Bada Bing's Story

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#1 May 27 - 6PM
BadaBing's picture

Bada Bing's Story

My story so far

I met him through my job. I work in the medical tech field in cardiology and he was a out side rep. I would see him often over about a year and we would chat briefly and he had a great smile and I talked to him easily. I thought he was a nice guy and never did mind to take time to say hi.

Eventually he asked me out and took me on some fantastic and elaborate dates. Very creative but not over the top expensive, I did not feel like he was using money to try to impress me. He did impress me and we had easy chemistry and kissed all the time. The bedroom was magic and sex was great. He told me quickly that he wanted to be exclusive and just date each other.

We had fun together on the weekends and started staying at my place more and more and he said when his lease was up he wanted us to move in together. I am I was falling for him and it was easy to say yes. He would tell me how much he loved about me and how my features drove him crazy and he liked to picked out my outfits more often. He would kind of dress me and be very critical of my clothes. Even running errands, at time would tell me to change my shirt. Sex started to change and at times he pressured for different things more and I would try to be open minded. Some times he would like to play bedroom games and I never felt threatened by him but he would mimick by putting his hand on my throat and kissing me very hard. I had never thought of it until recently that maybe I didn’t realize some things he was into.

He got along with my friends just fine and he spoke highly of me to his family and we spent time with both families over the holidays. We had normal fights. He traveled at times due to his work. So there were 2 week periods that he was gone and we would still talk and keep up with each other. At times he would snap at me for making a point or proving my point and act like I needed to be reminded to be respectful.

On time we had a huge fight about a year ago I caught him in a lie over a web cam. During his travels we never used a web cam. I found a web cam box in the trash and asked him one night if he got one and he said no. I didn’t tell him about the box. But I found the webcam in his brief case about 2 months later after he had been out of town.

We were just planning the upcoming 4th of July weekend, so funny the plans we make!

I came home from work around 2pm on a Tuesday and his car was pulled up in front near the mail box. Which I thought was weird because he always parks in the drive unless he’s in a hurry. I pulled in the drive way and walked in expecting he had to stop home for something and open the door which was unlocked, and there he is, with a dark hair girl in the middle of our sofa her top down around her waist, her skirt up over her hips and him in between her thighs.

I think I was so traumatized by this sight that I couldn’t deal with it and exploding on the furniture felt like a distraction to avoid looking at them gathering themselves and shuffling around like stupid rapid pigeons! I threw the lamp and knocked the entire book shelf over and that was just massive. Pictures off the walls, all of coins in his glass change jar broke all over the floor and a shoe to the TV.

I wanted to vomit and scream and cry and die all in the same moment. I went into the bedroom to avoid her hoping she was leaving quickly and began to pack a bag by instinct. I was out of my mind in utter disgust and horror and the heart breaking reality that he was cheating. He said things and I didn’t listen and I began to cry so hard I couldn’t get my breath. I couldn’t even speak to get the words out to express myself for the deep sadness I was feeling. He drove off with her in his car, I guess they arrived together!!!!

I drove to my sisters house and she did everything she could to make me feel better. She put me put in her guest room and wrapped me up in a blanket and told me to stay as long as I needed and to give myself time. And I took that time and cried a lot and figured I have to end it with him. I can’t get past this.

He has tried every thing you can think of to woo me, flowers, cards, chocolate and then more flowers, more emails of his'heart'. If he had a mind eraser I would take him up on it!

Now I am finding out about narcissism and he is meeting so many of the qualities. My heart has been breaking for a long time trying to accept what’s to come and let go of him. He say that I stay away from him because our love is so strong and I can’t deny him. He says my weakness to him means that our love is real. He says this stuff to warp my mind and give into him. He twists is all around so I try to avoid him. I have done a great job of it and now I just need to find a new place to live, and move all my things and get out.

Still crying along the way ;(

May 28 - 10PM
wacaet's picture

that is the saddest thing

that is the saddest thing ever I was shocked & horrified when I discovered mine was cheating and lying, etc by getting into his email, I can't imagine the horror of what you saw (and I was only with mine for 3 months!) You are strong and brave, your N is seriously hoovering and you are doing wonderfully
May 28 - 3PM
beamoflight's picture

((hugs)) I am so sorry. What

((hugs)) I am so sorry. What a horrible story. I think that everytime I read it.
May 28 - 1AM
ifinallygotit's picture

so sorry

If its any comfort, my EX N did not love me enough to live with me or EVER give me a key to his house after going together for 10 plus years. He had a key to my house and car....He had lots of "secrets" at his house...although he did encourage me to leave my things there and I had a drawer in the bathroom - generous huh. The only good thing about his refusal to let me in his life is that I was spared a scene like you witnessed, which is traumatizing, but you must believe in time you will forget it, because you are better than this and will have a good life...this will just be a bad distant memory. I am traumatized just by seeing a pic of him with his new GF on FB after he left me, so I do understand how much worse it would be live...
May 27 - 7PM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

He doesn't seem to have your

He doesn't seem to have your best interests at heart. In fact he only seems to be interested in himself and getting what he wants, which is not in your best interest. He says you stay away because you love him so much? does that mean if you loved him less you would come back? This twisted crap sounds pathological to me. So glad to hear you have only been with him a relatively short time, so much the better for you, no kids, shared mortgages, investments etc. Not to mention a messy divorce. Ask yourself if you would ever trust him again. An honest answer tells you everything you need to know about which direction to go with your life. Chris
May 27 - 7PM (Reply to #2)
Redhead1's picture

Your story broke my heart. I

Your story broke my heart. I was with the narc for 20+ years and knew something was missing with him. I said after the final D&D that I am glad I wasnt "in love" with him because the final D&D would have been much worse. I am sorry you had to find out like you did. BUT, you sound like a really strong and smart woman. You sound as if you know who you are and what you want. Two months out and I was still thinking I was the crazy one. Keep up with NC. It hurts now, but time will help. XOXO