honest growth or manipulation?

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#1 May 16 - 10AM
malloryforest's picture

honest growth or manipulation?

Got text response from H. He stated he is committed to being empathetic. He has learned a lot because he has lost everything. He wants me to have an open heart, and when he says that he is fully done with GF, i will not continue to slice and dice him.

He says he takes responsibility for the last couple of years. He knows he is the one who cheated. He needs to know that I am willing to work on our marriage issues. It is easier for him to just move on, and not face the damage of the last two years, but he is willing to because he wants his family.

He says that he didn't really understand what it meant to be commited to a family...now he understands. He is sorry. He takes responsibilty for hurting me and the kids.

He says he can't do everything alone...sell house, save his job, deal with depression. He needs to have us in his life. He needs me to be a friend and partner. He can do this without GF, but can't do it without me.

He wants to help me rebuild his self esteeem as he helps me to rebuild mine.

We both need to start fresh, from a loving place without holding the past against eachother.

Question girls....honest growth or manipulation. I have my feelings, but would like to hear yours. I think what is really bothering me...is that the behavior has not changed. He is still living with GF. I am sure she does not have the whole truth into what he is asking of me. I feel like he is still trying to orchestrate or manipulate the people in his life. I don't question that he misses the kids or me....but something is not sitting right for me.

You know...if he seperated from GF, spent some time alone, went into therapy, and then made the decision he still wanted his family....I could feel differently. It's just that he didn't do that. He is still with GF, and if I say no...I don't want the marriage, he will still be with GF. It is not about her. It is something deeper. The need to have a relationship at all costs...i don't know. Yet part of me thinks...is he growing? Does he deserve a second chance? Do I want to go back? Can people grow and change? Probably a moment for he said...he meant.

May 16 - 8PM
RenewD's picture


They DO NOT grow...OR change, ever. I was married to my husband for 11 years, divorced for 2, married again for 5, and NOW I am DONE for GOOD. In the first 11 years, we had about 10 separations. I listened to the pleads for another chance, I believed he'd change and learned a lesson every time. Finally, I divorced him. He put me and my children through so much hell, much financial, alot of mental abuse...that I felt the only way to get out of the situation and protect my kids was to take him back. He grew so much, and learned such a huge lesson...he said. He wanted nothing more than to have his family happy, together and healthy. So...we remarried. I believed him because, I believed in him more than he believed in himself. That didn't last long. After only months he was back to the same old abuse. We all walked on eggshells and were made sick once again from his jekyll and hyde behavior. He was more horrible to me than ever before and he maintained that HE HAD changed as promised, it was me and the kids who were crazy. Finally I got out for good. He took my whole family with him, they are all now on his side because I "gave up" on this wonderful man. They don't believe he abused us....and accuse me of being a cold hearted bitch. But I wasn't. I wanted nothing more than to see him happy and to be happy with him. I realized though that that would never happen, because he just cannot be happy. I don't know if I'm a slow learner or have more faith in people than I should. But I finally learned either way...that a narcissist WILL NEVER GROW AND CHANGE! EVER!!!! NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY!!! It's manipulation pure and simple. Once they win you back, they are back too, just the way they were when you realized you needed to get out. Please don't put yourself through that. I know the feelings behind wanting only the best for them. Know what though?? They do not and never will want the best for you. They may say they do...but it's just a ploy. Get yourself out. Run fast and as far as you can. Do what Barbara says and ignore the texts...and document them. Don't let him get to you....the way mine did to me.
May 16 - 2PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Mallory - he's got cranial-rectal inversion syndrome

wait a second... this is the SAME idiot that JUST YESTERDAY said YOU need to give him an answer about trying AGAIN before he will drop the girlfriend? And now its up to YOU to HELP HIM CHANGE? ROFLMAO. He is PATHOLOGICAL. He is not CAPABLE of change. He is sick. His BRAIN is different. He can NOT change. Mallory has he done ANYTHING to try to remedy the situation so far? On his OWN? Has he done ANYTHING but tried to convince you that his sick perverted NEEDS are more important than you and the children? http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com/2007/01/ill-change-i-promise-six-signs-of-real.html http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com/2005/12/how-abusers-stage-their-returns-while.html http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com/2006/02/on-victim-blaming-and-control-its.html IT'S MANIPULATION. TELL THIS DEPRAVED MONSTER YOU WANT NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH HIM. HE'S SO OBVIOUS! Do NOT doubt yourself ever again! That's what he wants and he's WRONG. BTW - STOP READING HIS TEXTS. Send to lawyer, document, delete. And get those books i recommended yesterday. He's just scrambling to reel you back in and regain control. He'll do more - STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF. Lisa's right - he's seriously DELUSIONAL. ...put a fork in him. he's done... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals http://one2one4victims.webs.com/
May 16 - 11AM
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


The only thing I can think of adding to all that has been said on the subject is that if someone is truly serious about changing, the will do so on their own, seek their own therapy and answers, and be unselfish enough to realize that the people they have hurt need time away to heal on their own. But they really have to be the type of person who is capable of changing in the first place. My exN even offered all this, "as long as it takes", but I knew it was only lip service. Believe me mallory, I would have done anything, YOU NAME IT, if I knew it was possible to have a normal relationship with my exN. I really loved him. He was much more of a covert narcissist. He wasn't unfaithful (that I knew of), he had a lot of good traits - I know I didn't have it nearly as bad as some, but he still is what he is. This was the toughest realization for me to deal with - they don't change. If there was some amazing scientific cure for Narcissism, I'd be the first in line. I know how this kind of hope feels. I wish for world peace too...but ya know how that goes. The hope here is that you are capable of living a full, happy life free of BS, and have the chance to share that down the road with a NORMAL partner. It's hard to see all that right now, I know. (hugs, hugs, hugs)
May 16 - 4PM (Reply to #2)
cassiemay's picture


I think I understand how hard this must be for you. Of course you Want to believe him . Of course you do. I think Barbara said somewhere that it might be useful to require him to BE Alone for a good long time: no girlfriends, no other contact and only seeing you occasionally for a Date. No sex, no mutual financial obligations unless needed and ordered by court. Time for him to show his "true colors". I hate to be pessimistic, but......I believe if you require these things you will have a better ideal of what's really going on with him. I know if my STBX said these things I would have difficulty saying "Fuck you". I would wonder and wonder.....should I give another chance? etc. etc. I also know that the advice given here to have him actually PROVE himself is invaluable. Really, it's the only way without giving up everything you've fought so hard to redeem in your own life,. Don't stop your own life either. Move forward as if he wer NOT in the picture AT all. If, in the end of 18 months he has proved himself and you feel certain of this...fine. You always have the option of changing your mind. But honestly, with such ridiculous claims a few days apart this would not make any kind of sense for YOU, Mallory. "Those who are unwise believe what they think, not what they see. Those who are wise believe what they see, not what they think." CM
May 16 - 8PM (Reply to #3)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Everyone is right, you can't possibly take him back right now. No way. If anything, do as Barbara suggested and see how he responds. Trust me, if he truly loves you the way he says he does and really has changed, he will be able to make an effort at what you ask him to do. Unfortunately, he's full of b.s. and when you say ok, I'll give you a second chance if you do this for me, he won't be able to do it. Then you have your answer. Then you have your clarity. Just sit back and observe. If this man is worthy of your love, he will make an effort to do these things. Unfortunately, he is not worthy of your love because he is completely sick and pathological. He is unable to change. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it. You've come this far in reclaiming your life. Do not give in now. If you seriously want to relieve any doubt in your mind, ask him to do what Barabara suggested and see how he responds. Be prepared to be disappointed, but the good thing is, at the end of the day, all doubt will be eradicated from your mind. Stay strong!
May 16 - 10PM (Reply to #4)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

has he really changed?

is he serious about changing? Read: http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com/2007/03/abusive-behavior-have-they-really.html