...You, my Dear, are my Prey

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#1 Mar 22 - 7AM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

...You, my Dear, are my Prey

I am your neighbour , your brother, your sister, your father, your mother and child. I am your therapist, your architect, your school teacher and friend. I am your husband, your lover, a student & politician. I am your banking advisor, your accountant, and little league coach, your doctor, your dentist, your preacher.

I come from all walks of life and manipulation is my game. I am the master of mind games and like any champion I know and study my opponents well.

I am good looking , successful and charming. I disregard all consequences of my actions, I live on the edge and deny myself nothing.

Magnetic, electrifying, convincing and powerful. When I walk into a room all eyes gravitate to me.

I can sweep you off your feet, wine and dine you and promise you the earth even though I will never deliver, this is the bait, the hook with which to reel you in, they are but empty promises.

I am shallow and callous, cruel and hostile, with a deep seated rage everything and everyone around me are potential targets and opportunities.

I am oblivious and indifferent to the devastation I cause. My ultimate goal is the creation of the next willing victim. I am toxic, a disease, a plague on your life that will sweep through like a violent hurricane destroying all that lay at your feet.

I demand obedience, belief in my greatness and complete subjugation to all my whims, needs and attention.

I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, no matter what I will have my own way. I take what I want when I want it.

I am hostile and domineering, I humiliate my victims, they are an instrument to be used and abused. Objects I can move and position to my satisfaction.

I have no morals, no values, no responsibilities. I am here to be pleased not to please.

I am unmoved and cold by tales of grief, I am neither genuine nor sincere but I can cry and feign emotion as good as any great actor in Hollywood but at the core is only my hate, rage and jealousy.

I cannot relate to another's pain and suffering, but I can dish it out. I let nothing stand in my way, no challenge is too great for me. In my book the end always justifies the means.

I strategically plan how to break you down, and use anything I can against you. If something is important to you I will deprive you of it, I will make you jump through hoops to get it. I will dangle the prize in front of you and make you run for it.

Anything I might do for you comes at a price, my attention is costly and is a debt that has to be paid to me in full. You must be grateful and eternally obedient. I will never inform you that your debts won't ever be satisfied. I collect back the high interest you owe me.

The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow you are waiting & hoping for won't ever be there.

When I inflict pain on you, I enjoy it, it is the ultimate fix, the ultimate drug induced high to see you suffer and know that I have that power and control over you. This is my sick addiction.

I can play the with-holding game, the forgetting game, the martyr game, the lying game, the devaluation game, the deflecting and projecting game. I can do them all, there are no limits to the games I can play and I will always come out the winner.

I am covert, overt, obsessive and shallow. I am the puppet master to your strings, when I pull you must dance. I am sadistic, jealous and cruel. I am secretive, private and sly. I am passive and aggressive, I am boastful and proud.

I am a parasite, a criminal, unreliable, a con... I am egotistical, glib and superficial. I am Jekyll and Hyde all rolled into one.

You will degrade yourself for me, you will slim down or fatten up, grow your hair long or cut if off, you will wear the clothes I choose. You are to be pruned, clipped and designed, like any great artist I will only be seen with the best.

My fist is designed to teach you. If you didn't do something to my standards or you ignored my requests you will be punished until you get it right. I am unforgiving, a miser and a brute.

When you cry I laugh, when you're sad I rage, when you're happy I am angry, and when you're beaten down with no self esteem , no hope and no way out I am happy, satisfied & content , I am God in these moments.

I can sniff the vulnerable a mile away. I will devour you and suck the life force from you in a matter of moments. I seek out the vulnerable, weak, the broken and the destitute.

I am your knight in shining armour, I showed you pity and gave you attention when life was unbearable, I saved you from your miserable existence, I will always be owed and never owing.

You will ALWAYS need me, you will never survive without me, I am your rock, your protector, your punisher and your lover. I will tell you whatever you want to hear, as long as you carry on doing what I want.

You are a purchase, an object, a product, a toy.

If you dare achieve anything of merit I will take the credit away from you and punish you severely, I will mock you, put you down and rage at you until you understand that I am the only one who deserves such praise, award and adulation.

When you are focusing on yourself you are not focusing on me, and this makes me angry. I am not on top of the pedestal where I belong.

Any friends you have I will order you drop, any attention spent on friends and family is attention that could be spent on me. If you do not comply I will write and speak lies about you to them, I will turn them against you and isolate you until you comply with my wishes.

All eyes should be on me at all times, when they are not I will turn on you in an instant like a rabid dog and rip your ideas, thoughts and opinions apart.

I cannot change, I cannot reform, I cannot feel pity or remorse. I have no conscience, No empathy, not even a morsel of compassion for you. I am completely amoral. I am contradictory and my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I am a hypocrite, what I say and what I do are two very different things. You must learn I am always right. I know how to do everything better. I know the answer to all of the world's biggest problems.

My public image is everything to me, how I am perceived by others is extremely important. I am admirable, gentle, kind, loving, humble and successful.

I twist the facts to suit myself, I rewrite history where I see fit and you must believe it at all costs. I embellish, Omit and dramatise everything to suit my needs.

I refuse to listen , if anyone did anything wrong it was you and not me. I am always the victim and never the abuser.

I am a great big projection machine and I will deflect and project any evil or bad behaviour back onto you, because you see , You are the problem not me.

You will seek my approval in everything 24 hours a day , 7 days a week. You have no personal identity, you are what I make you. You are to back down and keep quiet and doubt yourself daily. You will hold the belief that you have to try harder to please me. Any opinions you hold will have to match mine. I will accept nothing less.

I am unable and unwilling to behave any differently. I am judgmental, slanderous , fickle and critical. I am haughty, arrogant and envious. I am seductive , repulsive , an addict.

I covet success, power, brilliance and beauty. What I haven't already acquired I will take from others. If I want it, it's mine.

I am special, unique and above punishment, reform or repentance. I cannot and will not be judged.

If you do not produce and live up to my expectations I shall bore of you , I will dispose of you in any way that is of greatest benefit & pleasure to me. I care not if you cannot produce due to my punishments or if you are too old to comply, sick or infirm, all that matters to me is replacing you with a newer , more co-operative model that will meet my needs.

You cannot escape me , I will be the thorn in your side, the pebble in your shoe. I will forever consider you to be the person who failed me, who abandoned my needs. Even years after I leave you I will still watch you, harass you, tell lies about you and name and shame you. You are my unfinished business that I intend to collect upon.

I am a leader, a preacher, a schoolteacher, a scientist, an actor, a doctor, a nurse, a salesman and your mayor. I am everywhere in society, I am in your church, in your schools, and in your home.

I am the alpha and omega. Everything begins and ends with me

I may look human, I have all the characteristics of one, My skin , hair, blood and all that defines me as a human is just a disguise. It is a mask of sanity.

So who am I?

...come closer and I'll tell you.

I am the wolf in sheep's clothing and you my dear are the prey.


Mar 23 - 6AM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

the psychonarc

i've read this before.....and i always wanted to make this his obituary......
Mar 22 - 9PM
rache's picture

LOOK INTO MY EYES...............

Now,you've been ~HYPNOTIZED~
Mar 22 - 3PM
rache's picture


look at that guy Gareth and you can FEEL the EVIL-its tangible.
Mar 22 - 10PM (Reply to #13)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

feel the evil - read the evil

that Gareth was exposed on the SAME site that exposed Psycho-Boy for me: http://wbx.me/l/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcyberpathlinks.blogspot.com%2F2008%2F04%2Fgareth-rodger.html ~~~~~~~~~ The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein Visit My Info. Website for Abuse Victims
Mar 23 - 2AM (Reply to #14)
rache's picture


What a FREAK- (GARETH).Ladies-online is No place to find love.
Mar 22 - 12PM
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Gee I didnt know my psychopath would come on this site and post this forum, lol For once he is honest
Mar 22 - 12PM (Reply to #5)
Monica's picture

Cynthia...the one and ONLY time they would be honest

We must have the same xN/P. Mine could have written this, too, and would have been damn proud of it. They are such sick and disordered bast*rds. I just can't fathom what I ever saw in mine. He wasn't even good looking. Maybe I have a brain tumor or something because I just can't explain why I ever gave so much to something (not someONE) who can do nothing but suck other people dry and not give a damn about doing it or how it destroys them.
Mar 22 - 1PM (Reply to #6)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I just can't explain why I ever gave so much to something (not someONE) who can do nothing but suck other people dry and not give a damn about doing it or how it destroys them SEDUCTIVE BRAINWASHING & MIND CONTROL!!! ~~~~~~~~~ The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein Visit My Info. Website for Abuse Victims
Mar 22 - 3PM (Reply to #7)
Monica's picture

Literally...he was the hunter, I was the hunted....I know...

He would sit and stare at me for long lengths of time from across the room. Watch me as I walked into the room, walked across the room, when I was just sitting there. I thought it was so seductive, so exciting, so passionate. But I was wrong. I was being stalked. Targeted. HUNTED. I see that now. It is all so clear. And after he had me caught in his trap, he started withholding. Pulling back. Giving me JUST enough to keep me "quiet" and under his control. It is so frightening to look back on it now and see it for what it really was. Frightening....yet also liberating in a way. I got out of the trap before I was completely consumed. I am damaged, injured...but I made it out alive. And now I take care of myself, tend to my wounds, help them heal and become whole again.
Mar 22 - 5PM (Reply to #8)
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I feel the same way

Thank God we got out, ya there is damage but we made it out alive. I thought it was exciting too that intense look, like he couldnt get enough of me, ha ha He might as well have been sitting in a tree with a gun ready to hunt the deer I mean dear, ha ha I was injured and was easy prey to target, which goes to show what a real man he is, puke, Mine would give me enough just to keep me interested then he would pull back so I would go after him, sick bastard - just goes to show you how long they have been hunting, they are skilled they have had a life time of practice
Mar 22 - 6PM (Reply to #9)
Monica's picture

"Real man??" In their dreams......

Not only are they not "real" men...they aren't even men...they aren't even human...and there isn't one real thing about them except their ego and self-centeredness and their ability to suck good people dry, within an inch of their lives. I went after mine when he pulled back, but only for so long. Then I started pushing him away. I took him back plenty of times but, each time I did, he had less and less of a hold on me and my eyes opened more and more. I was abused and used personally AND professionally. I truly don't know which hurt me more. So I had no safe place in my life, he was everywhere. And he always had his eye up to the sight in his rifle, and the rifle pointed at me. I was easy prey, too. But it was the first and last time. Now I know the signs. And I stay far away from the hunting grounds.
Mar 22 - 10PM (Reply to #10)
wallaby (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Wow - they are so much the same

Like you both (Cynthia and Monica) - I got out of the web before I was totally consumed - and the process you describe I went through too - After a period of pursuing him once his pull back/withholding started I dropped my end of the rope. I let more and more distance grow and once he realized that one of his prized "spinning plates" had slowed he went after it (and is still - frantically working to get me spinning again). It is such a relief when the "charge", the idealization - the longing for their projected false image crumbles away and you see them for who they are. I don't care anymore how handsome and smart mine is - he seems so hollow, repulsive and mean-spirited.
Mar 23 - 5AM (Reply to #11)
Healingnow's picture


Hi, I'm just wondering what is 'all consumed' 'I got out of the web before I was totally consumed '- I don't know if I got to that place or if there was more. He left me for another cos I obviously was switching off and didn't realise it was having an effect (the right one I see now).
Mar 22 - 8AM
Monica's picture

My xN/P could have written every word of this except..

...the part about the fist. (And he is NOT good looking.) He was never physically violent toward me, although I am certain that he did have it "in him" to be so. He always told me that I would never see him angry. But I saw the rage brewing behind his dark and empty eyes on many occasions and sensed it in his words and even in his texts. My guess is that something happened in his past and he was violent at one time and learned to control it. But every other word of this narrative could have been written by my xN/P. The sad thing is....he would probably be very proud to admit that. He prefers to be hated and feared than respected and loved.
Mar 22 - 8AM (Reply to #2)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


"the fist" is a metaphor violence can be verbal, emotional or mental, too ~~~~~~~~~ The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein Visit My Info. Website for Abuse Victims
Mar 22 - 8AM (Reply to #3)
The Girlfriend ...
The Girlfriend of Dr Jekyl's picture

Everything in the Article is my N/Psycho BF's MANTRA

This is exactly how my N/Psycho BF thinks and is his daily mantra. Unfortunately...I have been on the receiving end of his 'fist'...and mine HAS used his fist...figuratively and literally... ...and yet most people...including his family STILL think that he is "Prince Charming'... ...unbelievable...