doubting myself

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Aug 22 - 5PM (Reply to #4)
infinity (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

thank you

i started to read the pages, and listen online to the radio blog. so helpful and i do need therapy. immediately. deep down inside, i know that strong single mother still exists. i raised my kids alone, after a bad marriage. my daughters are now in college, and happy secure women. while i'm 41, and had them young, i know i did a good job as a young mother, without money, and i helped to instill good values in them. i am proud of them, and want them to be proud of me too. i just need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. i'm fine for hours, and then feel like i've been hit by a ton of brick, reliving it all. who would think that you're going about your business, feel so lucky to have met your soulmate, but the jokes on you. he was never a human being capable of even having a true feeling. i re-read the warning signs now, just as a reminder. never again-and i know that eventually i will learn to trust my values and opinions again. thank you for caring.
Aug 22 - 5PM (Reply to #5)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

we care because we have all been there

a phone counselor or coach could help you immediately (and be cost effective) while you search for a therapist who GETS IT about Narcissist Victims My recommendation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLICK HERE: Articles & information for Victims - Updated Daily "As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells, fending off N-rage, stop. Walk away." - Dr. M. Beck