I have heard it said on here many many times that SEX with the PD was the best SEX ever. I have often asked myself, what does this mean? The most erotic, the most rageful, the most varied positions, the most frequency, the most intensity, what? What is so GREAT about it.
SEX with a PD is NOT LOVE, that is for sure. They do not love, they take hostages, victims, they aim for control. How can this be so great?
They often lie, cheat, steal, degrade, belittle, insult, use, control, manipulate. So what is so great about being in bed with someone who treats you like garbage?
Do we think so little of ourselves and has our society so lowered the bar on what intimacy, love, and caring are that we mistake erotic using as LOVE?
How is it that one man can be gentle, loving, caring, and yes perhaps boring and he is the shitty lover and another can be forceful, crude, even hurtful and because it feels more powerful, this is LOVE? How and when did everything get turned backwards? Is it our society? The media? Is it our sense of self where we need continuous highs and drama in order to feel the LOVE?
I have heard countless times that the sex with the old BF or husband was either non existance or boring, so does this justify selling your soul to the devil for a few moments of erotic nasty "pleasure?"
Can it truly be LOVE when he is also screwing OW? When he D&D's you somewhere down the road? How does sex translate into love when the rest of the relationship is all about lie's and how can it be so darn good when you are sharing yourself with someone whom you cannot trust? Where exactly is the LOVE in all of this?
Just some more food for thought. Would love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this subject.
God bless,
Ugh...not even good sex
amazing mind blowing
I THOUGHT the sex was amazing....
Too good to be true...
Too good to be true...
The sex was a mirage, too
Portia, "The Sex was a Mirage Too." Goldie's Blog
Thank God for this post and all comments...
My covert narcissist husband.
Birdgirl are you sure you are not talking about my X?
Never great
I had such an epiphany the
Sex and violent affection from a Narcissistic Caveman
Yes, Goldie. Great post!
Sex with the PD
OMGosh, Goldie, I think you
The sex started out pretty
I have found I also had to
I'll second that!! Hunter
Love is consensus ad idem..unlike sex with a narc
Not worth a one night stand
me too
I got ripped off
The EXN and I had great sex