Weird things your narc did....Chime in!
Jun 25 - 9PM
Weird things your narc did....Chime in!
I'll start...
He came to my house to surprise me while I was at a doctor appointment. I called him to tell him I would be home a little late (I didn't know at the time that he was at my house). He told me that he was waiting for me at my house, and he felt like a "sucker" for waiting for me for such a long time. I told him that I didn't even know he was coming, and that I would be back as soon as I could. He said, "forget it, I'm going home." I wound up going to his place to try to "make amends." Of course, he pouted and it turned into a stupid, unnecessary argument!
There are SO many more stories I have!
Please chime will hopefully help all of us to STAY NC!
Fascination with cross-dressing
After I
Oh and another one
ONLY if HE is the owner of
Dont know if I've already
Let's see...
Came home oneday to find some
Wierd things indeed
"Kissed like a guy"
I had to wonder
Is he from Maine?
Oh I could write for years.....
Mine was the SAME
Could've written that to a T!
Respect to a T
Dramatic exits
Wow, yours stomped off and
Oh... Forgot
Mine did that too.
Yup this one is the same as
Lol, I should know by now
OH Almost forgot this gem!
Mine would get upset about that, too!