Still think it's because I was twenty pounds overweight

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#1 Apr 1 - 6PM
Arwen's picture

Still think it's because I was twenty pounds overweight

I can't stop blaming myself for his behavior and his D and D. I was at the Gap today buying some jeans after dropping six sizes (yeah I was BIG after the birth of my last son) and those threeway mirrors showed that double chin and I thought "OMG - and I was ten pounds HEAVIER when I saw him in the Fall - he must have REALLY thought I was a chub!". So the self-blame started and I really, really do believe it. I believe that he could not get an attractive woman to sleep with him because of his legal issues and so he picked on the fat insecure one, like he'll screw anything kind of feeling, and I was the "anything". And that's why he left - must have found someone thinner. I felt suicidal today could not stop feeling it's all my fault. He told me I was soooooo beautiful but he must have been lying when I look in the mirror.

Apr 4 - 2AM
jaycee's picture

your weight is not who you are

your weight does not make who you are, dont ever think you are not beautiful in every sense, i have been heavy i have been anorexic thin, it doesnt matter....if a man doesnt love you for you, then he is not for you........your post made me sad, as i am a very beautiful woman, not to toot my own horn, im 47 and dont look nearly even in my fourties, i wear a size 0 sometimes a 1, dont have an ounce of cottage cheese on my legs, and trust me, i dont work out, i dont exercise, i have blond hair, blue eyes, great teeth, and a smile that i get complimented on daily, and big juicy lips to boot, but i can barely even look in the mirror at myself, as my husband left me for a 30 year old, whos lucky if she can fit into a size 14 at best, looks far older than me, has horrible teeth, horrible hair, knocked knees, thighs the size of my bed and an ass as big as they come, and cankles too boot, huge barbara streisand nose, squinty eyes, spread so far apart she has almost a down syndrom look to her, so TRUST me, looks, weight its the person, and never ever feel like your weight was the issue, women come in all shapes and sizes, your problem was you loved the wrong man, it wasnt anything to do with your weight, trust me, had my husband not destoyed my soul, i would still walk around like i owned the world, not that i was ever snotty, but i sure did love the way i looked........too bad my insides are so damaged, it doesnt matter how i look on the outside, same goes for you. your inside is damaged, stop focusing on your outside, YOU are BEAUTIFUL AND DESERVE BETTER....XOXO


Apr 5 - 11AM (Reply to #37)
beamoflight's picture

your post and hers made me

your post and hers made me cry so much. It's killing me. I know I'll never be good enough. I know it should be ME saying he'll never be good enough for me... but the honest truth is... I still feel fat, ugly and very inadequate.
Apr 5 - 12PM (Reply to #38)
Arwen's picture


Oh honey you are beautiful. Even though I have marital problems that caused me to look outside of it, my husband not a narc, has seen me in the most horrible down moments and months, so overweight, crying and anxious in tatters and he still told me he thought I was the most beautiful woman he ever met. He is a guy who has always loved me also for the talents I have, the kindness, the intelligence. These mother fucking narcs, they don't SEE us. They don't care as everyone here is telling me and now I believe it.
Apr 5 - 12AM (Reply to #33)
Arwen's picture


thanks...I am also a beautiful woman. Just was in that postpartum place where I felt so big still. Gosh it was such a thrill to have him boost this Mommy's ego in the beginning. Now I just want to kill him. btw his OW while I was with him looked like the bottom of my foot with eyes. But he said "I don't care what other people say about her..IIIIIIIIIII think she's attractive". He meant he found her 100,00 a year salary attractive and the fact that even though she saw him all over me in the bar they used to live in, she still took him back.
Apr 5 - 2AM (Reply to #35)
jaycee's picture


wow, once again a narc who finds the bottom of barrel attractive because of the digits in her salary......mine too, finds his ow more than attractive, she makes a very decent salary, has plenty of money to promise him a life of financial freedom, buys him whatever he wants, takes him everywhere, just amazing how a woman with a checkbook looks so beautiful to certain men. his took him back after they broke up four months ago, she begged and begged now shes even getting new boobs to impress him since thats all hes ever talked about he loves fake boobs, but her case, they will only make her look bigger. i hope that when she gets out of surgery, one tit looks to the left the other to the right, so she can really keep an eye on him, because unless she puts a leash on him, im certain her day will come, if it doesnt than they were meant to be, but cant imagine how life for her will be, when she realizes hes not upset because he misses his daughter, she will realize thats just his everyday moods. and by the way, not only can she give him a life of financial freedom she can buy him his dream, not having to put in any effort in any area of his life. wow, he hit the jackpot...


Apr 5 - 9AM (Reply to #36)
Arwen's picture

LMFAO Jaycee

Ok the comment about one tit looking to the left and the other to the right gave me a real laugh I needed today! HEE HEE
Apr 5 - 2AM (Reply to #34)
dudette's picture

100,000 dollars a year

Exactly and being a doormat - that IS the attractive part.....
Apr 2 - 11AM
helldweller's picture

too fat

They are right. The narcs don't really give a sh*t. I was about 140 when I met him. I'm a voluptuous woman with blonde hair and wear retro dresses and heels all the time. Not a week goes by that someone doesn't compare me to Marilyn Monroe--same hair and everything. I slowly started putting on weight with the narc. I would ask him if I was getting too fat (I mean, up to 160 on a 5'4" frame, come on) and he'd say, "No, you're perfect." He would force me to eat when I was dieting. Force me to drink alcohol when I gave it up. Forced me to smoke. I would ask all the time, Shouldn't I lose weight? or tell him I'd started running or something to be healthier and he'd say, "Don't run. Don't exercise. You're too skinny. Eat more." I think there was a mixuture of wanting me to be unattractive so that I wouldn't leave him and then just not caring: wanting someone to smoke and drink with without caring about my health or my ki having a healthy mother. When I talked to one of the other women, I found out she was 5 feet tall and weighed 90 pounds. A marathon runner, literally. I think I was his voluptuous smoking and drinking girl, probably reminiscent of the women his mom brought around when he was a kid in the earlly '60s. The marathon girl was his healthy girl. He didn't need me to be healthy. He needed me to be decadent. What *I* needed didn't matter. The one that came to my door in the middle of the nght was six feet tall and had a body like a boy. The one he's been seeing for twenty years is F-A-T and dumpy. He loves her the most. It has nothing to do with looks. It has to do with TOLERANCE of the bullshit and insanity. I'm sure you are beautiful or he wouldn't have wanted you. The double chin and extra pounds: I'm telling you they are from stress. I have lost ten pounds since he stopped talking to me for good.
Apr 4 - 1AM (Reply to #31)
Arwen's picture


Heck yeah I went through exactly the same thing with "You need to eat more" even though I clearly still had my c-sction big tummy that he knew I was working very hard on getting rid of (for myself). All of the women I had seen him with were like gigantic - tall, sort of curvy giants that I guess looked basically fat to me. Then the OW I was faced with at the bar was petite and stout not very good looking, a face like a guy, but, he said he found her attractive/next moment he said he knew she was not attractive enough for him and his friends said that too. You are all right...they go with whomever is going to put up with their shit and if you wear your hair straight they want it curly if curly doesn't make you look hot they want it sleek, if you have too much makeup on you're not a "natural" girl he wants but if you wear no makeup "You are TOO PALE you need a tanning salon". FUCK THEM ALL.
Apr 2 - 11AM (Reply to #30)
Susan32's picture


The ex-Psych prof would command me to eat when we had lunch together... because I'd be too nervous to eat around him (and he wondered why I was too tense&shaky to do the nasty with him? WTH?) The ex-P, like another N mentioned here, blamed ME for his eating disorder. During my junior year, he had packed on the pounds (I was dating guys and they ran the gamut-from younger ones to ones older than him), and he said "You're making me old." He'd talk about how he wanted to get me drunk... that never happened. The ex-P, unlike my year old nephew, eschewed utensils. He wanted something he could eat with his hands... and most junk food is that way. My nephew is proud he can use a spoon to eat cottage cheese&applesauce-so OBVIOUSLY he's a toddler who's more mentally advanced than a tenured professor! ;) The ex-P was fixated on pregnancy, obsessed with what pregnant women ate... and he'd talk about how he wanted to get me pregnant. Yet he found pregnancy disgusting. He thought it was cool that Leo Tolstoy abused his constantly pregnant wife Sofia by making her go vegetarian like him. She'd need protein, she'd feel weak... and he'd deny her. I can only imagine what the ex-P did to his tomboyish girlfriend when she was bearing twins... but if I think too much it would make me sick :( I didn't gain weight when I was with the ex-P. When I was in the Narc workplace, I DID gain weight from eating junk food... I've since lost it. "Had a body like a boy"-That best describes the girlfriend who moved in with the ex-P. My classmates assumed he was gay, and the rumor was that she was a lesbian. His girlfriend didn't look feminine at all. She looked like some sort of female version of him. "Wanting me to be unattractive"-Leo Tolstoy's wife, Sofia, was considered quite beautiful in her 40s even tho she had borne several children. Of course, he insulted her as ugly, swinish, etc in his "Kreutzer Sonata" (the murdered wife is the literary equivalent to Sofia) In "War and Peace",the spirited Natasha Rostov becomes unattractive after she marries Pierre&bears his children. Tolstoy describes her as her soul no longer being visible, only her face&body being prominent, that she no longer sings. Natasha becomes a fat, rude slob like Pierre, yet Tolstoy holds her up as the Ideal Wife&Mother. The ex-P wanted me to be unattractive. What's ironic is that after I met his live-in girlfriend, I stepped up my game, cleaned up, stopped bawling all over campus... and managed to graduate(!!!) I'm assuming if I met him, he's probably as plump&passive as my nephew, and his father&I can discuss good purees for lil' ones. Apparently my sister's pureed sweet potatoes is a hit.
Apr 2 - 10AM
victimnomore's picture


The n/p Husband (soon to be divorced) I was with always wanted me to dress down, be conservative. But when he met me i was a career woman and always dressed up . Make-up etc. Men always flirted. By the time he got through with me I was not myself at all. (and I still looked younger than him). He hated that people always said how young I looked. they never said that to him. I will be 48 in a few months God-willing and people just don't believe it when i tell them. He told me that I gave him an eating disorder (he's fat and greedy) But I cook all healthy foods and I am not fat. LOL I am just understanding that he is jealous of me and he hate me for keeping myself together. They will b with anyone for their own reasons, What they can get out of someone. And they will leave anyone once they get finished with them. The stbxnh/p had a 26 year old good looking mistress after I put him out and it only lasted 5 months. They are sick and always show who they really are sooner or later. i pray that his next victim get out alive and i really mean it! I pray all of us on this board will find peace and indifference. {{{HUGGS}}}


Apr 2 - 9AM
Arwen's picture

mine was pretty fat

Susan mine had a great bod with a nice big beer belly...wore a beard/goatee to hide the weighty chin and always talked about how fat he was. Asked me before we went out if he looked fat. But women had to be perfect of course...or NOT as the case was one night that I came home to find photos of him and this beautiful blonde girl in "the" bar he went to. I asked him about her and he said "oh, she's too much like a man" - it was clear she lifted weights as do I. First - WTF are you doing with me but taking narc supply boosting photos in a bar with an unknown girl for and posting them on FB, and second WTF with saying she looks like a man? ASSHOLE ASSHOLE ASSHOLE
Apr 2 - 9AM
Susan32's picture

Weight issues

The ex-Psych prof was obsessed with MY weight. When we had lunch together, he'd say "all you do is eat." He'd warn me that I'd get diabetic like his father (his father is diabetic) He was always critiquing my food. He couldn't stand womanly curves. He liked it that I was tomboyish. I felt for his girlfriend when I read that he got her pregnant with twins... because she was more butch than I. For her to go from being slim&androgynous to being quite expectant... well, either she was a Narc like him or she suffered like the rest of us,and even more so. The ex-P was so fixated on women's weight... yet he got fatter over the course of 4 years. By the final D&D, he had more than love handles. He had a belly. It wasn't attractive.
Apr 1 - 9PM
ifinallygotit's picture

Nope not the weight!

When someone loves you, they don't care about a few pounds. I am model slim and considered good looking (was an athlete and was very confident of my body) and he is now with someone stockier than me (but younger). They have no character or loyalty - they can go from one to the next. Pretty, ugly, fat or thin - they do what is most convenient and best for themselves. No concern for the damage left behind. Great that you are losing unwanted pounds but just do it for yourself and know that if he loved you for real, it would not matter. My self esteem is in the toilet too (can't handle the thought of even kissing) but learning about this disorder really helps me believe it was not a total personal rejection of my womanhood...
Apr 1 - 9PM (Reply to #25)
Arwen's picture

Sigh of relief

to hear you say that finallygotit..thank you for sharing your experience with the weight. Thank you!!
Apr 1 - 8PM
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I can't stop blaming myself for his behavior and his D and D. You said you have thirty years experience with narcissists and you have been in therapy most of your life. I am not sure what the therapists have been able to convince you of. The same way you do not doubt 2+2 =4 is the same way you need to wrap your head around the disorder...period. It is not conclusive what casues narcissim, a few theories... 1. A defense mechanism that developed in childhood due to extreme abuse AND IF YOU CAN'T SHAKE YOUR STUFF, YOUR OUT OF YOUR MIND IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HELP HIM WITH HIS... 2. Over doting parents who told these disordered individuals they had extreme rights to anything and everything and therefore, the develop and excessive sense of self, arrogance and lack of empathy YOU WEREN'T THERE SO I CAN'T SEE HOW YOU TIE YOURSELF AS THE CAUSE IN THIS POSSIBLE SCENARIO 3. A brain abnomality either from trauma or again, changes due to trauma or abuse or they were dropped on their heads and sustained an injury. SEE ABOVE and there are a ton of other theories that are believed to contribute to narcissism. Nonetheless, I have yet to find and I do a lot of reserch ANYTHING that says an intimate partner could cause one to become a narcissist. AND I'M SURE YOU COULD ADD TO THIS LIST... I was at the Gap today buying some jeans after dropping six sizes (yeah I was BIG after the birth of my last son) and those threeway mirrors showed that double chin and I thought "OMG - and I was ten pounds HEAVIER when I saw him in the Fall - he must have REALLY thought I was a chub!". PATIENCE GOAL, HE DIDN'T SEE YOU AT ALL...SKINNY, FAT, VICTORIA'S SECRET MODEL...HE DID NOT SEE YOU AT ALL...HE WAS FOCUSED ON HIS REFLECTION...YOU WERE A TOOL - THIS IS BECAUSE HE IS DISORDERED AND CANNOT ATTACH. So the self-blame started and I really, really do believe it. I DON'T KNOW HOW ELSE TO GET THIS OUT OF YOUR MIND...ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT. ARE YOU WILLING TO LET GO OF THE SCRIPT? I believe that he could not get an attractive woman to sleep with him because of his legal issues and so he picked on the fat insecure one, like he'll screw anything kind of feeling, and I was the "anything". And that's why he left - must have found someone thinner. NO, HE JUST FOUND SOMEONE - ANYONE TO TAKE THE BAIT. IT'S GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH LOOKS...THEY CAN SNIFF OUT LOW SELF ESTEEM AND OTHER 'VULNERABILITIES' A MILE A WAY...YOU DO HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM AND YOU ARE VULNERABLE...THAT IS WHAT MADE YOU A TARGET AND A VICTIM. I felt suicidal today could not stop feeling it's all my fault. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU THINK YOU CAUSED THIS DISORDER. He told me I was soooooo beautiful but he must have been lying when I look in the mirror. YOU NEED TO FEEL YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL...THE PROBLEM IS YOU ARE LOOKING OUTSIDE FOR YOUR VALIDATION - THIS IS ONE PLACE YOU NEED TO DO SOME WORK ON...OUR VALIDATION, SELF ESTEEM, SECURITY ALL OF THAT COMES FROM OURSELVES... Hugs
Apr 1 - 9PM (Reply to #21)
Arwen's picture

Oy Michele...I need you! I

Oy Michele...I need you! I know you're right. I saw the ugly woman who came in the bar that night to find him...the one he ran after, the OW. Actually now thinking about what you said, I can come up with a million things "I did wrong". The truth is I couldn't stand to be around him when he opened his mouth and I think I really feel guilty for leaving him behind. And then I have to look at the shambles my own marriage and career is in. I am hanging on to his memory so I can look away from what has happened to me for the last twenty five years. He can't save me from one can. I just have to keep on truckin and find my own answers and live for my beautiful boys. Oy Michele can you be my surrogate Mom please :-)
Apr 1 - 9PM (Reply to #22)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I would be honored...

But that would mean that when I'm old and senile you'd have to take me in and change my sure you want've been cleaning up enough...LOL are still young, there is still time to clean up this mess...I'm guessing we're about the same age...I'm 43 you don't have to disclose your age...thing is that you do have the power to overcome this but it's gonna be one hell of a journey. I can't believe how far I've come on this board and I had 43 years of some messed up stuff myself...and it has become clear. Your biggest weapon is you are aware of why you are going through what you are going through. I only recently made the connection that some of my childhood stuff was abuse!!! I too have gone though messed up relationship after messed up relationship and I had ten years alone. That helped a lot but it was a shock at 43 to say..."Uh..yea, that was "abuse" by today's standards".... And you know that I am aware, I feel more in control. You have this board, and you have a therapist that you feel comfortable with...and the insight you get about this disorder will actually help you more with your therapist because now you can actually kick it aware and get more out of it. I trust your therapist is good if you say so, but they are human too and don't always go all out on the research. Their training gives them a thumbnail sketch, they have a couple of chapters on a few things and the rest for them is life experience and so on, so as much as you learn from her, she can learn from you too... I do believe you have tremendous insight - you do but the thing is owning it...and that will take time....Rome was not built in a day...but it will click I promise's hard to let go of the past... Hugs!
Apr 1 - 9PM (Reply to #23)
Arwen's picture


G-d willing I will be 45 in two months. It hurts me deeply to see everything I've lost and that has been taken away from me. The narc cannot do any of the work I need to do. When I let go of that I can move on easier it seems. Hugs.
Apr 1 - 8PM
Hope's picture

Hang in there...

Dear patiencegoal: Hang in there. I too thought the same thing when this first happened, I let myself go, didn't dress up enough, of course this is all because they say those things to us, "oh you look great without makeup"...etc. we believe it so we let our walls come down. I for one got a little lazy, but as a lesson learned I won't get so routine the next time around, but a functional guy loves you no matter what you look like, tired, etc. Trust me in a few years you will be laughing about this and saying I can't believe I cared about him or cared about what he thought. Like these ladies say on the page it doesn't matter, even a cover model would get the D&D. You need to stay strong for your child, you need to think about all the people who love you, suicide is the coward's way out, and your not a coward, he is, your a fighter, and you will show him, confidence is the best revenge!! Now keep kicking butt!!!
Apr 1 - 9PM (Reply to #14)
ifinallygotit's picture

appearance - Hope

Mine always said he liked how natural I was but I never quite trusted it (because I knew he had a flashy lifestyle in his younger years) so i always tried to look very nice for him, though casual (because our dates were infrequent - we spent most our time at his house since he was always broke). I HATE high heels and i even bought shoes just for tim. One time I almost fell over in them trying to be cute with my old self for him. I am very athletic and natural - his girlfriend now is the opposite of me - everything fake, tons of make up and plastic surgery and boobs popped out, garish dyed hair!!! I had no idea he would find this stereotype attractive! No one else I know would ever want to be seen with someone who looks like that! So our values were vastly apart and I never even knew it! I saw pics of his other old GF's and they all looked more like me! Dark and natural with s little make up. So I will not change my appearance for the next man - I think I look just fine and that his new taste in women is disgusting and almost funny! Kind of cracks me up that he thinks cheap will improve his image as a stud. The part that hurts is that he is a stud - very sexy and he was my boyfriend who I loved..
Apr 1 - 10PM (Reply to #19)
Arwen's picture

Hope one more thought...

...they also HATE women who have plastic surgery or other work done on them...they will talk about her endlessly and disparage her because that is how they feel about their OWN high maintenance. They despise themselves and just project it on to all women. In my case with my narc, I felt that he actually wanted to BE this woman with the plastic surgery...he was competitive with her!!
Apr 1 - 10PM (Reply to #18)
Arwen's picture

and by the way regarding flashy women and my narc

...the mindfuck with all of this was that my narc from the second he contacted me, by default, compared me to every other woman in his world, in videos he displayed on FB, by sharing memories with me of all his exes, etc. SO, by the time it got to seeing him in person I was SO worried about looking attractive for him that I in fact did not dress like myself or comfortably. Which he then gave me a hard time for!!! FUCK! These men are such freaking bastards. So at this bar there was a woman who was incredibly beautiful but had very clear fake boobs, a sprayed-on tan at all times, nosejob, everything had been worked on on her face and body. He could not get over her and was always looking for her attention. So again I really believe they want the "front" of a "beautiful" woman to boost their tremendous insecurity, and at the same time they don't want the high maintenance a woman like that comes along with. Only THEY can be high-maintenance. And what is more striking is that the more beautiful is or the more she stands out whether it's tacky or not, he cannot stand being the center of attention. That's why they will never stay with any confident woman.
Apr 1 - 10PM (Reply to #15)
Arwen's picture

hurts me too like freaking hell

Oh gosh...that was such an honest thing you just ended with..."the part that hurts it that he is a stud-very sexy and he was my boyfriend who I loved". I am crying so hard now reading your brutal sincere words. Mine is also incredibly sexy and I loved him, I still do. I also dressed up for him which he liked and eventually also told me I was over-dressing and that he liked to be comfortable. So he put on THE TACKIEST MATCHING grey sweatpants outfit with a round neck and smoked another pack of cigarettes in his bed which we by the way did not leave either cause he never took me to dinner once. So, I was also trying to please him and trying to look as appealing as I could. Turned out he wanted someone in much more relaxed attire. I should have just been hard to do when you've just had a baby! But yes I cannot stand the thought of someone else kissing him, being in his big arms. UCH
Apr 1 - 10PM (Reply to #16)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


BTW: Aye Dios Mio = *Oh My God* They do not have a "type" they find attractive. Their TYPE is TARGET...easy to remember BOTH WORDS START WITH "T" Their goal is destruction!!!! If you're heavy you need to lose weight If you're skinny, you need more meat on your bones... If you are the stiletto queen, You need to wear sneakers If you like bozo the clown makeup YOu need to be more natural If you are blonde You should be a brunette And, if you have hair!? YOU SHOULD BE BALD! If your eyes are brown They should be blue Unless they're blue then they should be green And if they're hazel, he's insecure because your eyes change colors! Yea..I know, makes no sense that's why I put that one there... If you are a go getter You need to be subserveient If you are subservient You need to be more aggressive THESE MOTHERFUCKERS ARE CHAMELIONS THEY DON'T HAVE A TYPE...HOW CAN THEY HAVE A TYPE WHEN THEY DON'T KNOW THEMSELVES!!!! THEY OPERATE ON A FALSE PERSONA!!!! PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE OWN THIS... I had a math teacher in high school - I had one hell of a math block. Her philosophy was repition is the mother of all learning...I had to write one formula 500 times after failing a test... Do we need to start assigning homework here????? THEY ARE DISORDERED!!!! THEIR WEAPON IS TO BUILD YOU UP TO SHAKE YOU DOWN ALL HE "LOVES" IN THE BEGINNING IS WHAT HE WILL USE TO KILL YOU MENTALLY WITH...
Apr 1 - 10PM (Reply to #17)
Arwen's picture

I need you! Come over!

I need you! Come over! :-) Going to repeat repeat repeat I should know that I'm a freaking prof singer! Repeat: NO TYPE NO TYPE NO TYPE DESTRUCTION DESTRUCTION
Apr 1 - 8PM (Reply to #13)
Arwen's picture

thank you Hope. The suicidal

thank you Hope. The suicidal feeling..more about realizing where I am in my life right now and how many years I wasted in my marriage, fighting narcs in my workplace and lost my career and youth to all of them. So angry it's unbearable.
Apr 1 - 7PM
Hunter's picture


What exactly did you do today besides star at the walls? YOu need to understand he has no feelings, You could have three green heads, all he cares about is himself, Brainwashing you is his game, his fuel, & His a f'n cheater,liar and user. Go and take care of yourself. Get angry. Idealk
Apr 1 - 8PM (Reply to #6)
Arwen's picture

I think I am beautiful

Most of the time...even when I was ten pounds heavier with him. But, I was also so excited sixteen months after giving birth in a dead marriage that I feel like I thought more highly of myself than I should have??? I know this all sounds ridiculous because he kept telling me how beautiful I was so I technically shouldn't be feeling this way, but now that I know everything he said was a lie, the logic is, why should I believe that he thought I was attractive as well?
Apr 1 - 8PM (Reply to #7)
Hunter's picture

Do you have a therapist? You

Do you have a therapist? You need anti depressants. Also get working on losing the weight. It will allow you to focus on something other than the narc. My Narc told me he loved me 5 times a day, I believed him. I wish it was true. Im still very sad. It is what it is. All I can do is take care of me and find things that make me happy. I cant control a nut case but I can control my own actions. Get it?