All About Her Forum

Had a run in with the ex friend today and i am OK

First, wow thanks for the new topic area, since I have been married to a male N and friends with the female version, this will be helpful.
Well, some may know that i had a falling out with my friend of 20 years earlier this year. Basically she was selfish, took advantage of my good nature and made me feel bad about myself. We have not spoken, and although it has been hard I am learning to move on and finding the real me again, after my divorce last year and this incident as well.

Idiot's Guide to Cluster B's

,HAD to put this out there.
I found it VERY helpful in the early days of complete confusion and fog. It's pretty much a play by play of how your "relationship" with a PDI will play out. Many Narcs also have strong borderline and almost always share or are comorbid with Histrionics. Mine was a Fragile Narc topped with extra histrionics. You are really really need to read this! For those that are new you need to know what exactly happened to you and why. This article really saved me when I was in the beginnings of my research.

I got caught by contact

I got caught by contact, it happened a few days ago. The exwn calls me while I am sitting on the couch with our child, knowing the exwn is coming by soon to pickup our kid, as we share custody and her days start that afternoon. When I answer she tells me that she has cancelled her texting feature on her phone. I react, as it angers me (fear) that I can't communicate throught texting anymore. I get overwhelmed immediately knowing that this means we have to talk, and I have worked so hard on limiting contact. I hate this so much!