More confirmation that if you want to get over this look within

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#1 Apr 3 - 5PM
gettinbetter's picture

More confirmation that if you want to get over this look within

So I call the counseling agency for my interview that they need to find a counselor for me. The lady on the phone is a trained counselor mind you this is a 10 minute conversation. She asks me for a brief description of why I need counseling. I tell her. Her response was "Sounds like you are dealing with someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and that you may be suffering from some codepenedency issues though there no way of knowing that for sure in the counselor can get more in depth. On the surface that is what is sounds like. It doesnt really matter what he has though. The important thing is that you get to the bottom of why this man continues to pop up in your life and you allow him in. You have to protect yourself from that. Sounds like you may have some issues that need dealing with" I said yes I know thats why Im calling. she said "your half way there then. Go home do something nice for yourself. Love on your family and someone will call you in a day or two."

So then it was off to the bookstore where I went thru some books on PDI. Every single one of them said if you continually go back to one of these relationships or you werent out the door when the first sign of abuse started then you more than like have some issues that need dealing with. All three books said until you own your role in the dynamic you will never heal from it. As much as I hate to admit it BINGO

So all Im sayin here ladies is dont sit here months and months and stick your head in the sand like I did. Hell I didnt even know I was sticking my head in the sand until someone said something on here that put into such a rage I set out to prove them wrong but what happened it I proved them right.

Ladies if you want out of the madness start looking within that is where the answer lies.

Apr 4 - 1AM
ImStrong's picture

I love your spirit and even

I love your spirit and even love your journey your on right now ..which is not blaming yourself but helping have identified...researched and now your taking counsling ...which is an inspiration to me and everyone else who has been taken advantage by a co dependency may represent me. But it does not make me.. And im working on the representing are a inspiration..i appreciate this post

"In the fiery pit lays a man with two faces.One is the face of a God and the other a face of the Devil.Beware He lurks your souls.Keep one hand on your heart and the other hand over your eyes. Let him walk pass you not into you.Ghost of love will possess

Apr 4 - 1AM
Goldie's picture

Great news, SOI

You sound fantastic, and thank you so much for sharing all of this, it gives us all so much hope. I have seen a shift on this board over the months for the better. There is so much more recovery on here now, and I love it!!! This is all about us and what we are going to do about it, fuck them, they are not the point!!! We are, and everything you are saying is right on!!! Can't wait to hear how the first session goes. God bless, Goldie
Apr 3 - 8PM
Susan32's picture

Counselor said similar thing...

The on-campus counselor happened to be a professor and therefore one of the ex-Psych prof's colleagues. She validated my feelings of betrayal... but she also said, "Why are you letting his judgments on you determine your self-worth?" Why had I given so much power to his harsh judgments? During the final D&D (senior year)... well, it wasn't that different from when I went to her my freshman year... because of him. I think she had dealt with abusive situations, because what she said to me was what I've seen A LOT here. What she said enabled me to go MC to NC... and to simply leave. She thought he was a profoundly sick man... and she worked with him on a daily basis. She helped me focus on MY situation, whether I wanted to stay in it or move on. After awhile, I stopped fantasizing about him as a potential boyfriend/husband. No wonder I saw the ex-P's girlfriend as a savior.
Apr 3 - 8PM
gettinbetter's picture

I think I may have been

I think I may have been judged a bit for using that terrible word codependency but to me I equate that word now with freedom. I know what I have and it can be treated. I am no longer just sitting around going over and over thee mean things he did to me with end in sight to my pain. I am taking control of my situation and that what brought about the bomb he dropped on me. He said oh hell no you will not begin to accept and get over this I'm gonna drop a bomb on you to send you over the edge with obsession. You don't break a 5 month silent treatment and suddenly respond to a text that said I understand what will be will be and then respond with I'm getting married to a nice lady in th fall goodluck and take care of your family. If you are a narc or a psychopath that's not how u discard nope that's how weaken and assert dominance. A discard from a narc or psycho is blocking your number or just a foul txt tht says get lost you blankety blank. They don't wrap it up all nice and pretty. Nope that little text was about destabilizing me to make sure he stays in my brain. Now the issue that needs addressing is why do I care?
Apr 3 - 8PM
Jewwell's picture

Thank you - I'm calling my therapist this week!

Thank you - I'm calling my therapist this week! I have been disconnected, too. Why do I allow this N to invade my brain so that I have to FORCE thoughts of him out of brain so I can Fully enjoy my wonderful kids? I feel like I have a switch inside my heart and I am just about DONE with his nonsense. Totally blowing off our dinner plans showed me that his 3.5 hours of "talk" is nothing but TALK...I need to look at his actions. I am embarrassed to write out some of the things he has done to me. I am a college-educated woman, 51 yrs old, live in a beautiful suburb in California, have 3 GREAT kids and what is on my mind --- the N!!!!! Whatever happens to my marriage after all of this is another issue. But I have to get to the bottom of why I have allowed the N to abuse me for so long. I read somewhere; "Every abuser needs someone to abuse."
Apr 4 - 1AM (Reply to #10)
Arwen's picture


I am also a college-educated prof musician (two degrees and years of singing under my belt), with two beautiful kids in a great suburb of NYC and I don't know where my marriage is going either but JESUS I definitely don't need NARC crap!! Your post just inspired me to keep letting go of my thoughts of my narc who, in reality, is someone I left behind, not the other way around, and survivor's guilt is sometimes part of this whole leaving the narc deal, believe it or not. His life is in deep shit financially, emotionally, many things he is in trouble with, and I am not in his kind of trouble and he hates that I"m sure. He always wanted to bring me down with him when I was with him. Of course his drama took me away from the grueling pain of what I may need to do in my marriage - leave with two small sons? Talk about grief!
Apr 3 - 8PM (Reply to #8)
gettinbetter's picture

Correct! And that is

Correct! And that is basically what that counselor said in so many words after only 10 minutes. I mean ladies its like this: we all need our time to be victims but after months and months of gut wrenching pain you have got to take control. People who are emotionally healthy don't stay with these freaks let alone crave or go back to them
Apr 4 - 12AM (Reply to #9)
ifinallygotit's picture

tell it like it is - sick of it

yes, that is the truth! if we were well we would not obsess or want them back. when i was healthier 6 or 7 years ago, i used to get the hell away from his bad behavior. i am so much more worn down though now and older - less confident. But, I am a fighter and determined to not let this wreck the rest of my life!
Apr 3 - 8PM
ABC0311's picture

I think you made a real breakthrough!!!

I think you made a real breakthrough!!! I think lots of people let themselves just stay in all of the chaos. I don't know if it is comfortable or they are scared. Whatever the reason, the only way to be free is to take back your own life and not let them own it. Since I accepted that it is MY life and not his and I will not let him make me feel bad/crazy/sad, I've been in such a better place. You have to detach from the situation and STAY OUT, STAY OUT, STAY OUT of the chaos. Too many women on here are just staying too involved in the craziness and they will not be free until they do. Good for you!!
Apr 3 - 7PM
TLSM's picture


That's what I was saying last week. I was asking myself, "Why did I stay so in it so long? And why did I continually go back?" That is the most important question for me. For me I believe co-dependency, deep sexual attraction (why am I turned on by this guy???)trauma bonds and the fact that I am SO afraid to be alone plays a huge part of why I stay/go back.
Apr 4 - 12AM (Reply to #5)
ifinallygotit's picture

TLSM - me too

Same reasons for staying
Apr 3 - 5PM
Redhead1's picture

Good for you. I totally

Good for you. I totally agree. Things got better when I tried to fix me. We will get to where we need to be. xoxo
Apr 3 - 6PM (Reply to #2)
gettinbetter's picture

When I first came

When I first came here: Family Issues: Nope I came from the Cleavers Self Esteem Issues : Nope. I think Im pretty Damn Hot Need to Control: Nope I am always nice to everyone. In fact I do more than is asked of me at work. I always try to keep everyone happy. Does that sound like a controlling person? You see I have been so disconnected from myself that I havent realized that there is two Me's. There is false me who is over confident and somewhat cocky the life of the party. Charming and entertaining and then there is true self: who is a little timid worries about what others think doesnt really like criticism of any kind always self conscious of the way I look. If you asked anyone if they thought I the characteristics of my true self they would say NO WAY! You see I never let anyone see that
Apr 4 - 1AM (Reply to #3)
ImStrong's picture

Wow...that realy..realy

Wow...that realy..realy sounds like me

"In the fiery pit lays a man with two faces.One is the face of a God and the other a face of the Devil.Beware He lurks your souls.Keep one hand on your heart and the other hand over your eyes. Let him walk pass you not into you.Ghost of love will possess