Samira's Story

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#1 Oct 5 - 3PM
Samira's picture

Samira's Story


I was in a relationship for 3 years with this guy. I loved him more than life itself. When we would go out he would get extremely drunk. I have seen him hit on a girl in front of me. We have been on and off, I'll find the strength to walk away but not stay away. He knows what to say and how to push my buttons and how to hook me back. I broke up with him when he got drunk in front of my sisters and embarrassed me this was a week before our 2 year anniversary. I found out he spent out two year anniversary with his ex girlfriend many months later. We started couples therapy. I tried really hard to make it work. Everything was a joke to him, he never took me serious and he never gave me the simple things I asked for like being honest and real. Last month we were supposed to go to his family bbq. I'm very close to his family. I come from an abusive family background and his parents are what I would describe fairytale parents to be. They loved me and I loved them so much its part of the reason I couldn't cut him off. So we had made a deal that he could burn when he was with his boys since he was having a hard time quitting. I told him clearly I didn't like how he was and I didn't want him to do it on our time. So he comes to pick me up for this bbq and he's at my house high as ever. This was the second time this week he came to my house high. The first time I kicked him out...this time I just lost it. I told him it was done. At the time I don't know if I meant it. But after really digesting all that has happened how much he has hurt me and how little I ask of him that he can't do to make me happy. I decided to stay away. We had one coffee where he first asked me to take him back then told me if I walk out he's going to move on and find someone better. I sucked up all that I had picked up my broken pieces and walked out. I haven't seen him since then. I ignore all of his calls, texts and emails. This last Tuesday would have been 3 years exactly. I made sure to throw out his toothbrush that way. I feel numb and sad inside. I miss him a lot..the company the good times...but I've accepted he’s never going to change so I had to.

Oct 6 - 5AM
spinning's picture

Sam I am ... :)


Oct 5 - 4PM
tryingtorecover's picture
