Ally's update: One year NC

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#1 Oct 5 - 1PM
ally2375's picture

Ally's update: One year NC

This month, I am one year NC. The details of my story aren't important; I’ve spent enough hours obsessing over them for three lifetimes. It’s enough to say that when I arrived on this forum last October, emotionally shell shocked, I fit right in.

I was a shadow. I hadn't slept through the night in a year. I couldn't eat. I drank vodka to fall asleep and more to chase away the bad dreams. I had two speeds: edgy and catatonic. The only thing I put any energy into was going outside to chain smoke, ruminate and cry. I was miserable.

I don’t know how I managed to drag myself to therapy, but I did. Through tears, I explained what happened, how I thought I might be crazy, how I had lost myself. I’m not sure how my therapist made sense of what I said, but she did. After an hour, she responded,

“You’re not crazy, my dear. You’re dating a narcissist.”

That was the day things started to change. The monster I was wrestling had a name: Narcissist. I became a virtual expert on Cluster B personality disorders. I practically lived on this forum. I owe so much to the giving people here: Briesis, Lisa, Goldie, Steph, Venus, Spinning, Sara-smile, Happy, SOI, Journey, Hunter…the list goes on and on. “Thank you” is so inadequate for all you’ve done.

In the early days, I would have given anything to know, “When will I be over this?!” I’ve seen a pattern in the stories here. While timelines look different, most paths have similar milestones. Here’s what the process looked like for me. Maybe it will help you.

I found out he was cheating and broke off the relationship.

My anger started to fade and I started second-guessing. I couldn't get the OW out of my head. I wondered if she was the only one. I ruminated constantly about what had really happened, whether I had made a mistake, what he was doing, thinking, feeling...and on and on

While I wrestled with my own emotions, he tormented me. I told him I needed space, so he pouted, pestered, tried to make me jealous, was mean...then nice...then apologetic...then mean again. This made my decision easy, but my days miserable. (My heart goes out to those of you who work with yours like I did.)

I started to realize the depth of the damage I had sustained. I faulted myself for putting up with a lot of things. Had I given him permission by tolerating it? Why did I sell myself out like that? I was lonely and needed comfort. Some days I wanted him back, some days I wanted him dead.

I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, and couldn’t work. I cried a lot, though. I wanted to smack the next person who told me tears were "cleansing" because I was freaking tired of being sad!

I started to examine my choices and my part in the relationship. I realized there were patterns in my life that needed breaking. I learned that I wasn’t responsible for anyone else’s abuse, but I was responsible for my response. I realized I can shape my life any way I want through the choices I make every day.

Finally! Not indifference, but peace. I don't cry about him and I don't miss him. Even when he plays his games (and he still does) it doesn't matter. I want more for myself than what he could ever offer. I am a work in process, but, I’ve never been so happy and self-assured as I am now.

For those of you still moving along the path; keep going. This process is longer than any of us would like and it’s not linear. Some days you may feel stuck, desperate, lonely, confused…don’t let it scare you. One healthy decision at a time will lead you in the right direction.

Narcissists aim to ensnare the very best. If you were targeted by one, I’m certain you are strong, smart, and kind-hearted, and fair-minded. These are the tools that will help you heal. Remember to be as forgiving, kind, and fair to yourself as you are to others.

All my love,

Oct 7 - 12AM
ally2375's picture

From the bottom of my heart,

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who stopped by to say congratulations. I started to reply to each of you individually, then got I'm forcing my thread to the top. But I'm so thankful for each of you and everything you contribute to this forum every day. I learn so much from you and your experiences. So I want to thank all of you. Perhaps if we keep talking openly about this kind of abuse, there will be less of it in the world.
Oct 6 - 7PM
narcsurvivor's picture

Congrats on one year! Like

Congrats on one year! Like others have said, I can totally relate to the steps you took in the post. As for me, I can fairly say I'm between indifferent and at peace. I'm hoping to get to the peace part fully and very soon but I admit I've been stuck where I am for a long time now because like you, I've had to identify patterns and childhood issues that of course go way back before I ever was with this most influential narc (I've been w/others b4 I knew what they were). Haven't been on this board in ages but happy to have seen this post from a long-standing member. It always is wonderful and inspiring to read about progress like this. One day I'll post my own NC of 1 year! Btw, 251 guests!?! I can't believe how this site has grown!
Oct 6 - 1PM
onwithmylife's picture

Ally, inspirational!

GREAT to hear how well you are doing, I have finally recovered took a few years, only to meet another man in the world of dating with narc=like qualities, no thanks! Best to you..............
Oct 6 - 11AM
mystwoman's picture

Wow Ally! What a beautiful

Wow Ally! What a beautiful and inspirational post. This perfectly describes the process I went through about xnh as well. You've made such wonderful progress in your recovery and sound so strong! Congrats on your one year NC! Huge hugs.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Oct 6 - 6AM
faithinthefuture's picture


Here's a HUGE HUGE :-) for you and where you are today! And a big heartfelt thank you for coming back to share this with everyone!
Oct 6 - 10AM (Reply to #30)
ally2375's picture


Hugs to you, my dear. You are very welcome. :)
Oct 5 - 11PM
highlander's picture

Hey Ally. Great post! There

Hey Ally. Great post! There is a lot of strength and wisdom in your post. It just shows that there is a way to get past this stuff, even when you are in the middle of it and can't see it. Thanks for that... B
Oct 6 - 10AM (Reply to #28)
ally2375's picture


Sometimes when the sky is overcast, you kinda just have to trust that the sun is still there. :) Go easy on yourself. Only YOU know the motivations for your actions and whether you need to make an adjustment. But, this isn't a perfect process. We all make mistakes. Don't forget to cut yourself a little slack...
Oct 5 - 10PM
Journey's picture

Ally, congrats on one year!

Ally, congrats on one year! It is so nice to hear you sounding so well. You and I joined the forum close to the same time, the difference was I had been out of my relationship already just over a year, but like you worked with him so still had contact. I remember the light bulbs going off for me and I was already used to being in so much cog dis and pain that first year, it didn't take long after discovering NPD to start feeling better. I can only imagine the kinds of threads I would have posted had I found this site a year earlier right after the final D&D. Your description of the journey to healing describes what we all must go through very well. It feels like it goes on forever sometimes, but it really doesn't and it is so worth working our way through to the other side of the hardest parts of the pain. I am so happy for you!!! Thanks for sharing this inspirational post :)

Journey on...

Oct 5 - 9PM
uk lady
uk lady's picture

Well done Ally

You've so been down the bumpy path to recovery but have now reached the point of peace. Your last paragraph is exactly why we are targetted and again, why we can all rise again. I am so pleased for you. Take care of yourself. Dee x
Oct 5 - 9PM
Susan32's picture

Good for you!

Closure and healing does come. It can be a painful process, but it is worth the journey. YOU are worth the journey!
Oct 5 - 8PM
gettinbetter's picture

Yea Ally!!! You have really

Yea Ally!!! You have really come thru with flying colors! As for me Im a bit more remedial but Im gettin there LOL! Everytime I see you refer to me as SOI I keep saying to myself I need to let Goldie know to change my name back to Sick of It thats who I really am on this board and yes IM STILL PRETTY DAMN SICK OF IT LOL! I often wonder about alot of us from last fall most have moved on but there are still a few of us around. Actually I often wonder what became of Helldweller? You have always been a calm voice of reason and fairness even if at times others aren't (wink wink) :)
Oct 6 - 10AM (Reply to #23)
ally2375's picture


I've thought of HD often. I hope she's doing well. Her story was one of the most heartbreaking I've ever read here. If you speak to her, please give her my best.
Oct 6 - 9AM (Reply to #22)
sadderbutwiser's picture


i was wondering what happened to Sick of It!!! gettinbetter i had no idea that is you. i have also been wondering does anyone know how helldweller is doing? what about victimnomore?? hope they're doing ok.
Oct 5 - 5PM
Goldie's picture

Thanks for sharing

Inspirational insightful post. You have worked very hard to get where you are, great job. God bless, Goldie
Oct 5 - 6PM (Reply to #20)
ally2375's picture

Thank you, Goldie

I will never forget what you did for me. It may have been a small thing to you, but it made a world of difference to me.
Oct 5 - 4PM
Winter's picture


I am so glad for you! Thank you for sharing your experience, you are a real inspiration to all of us. Big Hugs, Winter
Oct 5 - 6PM (Reply to #18)
ally2375's picture


You are so sweet. Your kindness comes across in every one of your posts. I wish you well with your "big dipper" issue. I know you will come through this stronger and happier than ever.
Oct 5 - 3PM
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture

Ally, I'm actually crying

Ally, I'm actually crying after reading your post. I am feeling the same exact things! It's the most awful time I've ever been through in my 49 years. Now....5 weeks into NC, the N just texts me. He's "thinking about me". I feel sick to my stomach and for the first time in the last 5 weeks, I have started to cry. WHY??? He's a liar, cheater, master manipulator. I should have a cold feeling toward him. Yet, the text that I just received has freaked me out. Guess I'm not as far along emotionally as I thought I was :(
Oct 5 - 6PM (Reply to #16)
ally2375's picture

Sneak attack

Ah yes, the sneak attack texts. They come when you least expect them. For a moment you sigh with relief...and then you want to hurl. Wanting to vomit at the mere thought of him is a bad sign... ;) Surprises are jarring no matter how far along you are. I blocked mine from Facebook a couple of months ago, but my heart nearly stopped when he popped up on my page this week. Another game. There are no good surprises with a narcissist. You'll be okay. If you can bring yourself to do it, you may want to block him. The peace is worth it.
Oct 5 - 3PM
BadaBing's picture

Congrats Friend

so thankful for u!
Oct 5 - 6PM (Reply to #14)
ally2375's picture


I think the world of you. You are going to be fine. I've never doubted it for a moment.
Oct 5 - 3PM
spinning's picture

Ally, my sweet!

This is awesome! Congratulations on your progress. We share much in what landed us here and in the recovery process. I agree. This board saved my sanity and helped me shift from being a confused zombie-ghost who was almost dead to a place of peace of mind, adventure and joy! I am so grateful for this post! It will help many people, Ally. A joyful, peaceful, narc-free life is BLISS!!! Thank you again. Most sincerely, (not) spinning. BECAUSE OF LISA E. SCOTT AND THE PATH FORWARD!


Oct 5 - 6PM (Reply to #12)
ally2375's picture

Confused zombie ghost

That's what I was for Halloween last year...because I didn't have time to buy a costume! (ba-bum-bum) I never though I'd feel better. Around the time I gave up trying to predict when I feel like myself again, I realized I did. It kind of sneaks up on you. :)
Oct 5 - 3PM
Caligirl's picture

Ally, congrats on one year n/c!!!

Wonderful post and outline of the grieving process. Thanks for sharing your experience. Inspiring to many I'm sure! xxxx
Oct 5 - 3PM
needing2know's picture

Congrats on your 1 year!!!

Congrats on your 1 year!!! I'm in the exhaustion stage, but I will get there! So proud of you!
Oct 5 - 3PM
empath's picture


This made me smile!!! So happy for you! Thank you for reminding us all there is light at the end of the tunnel and eventually we are free. :-) Much love and light to you! (((hugs)))
Oct 5 - 2PM
Layla's picture

I want to say Congratulations......

.......but really, every day N free is a victory and reason for celebration! : ) I will say, one year encompasses a TON of "firsts" and deserves special recognition....first birthday N free, first Christmas N free, first summer day N free, first etc N free.....and with these come all kinds of different challenges yet to be delt with....and here you are, one year later N free! YAY YOU!!!!!!! Onward and Upward, when we sat wallowing in the pits of hell, the only way to go is UP to the light! love~ Layla
Oct 5 - 6PM (Reply to #7)
ally2375's picture


You make a good point about all the firsts. They can be hard. I looked at each one as an opportunity to overwrite the memory of the previous year. Once I had passed the worst dates (4th of July was ROUGH!) I felt so much stronger. But you are right - every day without the confusion of this disorder is a reason to celebrate. We get a little of ourselves back with every N-free moment.
Oct 5 - 1PM
Hunter's picture

Wahoooo!! Same story

Wahoooo!! Same story different winner!!! Many thanks to you too my friend! I was right along your path!! Hunter