does indirect contact make recovery impossible?

No Contact sounds like it is the key to recovery from a Narc .... what if indirect contact is unavoidable?
I have been involved with a Narc for 5 years now ... and, embarrassingly, we weren't even a couple. He moved around for some of the time ... and then for the past 2 years he has had a girlfriend while promising me that he loved me and that we would be together. Why I believed him, I have no idea. I guess I really didn't think they would last. So anyway, I've tried getting distance from him several times but he's been persistent. I recognize that No Contact is the next necessary step. Unfortunately, I work with his girlfriend (she doesn't know about me) and they live just a few doors down the street from me. And I'm friends with some of his family. I feel like this indirect contact is not letting me move forward ... I keep obsessing whenever I see the girlfriend at work, or hear things through his family, or know that they're just a few doors down. Is it possible to move forward and heal with this indirect contact??

Jan 13 - 1PM
Goldie's picture

Healing is an inside job