new man paints his toenails ?

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Mar 26 - 9AM
agnesmurphy17's picture

How do you know this?

How can you know he paints his toenails? Did he tell you?Was he wearing sandels? I am here in the good ol' USofA. Only two times have I seen a man with his nails done. Once a man with a French pedicure--he was a gay, NYC ballet dancer. The other at a huge party, his wife was there, but they were totally into S/M & bondage stuff. He had had his nails done that day, painted some weird blue color. (Don't ask how I ended up at this place--a friend brought me, sorta a Gatsby, one time per month affair. & they were very rich. Beautiful house.) I had a boyfriend once who was from Lebanon & a professional hairdresser. Very straight. But, one time per month he went to have his toe nails & finger nails clipped & buffed, & the cuticles cut, and the callouses removed. That I can understand. But no color or French pedicure.
Mar 26 - 5PM (Reply to #5)
TLSM's picture


Off subject... I am the most open, non-judgemental person I know... But gay or not, a guy with a french pedicure on his toe nails is sooo disturbingly hilarious!!! Isn't he afraid of ruining them when dancing on his toes?!?! Seriously, have you seen ballet dancers toes/feet? WTF?!?! What a hoot! Ok. Back to subject.
Mar 26 - 7AM
Susan32's picture

Chest shaving

I'm pretty sure the ex-Psych professor shaved his chest, because it had an amazingly small amount of hair (the one time I saw it)... and he was always scratching it despite the fact there's something called aftershave/moisturizer. If he had moisturized, he wouldn't have been itching his chest ALL THE TIME. Actors&models tend to shave their chests, not professors...LOL...
Mar 26 - 6AM
Alisa's picture

What color does he paint

What color does he paint them?
Mar 26 - 6AM
onwithmylife's picture

Hi Scoop

You can always go out with him and just be friends, if that is possible! I can speak only fro myself, I find it creepy and if you raise doubts about that, they will not go away, we all have our lines in the sand, you know what I mean! good luck and keep us posted.