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#1 Jun 6 - 10AM
Hunter's picture


Ok Looboo gave me an idea!

We need to stop dwelling on the past! Look forward ladies and gentelman,

It's summer what are your plans!!

I'm going with happy to Fl this weekend and Germany in the fall for Oktoberfest!
No Narcs Allowed!


Jun 8 - 3AM
candy's picture

good for you.

enjoy yourself hunter ... you deserve it,and you sound like you are really looking forward to going away ... have a great time ! ..... candy x
Jun 7 - 4PM
Jannie In the Sun
Jannie In the Sun's picture


Good for you! Enjoy and please tell us all about it. It helps to hear the good stuff from others as they heal and move forward narc-free. Me? I am going to Indiana to see the folks, North Carolina to find my birth mother and plan to skydive in Autumn. I have started my own business and just got a new job as designer of high end closets, wine rooms, offices etc. I kept the faith and did the step work even when I felt like a nothing and paralyzed the success of the exN. I am not free and clear yet but I feel sooo much better than before. Ditto on the No Narcs Allowed! I hope you are all inspired and empowered to do something good for YOU!
Jun 8 - 8AM (Reply to #34)
Hunter's picture


Rock On!
Jun 7 - 7AM
nancyh's picture

Plans for the summer . . .

1) Entertaining at home every single weekend we do not have plans 2) 1 week trip down South w/my family 3) 5 day trip w/the girls for R/R 4) I bought the local National baseball team home game package & have been going to a lot of games (a big FU to the N who loves this team but can't/won't buy tickets) 5) Do whatever the hell I please and spend money on whatever I want w/out getting the guilt trip from the N that he is so broke every fucking time I buy a pair of shoes or anything else (jealous, miserable bastard) That felt great! Thanks, Hunter!


Jun 7 - 5AM
helldweller's picture

plans for the summer

I'm actually pretty down about the summer. Though the narc and I never did anythng together, my daughters and I went to the East Coast the first summer he and I were together, and we went to New Orleans the next year and Las Vegas last year, with their dad. This summer, their dad and I planned to take them on a road trip to the Smoky Mountains, badlands, etc, and to Las Vegas again just before school starts, but I refuse to do anything with their father anymore, because he's seriously BPD and cannot be in a room with me for five minutes without starting with the blame and commentary. A shame. We really did have fun together, and it's scary traveling with little kids alone. Soooo . . . it's back to my daughters and me making plans alone; unfortunately, this summer we are dead broke, and so going on a "real" trip is out of the question. However, I'm going to take them down next week to an old Mississippi River town where we always used to go in the summer. There's a big water park there and some quaint shops and wineries. I also think I may have to break out the tent and we'll spend a weekend in the Indiana Dunes, camping and going to the beach. They are both going to drama camp and will be performing "Wicked" at the end of the summer, so that will be fun. I will also be planning for our semiannual Chicago Ghost Conference, which will be the first weekend in October. I'm terrified that I won't have enough money to pay for it, but I'm trying to budget over the next four months to get the speakers, hotel rooms and venue paid for before the date. After that, I'm going to find a real job and get out of business with my ex husband. It's been nothing but a disaster and I'm determined to make a break.
Jun 7 - 4AM
Puzzle's picture

Hunter, you are so right. My

Hunter, you are so right. My Narc would make plans with me and then out of nowhere cancelled. Talk about plans but never make them. I havent been on a holiday in years because the Narc wouldn't committ to one. Thank goodness we can make our own plans and actually follow them through without worrying that someone is going to drop out at the last minute. What a breath of fresh air. Have a wonderful Summer guys. It is winter here in Australia. I am contemplating Europe for August/ sept/ October getaway or a yoga retreat in Bali. Now I have no one to shun me for going away, give me the silent treatment for making a decision on my own. What a relief Thanks for this post x
Jun 7 - 6AM (Reply to #30)
Hunter's picture


What floors me is how these guys get into our hearts and heads when they are truly worthless. Have Fun Girlfriend! Hunter
Jun 6 - 2PM
terri's picture

Bella Italia!

I'm leaving for Italy on Friday!!! If not for my wonderful children, I would just stay there like Diane Lane did in Under the Tuscan Sun! I am definitely in that "change my life" mentality and feel like a serious shake-up is in order. Hunter makes an excellent point about planning something to look forward to. If not for this trip, I don't know how I would have made it through the last 2 months. Just knowing that I'm going to an entirely different continent makes me feel like a new woman. If only I had the freedom and resources to just globe-hop for the entire year until I'm completely recovered!! But I'm happy for this abbreviated escape from reality!

Believe in yourself!

Jun 6 - 3PM (Reply to #26)
Hunter's picture


Have a blast! Ciao!! Make sure you check your flight time I got stuck in Rome once! I was traveling alone, Not A bad place to get stuck but it wasn't easy getting back!
Jun 6 - 3PM (Reply to #27)
terri's picture

thanks Hunter

I'll be traveling with my daughter and a group of people so I'm just going to switch my brain to the "off" position and follow them around like a lemming! I'm so tired of my life as it's been for so long and I'm hoping that this will give me the kick-in-the-ass I need to entirely change my point of view and make the necessary (albeit difficult) changes to take me to the next chapter. Life truly is full of possibilities but I think during and after we've gone into a narc coma, we lose sight of that fact. Our self-esteem nosedives, our innate sense of independence and freedom somehow disconnects from our thinking brain, and we lose sight of how many wonderful opportunities and genuinely good people are in the world just waiting to happen to us.

Believe in yourself!

Jun 6 - 3PM (Reply to #28)
Hunter's picture

I'm Sooooooo jealous! To a

I'm Sooooooo jealous! To a new chapter! Rock On Hunter
Jun 6 - 12PM
mystwoman's picture

I plan to go to a science

I plan to go to a science fiction convention with friends this summer. We haven't decided which one yet, but it's looking like either Oregon or Texas. I've never been to Oregon so I'm voting for that one. I agree. No Narcs Allowed!

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Jun 6 - 1PM (Reply to #21)
Susan32's picture


Oregon is a *BEAUTIFUL* place. Newport has a great aquarium, the Columbia River Gorge is spectacular, and the city of Portland has the Japanese Garden, the Rose Garden, the Chinese Garden, Pioneer Place, and lots of beautiful sights (such as Powell's City of Books&the Portlandia statue) The Grotto is a spiritual getaway.
Jun 6 - 1PM (Reply to #22)
ShaynasMommy's picture

Hey Susan,

I didn't realize how close we are to each other! My hubby and I took our daughter down to Newport just last weekend and we all really enjoyed the aquarium together! He's taken me to Portland, and Powell's is just amazing!!!! If only I could remember the name of the equally amazin pizza parlor right kitty korner to it......small, dark and 'artsy' but really fantastic pizza!!!! We live in Lacey/Olympia, WA. About 5 hours drive North. This summer will be all about the birth of our 2nd child, so we figured we needed to do a last hurrah trip as a family of three before the big day in July. After that, I will be entertaining family members from all over who plan on coming to see the newest member of the clan. Should be an exciting and exhausting time!
Jun 6 - 1PM (Reply to #23)
Susan32's picture

I'm in California now

After the final D&D, I moved back to Oregon... I came here to California in the summer of '02. My sister was married in Portland... she's now in Boston. Oregon is a lovely place, and lately, unlike Northern California, has had GREAT weather. It was 80 in Oregon while here in the Wine Country there have been downpours. The gusty winds have returned. At this time of the year, I'd normally be hitting the road, going to Healdsburg, Sebastopol, Santa Rosa, San Rafael, Ukiah, Petaluma, Point Reyes Station... but it's been so stormy I've decided against it. Someone here said she was going on a yoga trip to California... thank goodness MOST yoga is indoors!
Jun 6 - 1PM (Reply to #24)
ShaynasMommy's picture

Sue-Yeah, this year has been weird, weather wise

Its too funny, but it looks like we traded places! I grew up in the Stockton/Sacramento area. So I have been to all of those places as well as all up and down the state. The coast is normally very beautiful. Hope it clears up for you! As for us, we are used to rainy ol' WA by now!
Jun 6 - 12PM
Kiwi2005's picture

Hunter, again?

You guys are going to FL again? How about you stop by pick some people up? Misery & Alabama knows how to party! P.S. Today, you know, I was telling someone about "trash" and well she said to me... *If you truely plan to never let him be a part of your life from here on out, you need to stop talking about him- completely- because its pointless now* Great Advice :)
Jun 6 - 12PM (Reply to #17)
Happy1's picture

ahhh! Gosh, my Narc loves

ahhh! Gosh, my Narc loves Alabama! His family still lives there and that's where he wants to retire so beware of crazy Scientists!
Jun 7 - 7PM (Reply to #18)
Redhead1's picture

I love Alabama too! So much I

I love Alabama too! So much I still live here. LOL Are any of you folks close?
Jun 8 - 9AM (Reply to #19)
Happy1's picture


My Narc's folks live in Alabama. I know it's a beautiful place to visit and maybe someday I won't think of Alabama and my narc together. Beware of mad scientists from Indiana visiting Alabama with his son. teehee
Jun 6 - 12PM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

Goals and ideas

I want to get a new job, brand f'ing new. I want to go back to school. I want to go camping with my kid. I want to quit smoking again, I started again last year, and it ain't working again, lol. Chris
Jun 6 - 12PM (Reply to #14)
Hunter's picture


Don't say it do it! Hunter
Jun 6 - 1PM (Reply to #15)
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

Perfect new picture Hunter!!

Perfect new picture Hunter!! Lol
Jun 6 - 11AM
Lobo555's picture

Here's to the Future!

Glad to be the inspiration for something like this! Looking forward to something really does a mind good. As I stated in another post, I am ready for the BEACH! Give me sand, sun, and surf. That's all I need to be happy. Your trips sound fun. Jealous of the Oktoberfest one! I declare a 20-foot radius around me and around all of you to be a No Narc Zone.
Jun 6 - 11AM
dabussard's picture

Riding Horses

Once this leg of mine heals fully. I plan to spend as much time as possible with a horse beneath me... lol... I hope in the next three weeks to be back to barrel racing. Gotta get horses ready for State Championships over the 4th of July and then the big one, Worlds Nationals in October... Horses are my life and its time that I got back to it... I got 6 of them awaiting my physical recovery... I am hoping they will help with the mental recovery from the N as well.
Jun 6 - 11AM (Reply to #11)
SoaperGirl's picture

I'm so envious Horses! Well, I'll be enjoying a new lease on li

Last summer I ended up fighting cancer, just finishing up reconstruction this month - now free of the narc - I'm gonna have fun, fun fun! Probably a lot of swimming, getting in shape and looking for a good job, maybe starting a second career! Who knows? The future to my way of thinking isw wide open! No cancer no narc, no more surgeries, eating better, exercising, having a great job (God willing!). Free at last, free at last I thank God I'm free at last Free at last, free at last I thank God I'm free at last Way down yonder in the graveyard walk I thank God I'm free at last Me and my Jesus going to meet and talk I thank God I'm free at last On my knees when the light pass'd by I thank God I'm free at last Tho't my soul would rise and fly I thank God I'm free at last Some of these mornings, bright and fair I thank God I'm free at last Goin' meet King Jesus in the air I thank God I'm free at last.
Jun 6 - 11AM (Reply to #8)
Hunter's picture

Ahh, the gentle giants, Rock

Ahh, the gentle giants, Rock On! Hunter
Jun 6 - 11AM (Reply to #9)
dabussard's picture


Horses are one of god's best creatures. Nothing better in the whole world. They are my whole life.. (don't know why I ever let the Narc in, he wasn't worthly of it) After two weeks on being stuck on the couch with a broken leg, I spent the day yesterday hobling around in the barn with them. Brushing, hugging and just plain loving them. Damn Narc will not take my love for them away...
Jun 6 - 1PM (Reply to #10)
mystwoman's picture

I agree. Horses are one of

I agree. Horses are one of god's best creatures. I miss my mare that I owned for 20 years dearly. Maybe it's time to start figuring out a way to get involved with them again. I can't ride because of health problems, but I can still find ways to be near them. Maybe photography? :) However, I'd rather get bucked off a horse every day of my life than spend one more second with xnh. Actually he doesn't deserve to even be compared to a horse. Horses are beautiful. He's just an ass(hole). rofl.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Jun 6 - 11AM
adoette's picture

Sweet revenge

I am going on a backpacking and yoga trip in CA...getting my kicks in healthy ways. I'm so excited that this summer I will be N-free and can ENJOY myself instead of obsessing and checking and wondering and crying and analyzing and looking and seething and LIVING a DISTRACTED life waiting for him to throw me a toxic crumb. Instead I will be breathing and walking and reading and smiling and dreaming and resting and visiting and playing and BEING PRESENT IN the BEAUTIFULNESS of the MOMENT. That's my sweet revenge...living my life abundantly and joyfully and knowing he'll be as miserable as ever.