Its day 10 of NC and I still feel like it hour to hour for me

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Sep 6 - 10AM (Reply to #5)
blueeyes's picture

:( sick of it

I went to a movie last night alone..Eat Pray Love. Well it was nice, it was also hard. I am not a clean soul yet so watching it gave me some kinda feeling. Now, had IO watched that when I was mentally healthy, I would be inspired. I cant even enjoy peace and a good movie! I am in hell. Thanks for your words... i think of all of you ladies often. The messages get me thru the day.
Sep 6 - 11AM (Reply to #6)
gettinbetter's picture

it is truly

Hell on earth. Im sorry for your pain. I just keep tellin myself it will end it did once before. as someone else said there is no way around you have to go thru. But is a very dark and scary place. I know there are others in this dark and sacry place and while I cant see you, I can hear you and know that I am truly not alone.