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#1 Nov 26 - 3PM
Getting healthy
Getting healthy's picture


Last year on Thanksgiving Day, I had gone months trying to make sense of who I am and what I discovered about myelf during and after the N. Here below is what I documented about what I learned and what I reflect back on when I have those confusing and doubtful moments.

As the year winds down, this year was probably more trying than the last. But , nevertheless, it was DEFINITELY a LOT of lessons learned:
 If someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM the FIRST TIME.
 NO ONE can take away your worth or who you are, unless you allow them to.
 You are validated, and you don’t need anyone to validate you.
 The way someone treats you matters much, much more than the exciting feelings you initially have for them.
 Your gut instinct is there for a reason. Use it – it will help protect you.
 Walking away from someone/something hurtful is always the best decision, no matter how much it hurts after or how doubtful it initially seems. In the bigger picture, you just gave yourself the gift of becoming stronger.
 When something bad happens to you, DON’T LET THAT BECOME YOUR STORY. It happened to you, it does not become you.
 You can go out and get anything you want. You have to believe that you deserve it (see “validation point”)
 If someone doesn’t get how they’ve made a mistake and wronged you, then the BEST bet is to walk away and leave them behind. Otherwise, they will only drag you down and hold you back from your greatness.
 Words don’t count as much as the actions that match them.
 Outward appearances are deceiving. Anyone can be dolled up, rocking a short skirt and heels. What really makes you is if you are confident to forgo that and concentrate on the core of yourself, what’s MOST IMPORTANT.
 Someone who is strong, honest, loving, open, listens wholeheartedly, embraces you for who you are, doesn’t keep you or holds you back, is someone worth fighting for.

Nov 30 - 12PM
Better Now
Better Now's picture

Great Post

Nov 29 - 2PM
HappyToForget's picture

Death by cuts

Nov 28 - 11AM
Abigail's picture

"Getting Health," thank you...

Nov 26 - 4PM
Tigiangel's picture


Nov 26 - 3PM
outoftheashes's picture

Absolutely love this!