will he change for her?
will he change for her?
I found out that my Ex( i don't even like to call him that) was dating me and his current girlfriend simultaneously for a year. He started dating me two weeks before her. I found out about her only because she was bragging to my Aunt, who happened to be in the same workout class as her, about her boyfriend who turned out to be my boyfriend as well. But it turned out that I was just the girl he was sleeping with and she was the real girlfriend. (she went to the family holidays, hung out with his kids more than me, I was just viewed as their sports coach. ( I felt it was inappropriate to go to family gatherings because it was so soon after a divorce, how convienent for him!) I ended up telling her by writing a letter to her on facebook. She did not respond, I got a call from my ex instead screaming at me saying the reason he did this was all my fault. I told him that all of her pictures better come down off her facebook. Sure enough they did and then she blocked me as well. She went out with him two days later and the breakup between him and I brought them closer together. He started going on vacations with her and acting like they were this perfect couple. Pure torture to witness this. Meanwhile, I have known my ex for over 15 years. Are families have been connected and good friends before I was even born. My ex is a member at the fitness facility in which I work , so I would see him everyday throughout him continuing this relationship with this girl, but he was still not leaving me alone. Pulling up next to me, signing his kids up for my classes etc basically stalking me and trying to still date me while dating her!! I messaged her again from another account! Still she didn't care. I basically told her off and told him off. I couldn't wrap my mind around it trying to figure all this out. So I reached out to his ex wife, we ended up talking she told me she warned this other girl three months before I did and told her the reason she got divorced was because he cheated on her with 12 different women, 2 abortions, and one got throat cancer. Told me he was diagnosed with narcissitic personality disorder and that he was now on match.com while still dating this girl. The ex wife told me the girlfriends response to her finding out was "im fully aware, thanks." Well shortly after that my ex broke up with his girlfriend and I tried to get back together with my ex.(ughhh). Thinking we could go to therapy and work it out it. I ended up telling him about a month later about my interaction with his ex wife and that I knew he had a problem and I wanted to work it out with him. His response was : he basically FLIPPED ON ME! Shut me out and got back together with his girlfriend. I have just recently left my job, its been a month, because I can't take this anymore. As I am so happy I am not in contact with all this nonsense anymore I can't help but to notice that the girlfriend is now posting pics on her profile of her and him like they are this perfect couple. He told me he wants to get back together with her because she is better for him and accepts him for as he is. And it seems to be true. He is a very successful doctor and I am just thinking he is going to try and change for her now because she is so understanding and loving in his eyes and maybe she really is.. he told me he was going to therapy and such.. I have not heard a peep from him so maybe he is changing?? I don't understand this girlfriends mentality and I am constantly comparing myself to her. Maybe you can give me some insight to this??
He is playing all of you.
I am asked this question daily
I know I shouldn't hate her,
I don't understand how her
So now I have proved myself
I am quite certain that this is not what I said to you
I know this sounds sick, but
Keep coming back
the high road
I wish i could go back and
You can't change the past.
Yes, exactly