Intimidation & Control

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#1 May 25 - 11AM
Elena's picture

Intimidation & Control

This follows my previous post on "Saying I'm Sorry". As I was thinking through this part of my story, another aspect of the narcissist came to my mind. The one of intimidation and control.

My ex-narcissist used to always say sorry, even though he was being his fake self, because of his fear of abandonment. Part of my personality is being assertive, and for the most part I'm not afraid of confrontation, so he knew I was not going to give in when we discussed issues. He knew that I was not afraid of pushing back whenever I disagreed with him. So since he is so afraid of abandonment (which is a root of pathological narcissism), he would apologize, but in a fake way, more to comply, not necessarily because he meant it.

Sometimes I wonder if these guys become more bold and abusive with a woman if they see they can intimidate her and bend her according to their will. In other words, if that woman is compliant or afraid and allows them to intimidate, then they become more bold and abusive...

And I thought about this because I remember when he first said he wanted to leave me, this really impacted me, I saw the dream of "marriage" crumbling, and this was really hard for me. So when this happened, it seemed like I turned off the "assertive" part of me, like a switch, because I didn't want him to leave me. Of course, at this point, I didn't know anything about narcissism, I didn't even know he was narcissistic.

At the same rate, I noticed a change in him as well, as I was changing my position. As I became more compliant, he became more bold, like never before. He then started to tell me what to do in everything. He started to tell me what to wear, what make up to use, that I needed to put acrylic nails on, and that he wanted me to cut my hair, and wear different shoes, different slippers, that he liked me serving his meals on the table instead of him having to get up, etc. Now very controlling. He also started to more directly dictate that we needed to do more activities without my family (more isolation); one example is, he told me he did not want to have "Thanksgiving dinner" with my family, he very boldly told me he wanted to just be alone and have dinner alone at a hotel, just him and I. And in my weakness, I complied; my family was hurt about it, but I still complied. My family noticed a big change in me, they said I looked like a different person - they said I looked cowardly and submissive. He had gained the ability to run my life, in a subtle way he was intimidating me and controlling me.

I think he realized he had enough ground to become more controlling because I stopped being assertive and bold.

And there was also a second reason, he had already secured "new narcissistic supply", he already had another woman on the side lined up, ready for whenever he decided to leave me, then he would not be alone, he already had his "back up" supply ready, so this made him more bold as well.

Another example, when I found all his emails to the other woman, he came to the room and stood right next to me. When I told him I was going to forward these emails to myself as I knew he would delete them, he almost got physical with me, he screamed - "NO!" and I could tell by his body language that he wanted to grab me to prevent me from forwarding these to my self. As these emails would serve as proof of what I had discovered, and evidence in court. But I could see he stopped himself in his reaction, I saw him pull back. Now that I think about it, I ask myself "Why did he not dare to prevent me? Why did he pull back?" Well, he knows that when my father got physically violent with my Mom, I was the one who called the police, and he was taken to jail. So my ex-narcissist was aware of that history, and he knew that if he got physical with me, I had the guts to call the police on him and I was not afraid. He knew there would be severe consequences, and he was not going to stop me from calling the police. So he allowed me to forward the emails as I told him I would.

These examples show me that the more we allow control and intimidation, the more they gain ground to do it, at least from my experience.

It's so important to share and try to gain as much understanding as possible regarding the relational dynamics with these guys. The least we understand about their schemes and behaviors, the more they can control and hurt.

May 27 - 12AM
jenn99 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


that could be true but not really or always- though those are good examples....attemptnig to gain control with a narcissist or psychopath generally ends up with more abuse rage anger from the p....some N's really brainwash you into submission through the temper tantrums, abuse, yelling, etc...if you do not comply, they can punish you more...some people are forced into submission...sometimes if the N submits..or shows signs of weakness, it's b/c they want something from you or as you stated, they are helpless, and know they have to comply for some reason...fear, or other things...if an N allows a pesron's again because the N is allowing it..esp those who really want total control...therefore they even control the act of allowing the person to have any form of opinion, mind,'s good to know that with some N's you can somehow gain the upper hand but it rarely lasts...the N will make sure they have the upper hand...and if you try to get it they will punish severely...just to show you-- i dont think can't have's the control is mine...of course most are just cowards and slaves...but because they are such submissive slaves they have to reverse it all and throw it on the targets or victims...their lack of control, issues they have etc... some N's may not be as vindictive or striving for that total control, but so many are... he definitely felt comfortable he had the other woman, and felt safer telling you to buzz off and controlling you... a lot of ppl like to say that ppl 'allow control' but really most don't allow it...even by submitting...though ti is wise to try to be as assertive as possible...but you quickly learn that doing that just causes them to work harder to control you, punish you or gain back that seat that they feel is rightfully theirs...some are so vindictive they will do any and everything to make sure 'they' have the upper hand over you-- even if it means...cheating, lying, leaving you just about make sure they're getting those reactions, you're suffering confused...and they are sitting back laughing at the loathing they're causing you...
May 26 - 3PM
Carolyn's picture

You are very fortunate that

You are very fortunate that he did not physically harm you. He was breaking your spirit and isolating you from your family and you were on a slippery slope. You sound like you held your ground and broke free before you were harmed anymore. we are all wired differently and some women have more male hormone than others-redheads for instance-so some of us can put up a fight. Others just try to placate and make the problem more neutral, some women just fold and allow the dominance and abuse. the answer is to make women aware that this pathology exists and teach women to avoid these types.
May 30 - 12AM (Reply to #9)
Elena's picture


Carolyn, You are so right. He was breaking my spirit. I think that if I would have stayed longer, he would have gotten worst, more abusive, I truly believe this. I started to see indicators that pointed to this. I do agree that we are all different, and as my counselor would say to me - "Everyone has different coping mechanisms". And also, our past experiences shape us. I grew up with an abusive father, so I decided that I was not going to let someone do to me what my father did to my Mom. This influenced my situation as well. Yes, the answer is awareness. Thanks for sharing. Elena
May 25 - 11AM
Suzie (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


That is what my N thrives on. He has to have control and I believe he would do anything to get it. Also, when we are argueng sometimes he stands up if I am sitting,yells louder,sometimes evan pushes past me or says things like"when ever you think your big enough..." That's intimidation! He is a pig.Leah
May 25 - 3PM (Reply to #7)
finallydone's picture

Oh yes... I am very very

Oh yes... I am very very familiar with this scene. Mine has a habit of blocking my way from leaving a room also. He's 6'2 and I'm 5'2. He hasn't touched me (threatened a few times) but he is being obviously intimidating.
May 25 - 12PM (Reply to #6)
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Toward the end of my relationship, I wouldn't even bother standing up for myself anymore. You just DO NOT disagree with him, nope! And if you do, you're in for a major tongue lashing with an extra-loud guilt trip, followed by the silent treatment. Of course, everything was always blown waaaay out of proportion. My punishment never fit my 'crime'. Now by 'crime', I mean politely telling him I prefer that he doesn't call me a bitch anymore...just for example. (That was a big mistake!) If I knew something would potentially be upsetting, I would rehearse how I'd approach him, and how I'd present the issue. Most times it doesn't help anyway, they take things the way they want to. Ugh, to think of the energy I wasted... I look at myself not long ago and think of what a shadow of myself I was. Just agreeing with everything, sacrificing my opinion to keep the peace. It'll take a long time before I work through my anger at that sorry S.O.B. No more, NEVER again, no way, no how!
May 25 - 11AM (Reply to #2)
Elena's picture


Leah, He's a big bully, an abuser. He totally uses intimidation as his greatest tool. Build your courage more and more. This happens with physical violence as well. I lived with an abusive father who was physically violent with my Mom. And the behavior you just shared is how my father used to behave with my mom, a big bully. One thing I admire about my Mom is that she did not let him intimidate her, she always pushed back with courage, and stood out for herself, and eventually she left him, as she did not want to risk him killing her with his violence. She eventually put her "safety" first, before the marriage. She realized being "married" is no good, if she ended up dead. He was a Marine, and he had weapons in the house, so he was pretty dangerous at that point. After I called the police on him and he was taken to jail, the court ordered for his weapons to be taken away, because of how dangerous this was, he was also a Vietnam veteran, so can you imagine the risk my Mom was in?! This is why she left him. It's important to remember - "Safety" comes first, you only have 1 life to live.
May 25 - 2PM (Reply to #3)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

nasty bullies

I wonder if these guys become more bold and abusive with a woman if they see they can intimidate her and bend her according to their will. Yes! *********** Invoking fear and anxiety In case you think that this does not apply in your situation, answer these simple questions: Do you ever shut up just to keep the peace? Do you ever find yourself waiting for "the right timing" to broach a subject with him? Do you have things that you feel the two of you need to talk about, but you're too scared to raise them because you know that there is an excellent chance of a blow up if you do? Are you keeping secrets from your friends and family regarding your life with this person, perhaps even lying to them because you know that if he found out you had spoken about it there would be hell? Alternatively, are you keeping secrets from your friends and family regarding your life with this person, perhaps even lying to them because you know that they would be concerned for you and think less of him? Do you feel as if you are walking on eggshells? Do you go out of your way to keep him happy and deliberately try to avoid angering him - even at great cost to yourself? If you said yes to any of these, you are being ruled by fear. You are a victim of blatant abuse. Ultimately this is one of their key strategies for maintaining control because as long as you are too scared to speak up, you have no voice. While you have no voice, you have no say. While you have no say, they can do exactly as they please and they can even legitimately claim that you never objected. Silence is consent with any type of abuser and this is society's view as well. If you didn't object, it automatically means you gave consent. A prime example of this is with rape. When a woman claims rape, the first thing she will be asked is, "did you very clearly say no?" - the fact that there was a knife at her throat seems to not even feature in the equation. It's pretty sick, but this is a victim's reality. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
May 25 - 9PM (Reply to #5)
Suzie (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


May 25 - 3PM (Reply to #4)
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Yes, yes, yes...all the way down the line! Thanks for posting, you're the best!