ExN contacting me again asking for his personal papers - should I ignore or just send?

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Jan 11 - 7AM
onwithmylife's picture


I sent back to the EXNarc 2 things I knew meant a lot to him, he had left me a lot of his stuff when he moved out of state, the rest I sold, threw away, or donated, but I did it for ME and the type of person I AM, not for him. My mother always instilled into me the golden rule, the choice is really yours and you know what, I have NO regrets on sending him back the 2 items.Even knowing how hateful/rageful he has been to me, but that is who I am.No communication as IdealNY said..........
Jan 12 - 7AM (Reply to #4)
Ava's picture


I wish I had your strength. What you did does show the type of person you are, how kind & caring you can be to someone who has done such damage to you. I wish I had that strength right now. I haven't thrown the last things away because they are things that I think would be important to him - though I just don't know, they'd be important to me if it were me. I honestly tried to get it all back to him but he's just kept playing games saying he'll come & pick them up, then asking me to mail it but not giving me an address. And I got so tired & hurt that I gave up trying but I still couldn't throw them away because they are things that should mean a lot to someone. But now he's finally asking again I just don't want to even think about it - I'm really getting that feeling again that I'm being drawn into a game again. We did this round so many times with handing over his things & he never did the actions or gave me the information that would let me complete the deal. I truly admire what you did. I wish I had your strength. I've tried so hard to be a good person in this situation & stop doing things I knew I'd regret [and gees DO I regret some of the crazy & pathetic behaviour I fell into early in D&D] but now I'm just so tired & this has triggered me heaps this time. Sigh....! Thank you so much for sharing with me. And you're very right about the golden rule & that's certainly something I think I'm losing sight of in this situation - it is MY choice & I should figure out what choice will be true to ME. Thank you :) Ava xx


Jan 11 - 7AM
Hunter's picture


I think you send them. No communication. Just send them. They do belong to him. Idealk
Jan 12 - 7AM (Reply to #2)
Ava's picture


You're right, they are his. And I really don't want to be petty or trying to get revenge - gave up on that a while ago when I realised I was just damaging myself more. This has just really triggered me so much. And I don't like it....Sigh! You're definitely right about no communication though. Ah fingers crossed I can something about this.... Ava xx
