Why do I obsess over his life/what he's doing/why he's with her, etc....

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Aug 23 - 12PM (Reply to #3)
Used's picture


she does know, please, stop torturing yourself. she knows how she got him and what it took to get him, this feels a bit like going round in circles, you kicked him out, she knows he never left of his own accord otherwise he would have left before she got so desperate. and you realy want a man, that let another woman nearly drive you nuts. stop obbsessing about this situation ,that you were strong enough to kick him out, knowing where he was going. so why are you letting her do again to you, what she was doing in the first place, driving you mad. you are letting her do it all over again, but this time you are helping her.by all means, vent all you like, but you must slow down you will make yourself ill.lovexxx
Aug 23 - 12PM (Reply to #5)
ShaynasMommy's picture

Used is right, Jaycee.

This ow should have an incling that he's no good. The problem with this is that you know she is in denial about him, like we all ere at one point. The one thing that I had an A Ha! moment with my ex was that if I was such an awful bitch to live with, why did it take him so long to get the hell out? This is the classic lie that OW's swallow when they are pursuing a married man. Its so obviously right in front of their noses, why can't they see it, right? Let her have the POS. We all are worried about your state of health, physical as well as mental. This is what the N does, hes got it all well orchistrated so he thinks. The abuser keeps his victims in a state of physical disarray as well as mental. We all know that you can't think clearly when you are physically sick. Don't let him break down your body as well as your mind. Eat well, stay hydrated, excersise. All the obsessing is robbing of your precious time to take care of yourself. GET SELFISH. Take back your time, and you will get back yourself.
Aug 23 - 12PM (Reply to #4)
jaycee's picture


you are right used, but i cannot help myself, i torture myself with the fear of him staying with her or worse marrying her. I would absolutely go out of my mind if she gets her way again. I pray she knows, but hes so good at what he does, when they were at the hotel and i packed his things and left them on her doorstep, hes so good, he probably told her I just called her and told her to bring my things to your place as i was leaving her for you.....he lies that much, who knows if she really knows the truth.....i wasnt there, he could have said i just made her bring my things and told her i loved you, etc......i will never know, what i do know is if she knows i did that on my own which he says she does, it doesnt matter shes still desperate to have him and will do anything to keep him. but you are right, she has to know what he is, what he did with her, he will do to her. this sucks im sick today.........really sick........
