Seeking revenge

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#1 Jan 5 - 3PM
Sparrow's picture

Seeking revenge

Before you begin on the journey of revenge, make sure you dig two graves.

This is awesome advice and I wanted to share it.......

Jan 7 - 4AM
freaked's picture


true true!!! sparrow, there was a time not very long ago when i had r&r (revenge&retribution) on my mind. It used to make me so fatigued and generally waste my brainspace. today, I just don't care anymore. EXCEPT that I yearn to be sail ride away into the sunset and afford living costs independently.
Jan 6 - 8PM
juliamarie's picture

So true...

I love this. I firmly believe that you reap whatever you put out there. In other words, don't sink to the level of the assclown that hurt you. There are very few people that look back at doing something hurtful to someone else (no matter how awful they are) and say, "man, I'm so glad I did that". Most people feel a momentary high...then sink to a new low because they realize that they are no better than the person they hurt. It's not worth it. I love the quote, "the best revenge is living a good life". It's so true. Focus on yourself. Be happy. The momentary high is never worth feeling worse in the long run. Just my experience....
Jan 6 - 8PM
Dee30's picture

I tried hurting him

At the end of our relationship he was still talking to me. Oh yeah I wanted to hurt him soo bad I had had enough. I mentioned to him that I went out and was dancing with a friend of his, we were broken up but I just wanted to get any reaction from him considering he drove me to the point of crazy land. He did not take it well. He went into a rage (he was driving)., drove 190km, got pulled over by the cops, 6 month liscension suspension and 3500$ fine. Now let me tell you I felt horrible. If something had happened to him or to anyone else physically, I would never forgive myself. Revenge is a dangerous game when it comes to Narcs.
Jan 5 - 4PM
Dee30's picture


I always think that if they don't get it on earth, there comes a day when they will have to answer to God...
Jan 6 - 8PM (Reply to #9)
serenity1's picture


I totaly agree Dee30 if they dont get it on earth, God will be the judge and he is will make sure that they will be accountable for there actions, And someone had mentioned if you did seek revenge it would only be hurting you also, Because you would be have contact with that person and then you would be hurting yourself by breaking the n/c, Move on with your life and be who you want to be and spoil yourself we all deserve it "Hugs"
Jan 5 - 4PM
Run4it's picture

This relationship

caused me to have thoughts that I would have never dreamed possible in my sweet little brain! It hurt me that I even thought them, much less attempted any of it.
Jan 5 - 4PM
Laughs Last (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


unfortunately there have been times where I was willing to jump into my own grave - working on that too
Jan 5 - 4PM
HardToBelieve's picture

This is as true as

''Arguing with a fool makes two''. I really believe that if you seek revenge it will come back to haunt you in ways you couldn't even imagine. Thats why I wish him ''all the best'' and carry on with my life. His time will come and I know karma is good to me. Good deeds bring good karma. Bad deeds bring bad karma, it's as simple as that.
Jan 5 - 3PM
TNR1's picture

Revenge requires

Revenge requires leads to pain.
Jan 5 - 3PM
spinning's picture

Wow, Sparrow! I just want to

add something my aunt (my mentor and spiritual guide) has said to me: "You cannot hurt someone without first hurting yourself ..." I think of this every time I want to speak out in anger or counter-attack. Sometimes it works...other times I say something I really regret...and it hurts me and I end up kicking my own ass. I've had plenty of revenge fantasies...thankfully I kept them as just that, fantasy.But wow, I plotted. I'm Italian so those types of things are almost in the DNA!! I slowly realized it's not a good place to put feeds the wrong dog... Thanks for this! Love, (not) spinning. AND IT FEELS GREAT


Jan 6 - 8PM (Reply to #3)
Laughs Last (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

love it

"feeds the wrong dog"!
Jan 5 - 3PM
Used's picture
