hope4me's story

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#1 Apr 23 - 2PM
hope4me's picture

hope4me's story

My story is like all the others and I am still after 4 years wondering how and why I let this happen. I knew my ex in high school, I am now 39. He had a girlfriend who he did everything for, she was in control, had him where she wanted him. Several years later in their early 20's she left, had met someone else. My sister was dating his brother and he started really hanging out in our crowd. About 7 or 8 months went by and we began dating, I was 24 he was 22, it was 1994. He was polite, shy, not very confident in himself, I was the one who took the lead. We did a lot together, played golf, hung out at the lake, co-ed softball, and went out to clubs. We were young and free. There were times, though, when I was working and he would go out with his friends and lie to me later when I would find out (red flag). And 1 1/2 year into our relationship out of the blue he tells me he doesn't want a girlfriend anymore and breaks it off. Less than a week later he is with his cousins girlfriends friend taking her to his mothers house around his family. My sister is still dating his brother and sees this and all are shocked. He flaunts the new gf in front of me and I am devastated (red flag). For 4 months I was depressed, lost weight and was sick. I finally got my bearings, began to live again and started talking to my old high school boyfriend who was a great guy. Lo and behold the ex comes back wanting to get back together, says he made a mistake. Months went by but he slowly regained my trust. He wrote me a letter saying he loved me and wanted to marry me and he would never lie to me again. In 1997 we moved in together and did quite well, I made good money as a nurse, he made peanuts working in his dads garage, but we were happy. He was always home at night, we actually talked then. In 1998 we got married and decided 3 months later to start our family after a long discussion on how our lives would change. He assured me he understood and was ready.....

1999 November 1st daughter born, during pregnancy he began a hobby I never knew his family was heavily involved in when he was young...race car driving. I despise it and it scares me, I refused to be a part of it. He assured me he was only going to race one Saturday a month the rest is family time. 3 days after our daughter was born he was racing, I needed him to help me, he refused to stay home, tried to take the baby to his moms "if I needed a break so bad" I needed him to help me but it didn't happen. 2 months later same thing, got home at 4 am, no phone call, argument insued he throws me down tells me to get out of his house. Uh, OUR house, we're married. At this point I thought about divorce but didn't want my daughter to be a child of divorce and soon after things seemed better. But, he always had his hobbies, dart team, pool league, bowling league, softball league, all of which I allowed while I watched our daughter. Big mistake!!

2002 our second daughter comes along, she was planned also. By now he has his own company and is doing well. Things are better it seems although I work and take care of the kids and he rarely helps out.

2004 he is making a lot of money, his company is doing very well, he is the top contractor in the state. Money is starting to change him though. We built a nice home, he began buying fancy trucks, expensive hobbies, joining gyms. He was home less and less, flaunting HIS money. Notice I say his because I paid the bills and he had his own accounts for which I never saw the money. If I jokingly asked him for money, he would say "WTF do you do with your money?" I was exhausted from working and doing everything for the kids. I resented him. If we went somewhere which was rare, I took care of the kids, he partied and flaunted his lifestyle and money. He would walk away and leave me in the corner and work the room not to check on us again until time to leave, he was always the last one. We argued. I began having anxiety attacks every day but had no idea what was happening. He never hugged our girls, loved on them or paid any attention to them. I did it ALL.

2006 he buys a fancy boat, RV, says its for our family. Begins to diet heavily, won't eat carbs, cooking was a nightmare, always complaining. CHanges his dress, hair etc. By now he is working out of town on big jobs, and then I get word he has bought a BAR. Confronted him and he said he had done it even though I had asked him not to. I know what goes on in bars and he was already NEVER home. He assures me he just has to get it up and running then it will change. By now I had found a text on his phone which I didn't get to read from a woman, he grabbed the phone. I confronted he made up some BS excuse. I am depressed and numb by now and still having anxiety constanty. My 3 year old is now telling me about "daddy's friend" they see when they go with him. He has now started volunteering totake the kids on weekends so I can "get a break". Same woman as the text.

2007 all blows up, I find out he took this OW to Vegas, went out of town with our kids and met her. He also now has creditors calling because he got in with a guy who was stealing money from him, his business is gone, except for the BAR. I am livid, stronger now, confronting him and he is teling me that I am a bad wife, I need to go to bed and think about what I have because he has women hitting on him all the time. He openly flirts and asks our daughter in front of me if he can take the waitress home from the restaurant. WTF our daughter is 4. I am humiliated.

2008 I file for divorce after trying everything to fix things. I have been called a bitch, a bad wife, a bore, a stick in the mud. 10 onths of pure hell and thousands of dolars on a divorce w2hich has me in debt. THe initial divorce papers are exactly the same as the final, he just tried to screw me and throw me under the bus, but I fought and won.

Now I am left to co-parent with this beast. He is with the OW of which I found the text 4 years ago. I have yet to meet her, have only seen her in disgusting pictures of nthe two of them She is very unattractive. I am an attractive woman and it kills me. He takes her on vacations, he took me on 1 in 13 years. I worked hard and paid bills, she doesn't work. He built them a 3500 square foot home with features I had wanted in our home but he refused. But the hardest is she has no children of her own and is now playing momy to mine every other weekend. SHe has been with them on their first vaction to see snow, that killed me. SHe has told numerous lies about me, saying my daughters tell her that I talk bad about her. My daughters cry and swear they don't, he believes her and chews me out. SHe says I have called her, sent her e-mals, he believes her without proof of any of it. He treats her with respect in front of people, he never did me. I know this because y sister is married to his brother and said it is disgusting how he dotes on her. When I asked him why last year he said "She is wonderful and amazing, she makes me feel wanted, she gives me attention." Yeah, she has no kids, no job, what else is there to do?

But he still had the nerve to text me wanting to meet up and "get together" because I look good. He has done this and sexual texting since our divorce, I just laugh. The OW has found the texts and accuses us of sleeping together then throws a fit, spreads lies about me and he chews me out and makes it look like I am the one after him. I have tried so many times to be civil so we can coparent our kids, but he looks at it as an opportunity to flirt. I limit contact to just kid stuff. And the final straw and knife in my back is how he now wants to love on our daughters, hug them, tell them he loves them. He plays the doting, wonderful dad when all those years he never gave a shit. Now it's the four of them, their white picket fence and little dog in the back yard (literally). It all seems so unreal.

Apr 23 - 4PM
AnotherPath's picture

Hi Hope4me. very very

Hi Hope4me. very very familiar.....what do you know. I did all the work as soon as the children were born and he threatened to leave when she was 6 days old and other various times then when my son was 10 weeks old, and he was completely violent. As for the other woman, the exN has a new one now, she has a 2 year old. Tomorrow they are going to his mum she hasn't seen them in 4 years (uncaring aloof but ok woman) with my children ngf then staying at ngf dad's house. He tells my kids 4 and 7 he's in love and wants to get married.She has now idea he is still on probation and has a criminal record for life for assault. He's SO transparent, and I couldn't give shit if he got married and had 10 kids his relationships are based on lies. I've been out over 2 years now and I can honestly say.....she's got it coming poor thing, I completely get that so absolutely. She's 40 and will probably have a kid with him. Guess what's coming then, oh we don't have to guess we lived it. Same old slave woman pandering to his needs as he flaunts around spending money to buy friends and wanks in front of his comuter and abuses her. He also does the "love act, Daddy shit role"to my kids in front of people, namely his gf to hook her in. He couldn't give a shit when he was with us. The only thing is already my kids see through it, they don't look forward to seeing him. I bet his woman loves it when your sister is around. That's probably the only time she gets attention and we all know why hes' doing that then, so YOU find out. Everything is an act and it's to make you feel like shit. Everything. We went on a few holidays when we were together, no one else would know that they were appalling because I didn't tell anyone, they all thought we'd had a good time but of course he was abusive and I kept it to myself. She'll be dealing with all that crap that you were. I spoke with a vindictive man going through a custody battle the other day ( my friend's new boyfriend) he was taking his ex back to court to cost her dearly, he freely admitted this as he was so full of hate. It was an eye opener I can tell you. He said he'd use ex girlfriends to flaunt in front of her to piss her off. Everything was about getting at and hating her. He got the visitation he wanted from the courts and freely admitted it was too much as he found his 3 year old a hand full and he was hoping for less time than the courts gave him, but he'd just wanted to fight her win and cost her money. Next he says he's going to try and put a charge on her house. He was so consumed with hate and his whole being was about making her feel shit, I could see it was taking his life over and wrecking his next relationship with my friend. Couldn't help thinking "get a life you boring prick" I got to really see the other side. What a way to live, consumed with hate that they all are. I'm so glad I'm not with him and he's now her secret problem. FREEDOM priceless. Co-parenting sucks but let all his bullshit and see his scheming for what it is, let it run off you like water off a ducks ass. Have the best time with your kids and enjoy them so they enjoy you too.

Ending the dance

Apr 23 - 3PM
sanctuary's picture


My heart goes out to you. They're all jackasses!! My daughter was a little older than yours when ExN remarried. He has a bar too, has always worked in a bar, easy access to supply. The new W has the money though. I went bankrupt after our divorce and now back in court and thousands going down the drain. The new W tried to get my daughter to call her mommy and for awhile it all seemed so perfect too. But they can't hold on to it. You're smart to stick to kid stuff only. Document everything even now. He's only doing that to control them and you, by acting all loving. Mine did it too. Mostly he just didn't want to pay support to me so he fought for her after never being around either. The bar, darts, season tickets to everything....could go days with out even seeing her awake. I know it's so hard to watch sometimes, but the kids will know. As they get older N's can't stand that the kids actually want to have their own lives and that mask will slip and the kids will see him for what he is. Just be there for them and yourself.
Apr 23 - 4PM (Reply to #2)
hope4me's picture

thanks so much

Thank you so much. It is crazy. I have to hear from my kids every other week about what daddy bought them, where he took them, the box seats to the basketball games etc. All the while complaining because he has to pay too much child support. This from a man who hid his assets, lied on his taxes and refused to turn in the paperwork for proof of income to the courts. Had I wanted to keep battling him and sink farther in debt I would have maybe gotten a lot more in child support but I got the highest amount allowed with no proof. It is ok by me but stop bitching. He takes them places now because they are older and can care for themselves for the most part. I got them through the bottles, diapers, sleepless nights. He went on his vacations while I stayed home and took care of them and made sure they got to school. Now he swoops in and tries to be daddy of the year. Sad part is, if he has a big party weekend, he can still go days and days without even a phone call to see if they are ok. I hate it and him.
Apr 23 - 4PM (Reply to #3)
hope4me's picture

other thing is..

The other thing which eats at my heart is when we came home from Church right after the divorce and my daughter had learned about the 10 commandments she asked what adultery was. I explained that is was when a man or woman is maried but goes with another man or woman. She said "Oh, like daddy did." I said "Yes sweetie." My other daughter chimes in and says "So, what's the big deal?" My heart sank to think he is has exposed them to so many of his crappy morals and even told them he doesn't like Church. To each his own but I would think having daughters he would at least try and show them how a man treats a lady. How would he feel if a man did his daughters like he did me? They are sick.
Apr 23 - 4PM (Reply to #4)
sanctuary's picture

Yep, sick, perverted,

Yep, sick, perverted, depraved, etc. Sadly I don't think he'd get it. They can only see how things affect them. When my ExN proclaimed he was an alcoholic and decided to empty all of his liquor from our house...basically for show...he boxed it all up and was going to give it to my older daughter's boyfriend!! Duh!! Not even sure if the kid was legal yet. Granted she was his step-daughter at the time but what an example!! Same thing when I told him to get the Playboys out of the house...he was going to give them to the same boyfriend. Our daughter, my youngest, his only child, had asked me why there were pictures of naked women in daddy's drawer in the bathroom. Just gag me!!