Lynn's Story

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#1 Feb 14 - 11AM
beautifulmess's picture

Lynn's Story

I am new here and figured Valentine's Day would be a good time to share my story as well as starting my first day of NC.

When my husband came into my life I was a strong working independant single mother of a child with ADHD. We met through a friend and even though my instincts told me to run, I ignored them and all the red flags. He lied from the beginning, said he was a professor at a local college ( I knew he was lying, but felt sorry for him ), said his father recently died ( also knew it was a lie )promised to love me and my daughter forever and to never leave us, was so charming and romantic. I still had reservations about giving him my heart completely and he knew this and finally I came to a point where I gave in and loved this man with everything in me. That of course is when everything changed. I suspected opiate abuse but couldn't prove it. I finally got enough courage to ask his Mom and she lied to me and told me he has never had a problem that she knew of. I recently found out that not only did he have a problem but she had even taken him to the hospital for an overdose. For the next three years he lied, drank, abused narcotics and I still stayed, then even married him. He has never missed an opportunity to belittle me, call me names, blame me for every single fight. He never apologizes and I now feel as though our whole five years together was a lie. He was never really married to me because his real wife was his mother. She has a private bank account she keeps hidden from his father just to support him if he needs it. His father hates him and won't speak to him. He always told me how is ex wife was crazy and drained their bank account and always spent their money, told me that the anger/abuse he expressed towards me he never expressed towards anyone else so it must be MY fault that he is so angry. I recently found paperwork that shows he is the one that drained their bank account, spent all their money and was abusive to her as well, she had a restraining order on him. She left him stating he is a pathological liar. He hasn't seen his daughter in 10 years. Three weeks ago we got into a huge fight and after he punched some holes in the walls, I threw him out. I thought he would leave and cool down and then come home but he went to stay at his sister's and proceeded to find his NS there.. he told lie after lie about me, he would call me from his sister's cell phone and when I called him back would yell at me, basically having a one sided conversation for his sister's benefit "why are you calling me ?! You can't call this phone!! what do you want?? I told you I am busy, I don't have time for this !!" etc. or even worse at times saying "I told you .. you are not to come by my sister's house!!!" making whoever was listening think I am stalking him, or threatening to go to his sister's. I asked him if he wants a divorce and he responded with " I will wait on YOUR progress to see!"

I am now an unemployed, depressed, anxiety ridden mess that can barely get out of bed long enough to write this. I have gained 30 lbs since I have been with him, a fact he never fails to insult me about. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and I am her caretaker when I can't even take care of myself. I feel that this man came and sucked the life out of me like a fricken vampire and left nothing but a crumbling mess behing.

Feb 14 - 10PM
Sparrow's picture

He did suck the life out of

He did suck the life out of you, and left you for dead. But you didn't die. That's the beauty of it! You will heal from this experience and move on from him. He won't. He is his own worst enemy. Thank God you have an opportunity to free yourself of him. Focus on you, your mental, physical, and emotional health right now. Not only for you, but also for your Mother. You have a long road ahead of you, not only with your own recovery, but your Mothers as well. You will find the strength, you must believe that. For now on, don't return his calls to his sister's house. Don't subject yourself to his adolescent behavior. Believe me, his sister and Mother didn't just meet him, they have known him his whole life. They know what he is up to and what he is capable of. He is a loser in so many ways, and I am sure they dread the fact that he is staying with them. He is worse than anything I ever scraped off the bottom of my shoe. You know that also. Want more for yourself, you don't have to settle. Especially not for the likes of this moron. You can measure a man by how he treats his Mother and his children. From where I am sitting he is only a man by title. Stay strong and get healthy. The rest will fall into place. It has to. :)
Feb 14 - 12PM
Hunter's picture

Welcome to Narcville, You

Welcome to Narcville, You asked him if he wants a divorce? What do you want.. Goldie offers great one on one secessions.. Lisa's books are a must as well.. There are tools to get thru this but even tools require an operator.. Hunter
Feb 14 - 1PM (Reply to #2)
beautifulmess's picture

Hi, I guess after five years

Hi, I guess after five years of this crap, I should want a divorce. But it's only been three weeks and I can't seem to bring myself to go file. I tell myself I will go Friday, I am hoping I can bring myself to do it.
Feb 14 - 1PM (Reply to #3)
HadEnough80's picture

I feel your pain

I feel your pain, I was with my N for 5 years as well, it took me 4 months of separation to make the decision! And still I was hesitant, I can relate to how they make you believe that your whole world will collapse without them. Stay strong and you will get through it.
Feb 14 - 2PM (Reply to #4)
beautifulmess's picture

This is the longest I have

This is the longest I have gone without seeing him in five years. He had me convinced that I needed him. That no one else would ever want me. He was always pointing out my faults, and never failing to point out the things he did for me and my daughter. His charm is about as convincing as Eddie Haskell ( for those of you who know who that