't control. Xnh's fear of getting old explains his obsession with owning fast Mustangs and drag racing, wanting to play drums in a famous rock band, and having the attitude that he's a "babe magnet". I've always suspected that in xnh's mind, he pictures himself as still about 25 years old (he's 48 now). His "pretend" youth will clash profusely at some point (if it's not already) with his baldness, those wrinkles on his face, and the "dicky doo" (his tummy sticks out farther than his dicky doo). It's going to be really hard to maintain his youthful self-image when he has to use a walker to get, he's spent his entire life hurting people that loved him, and pissing off tons of others along the way. He should be panicked. He's very likely to end up old and alone.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Oct 20 - 2PM (Reply to #6)
ShaynasMommy's picture

And the comment of the day is.....

"plus, he's spent his entire life hurting people that loved him, and pissing off tons of others along the way. He should be panicked. He's very likely to end up old and alone." BINGO! That's all of 'em, too!
Oct 20 - 2PM (Reply to #7)
cluelessuntilnow's picture


That comment stuck with me as well. Recently my exN said I realize I am getting old and that I am a bad person. Well...Duh! You have treated EVERYONE in your life like crap. Seriously slow on the uptake.
Oct 20 - 3PM (Reply to #8)
mystwoman's picture

My comment kind of goes

My comment kind of goes along with what my mother told me years ago. She said, "Remember that if you're a nasty tempered young person, you're NOT going to just become a sweet little old lady (or man) when you're older by default." ...and face it, someone else may well be picking out OUR nursing homes in the future. In my case, I'd really prefer that is a person that loves me, and not someone that I'd spent my life abusing (or some unknown person assigned to my case because I'm alone). You're right, these N's are seriously slow on the uptake.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Oct 19 - 6PM (Reply to #5)
onwithmylife's picture


if you had a chance to read my comments several ones above yours, that is exactly what has happen to my exn, old and alone.............
Oct 19 - 6PM (Reply to #4)
MovinOnUp's picture

Mine is fifty seven, and

Mine is fifty seven, and they sound a lot alike in many respects. I think mine was @ 48 when he bought a Harley. And he's spent tons of time at the gym over the years -- but he can't stop his stomach from sticking out farther than his "dicky doo" either. But he still has a full head of hair. I think going bald would kill him. lol The bulk of his forties was spent racing around on boats, jet-skis, cycles etc. with friends much younger than himself. But that crowd is thinning (sp?). Yeah, I guess it would be pretty depressing to head into the Golden years with nothing but superficial relationships behind you... and no capacity for real relationships. We have a business that centers around toys for boys... so that's where he gets most of his suppy.