Absolutely terrified

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#1 Nov 26 - 9AM
Amazed's picture

Absolutely terrified

happy thanksgiving everybody!! I would like to share this with you.

Ever since Monday of this week, I have felt absolutely petrified.

Like an anxiety. A fear, I have trouble breathing, and it feels like I hold my breath.

As there are many posts on the board that discuss "listening to your gut" about these people, and how it is crucial to our healing and successful recovery.

When I "listen to my gut" I am trying to figure our what it is telling me. The overwhelming fear is not about money, love, family, it is a fear that the psychopath is still out there, hurting and abusing people, and I have done nothing, absolutely nothing about it.

We work in the same organization. He is in a different office now.

He has new hires that come in, and I am petrified that he is manipulating, brainwashing, and controlling them hormonal manipulating them to their confusion and pain.

I fear this so terribly because new people come in with hopes of a career, and they get with this kind of guy, who very well could sexually harrass and harass them on the job.

It pains me to think that other innocent woman are subjected to this.

I never told anyone in our organization of the sexual harrassment, the out of control sexual behavior in the office. The bullying, the domination comments. I can't even believe there are idiots like this out there. So stupid!


The pushing me in my chair, soliciting me for sexual favors as soon as others had left the office, the closing the door and groping me in the middle of work. The pushing me up against the wall in the elevator, the hard ons when we would walk out to lunch (idiot!!)

I am so fearful that other innocent, well inentioned and industrious woman are going to fall for his maniuplation techniques, and be abused, not given a chance, and left with fear as I have. It is just so wrong, and feel a need to do something constructive to remedy the situation,,,

What should I do, just let it go?

Nov 26 - 8PM
Carolyn's picture

The workplace is regulated

The workplace is regulated and one day he will meet his match. White and McAuliffe the largest lawfirm in the world had a partner who did this to his scretaries. human resources provided him with victims as he liked a certain type of shy, brunette, young woman to terrorize. One young lady sued the law firm after only a month or so on the job. The 'new' victim who sued must have been part of a set-up. All of his past victims, who suffered the same kind of treatment you mention,testified against him and the firm had to pay millions. You might want to talk to a lawyer about a course of action. If he did it to you he did it to people before you and will do it to others. You might end up testifying for someone in the future so try to put a journal of dates, times, and experiences. I am a retired private investigator and having an investigator help you to put together relevant incidents and maybe to find the names of other women who reported to this abusive man and left the company might have you ready when the day comes. You have no witnesses and never filed a sexual harassment complaint I don't know where that leaves you for an action for yourself but being prepared to testify against him might make you feel better. Is it possible to have human resources put a camera in his office? Anxiety after the fact is common in this type of abuse. There is an excellent health food store product called valerian that can help. You could be suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, a feeling of helplessness. and fear that there is no justice. Somehow justice finds these people. You don't have to wish him harm just wish that he gets what he deserves. Take care of yourself you have been through a very bad experience.
Nov 26 - 7PM
JusticeSeeker (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Legally, Do What You Can To Stop Him

The decision to expose these men is not easy. I exposed mine, but only after I read about what HE could do to ME if I did expose him. Honesty is the key. I think you should report sexual harrassment and give as many dates, times and detailed descriptions of what he did to you as possible. If you do witness him doing these things to other women, I would anonymously drop a line to a supervisor with times, dates and what you witnessed. Be sure to weigh out his response as well and be prepared. Will he approach you in anger? Does your gut say he is dangerous? Do you feel he would try to get you into trouble? Be prepared and follow your gut. You deserve to be treated with respect and I think it is part of healing for some of us to go ahead and take action. Again...with safety in mind. LISTEN TO YOUR GUT
Nov 26 - 5PM
Ellen's picture

I would report it

Hi Amazed, Maybe you feel like this cos you need to take some action. If it was sexual harrassment in the workplace then i'm sure there are procedures to follow to make a report. That way others would not have to go through the same. I suppose it depends how scared you are and your situation.
Nov 26 - 7PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Post him anonymously on the exposure sites and for goodness' sake REPORT THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT and talk to your therapist about the anxiety ASAP. Might be hormonal deprogramming from him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off. - Gloria Steinem