reptilian eyes

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#1 Nov 13 - 12PM
Scoop's picture

reptilian eyes

I proberly have too much time on my hands but i have been shown the work of David Icke (who is barking mad by the way ) but .... but ... he talks about the eleat in this world as being reptilian shape shifters and that their mask drops of and you can see thier reptilian eyes and there are some exsamples on you tube of Hilliry Clinton and others looking being interviewed and they close up on the eyes which do look weird .
David icke talks about the ruling classes all through history being disendants of there ailan creatures that over time have interbread with humans .... now ......we have all mentioned the creepy eyes of the psycopath when the mask is off , we have all talking about our narc being an alien species.... its just a thought.
those eyes of my narc where weird , i wish i could show you some photos because it is the photos it realy shows up ... could barking mad David Icke be onto anything here .?

Nov 14 - 7PM
jen79's picture

Just remembered

the dream I just told helldweller, that I had, about him having a harem (before I found out he really had one), there was also an reptile involved, I was in the bedroom, a clocodile just appeared I screamed for him to help me, he didnt. then he went with the crocodile into the bathroom, and I saw them playing with each other like good old friends... maybe there was more on to that, than I thought!
Nov 14 - 6PM
helldweller's picture

The eyes

There was a film that would form over his eyes when he was in full-on evil mode. The twinkling blue, delightful eyes would become literallly glazed over. This was not a look, I swear it, there was a physical change that happened.
Nov 14 - 6PM (Reply to #33)
Scoop's picture

Yes Helldweller

Yes Helldewller i agree , there was a switch in him that would be activated when i pushed him for some realism .Very strange, he would almost say "right games up im going to hide" and down would go the shutters and out would come and the eyes ... sooo creapy .... fucking reptile ... xx
Nov 14 - 11AM
fedup's picture


my worst N experience was with a female N. (not a romantic partner) I recall being at a party once, and she walked past me. At the moment, she wasn't wearing her mask ( no one was paying attention to her) and I saw the blackest, coldest eyes I've ever seen on a human being in person-------- I got chilled to the bone. There was nothing but hatred, hostility in those eyes........ Until someone walked up, and it was like flipping a switch---she put the mask back on.The phony smile, and fake emotion.........*shudder* I still get creeped out remembering it.
Nov 14 - 3AM
Alibi_10's picture

Reptilian eyes

Agree with this one. And I even noticed it (sadly) the first time we had sex. I had noticed his eyes changed from blue to green depending on his mood, and he said people had complimented him on his eyes. Alarmingly I looked at his face when we had sex, and his eyes had gone black and cold, and he looked like he had a sneer on his face. Someone else posted about the snarling thing, and N did this too. When he was anxious (although he denied ever feeling anxious), he would constantly bare his teeth, and the eyes would be black again. He scared me then.
Nov 14 - 8AM (Reply to #30)
NancyM's picture

OH the sneer during sex

I never could reconcile it, but now I know it is just a sense of dominance...especially if you are reacting in a positive way. ickickick.


Nov 14 - 3AM (Reply to #25)
Scoop's picture

It was his eyes changing

It was his eyes changing colour that got me , my eyes dont turn colour ? i have never whitnessed other peoples eyes truning colour , is it possible to change youre eye colour? .... its definatly strange .
Nov 14 - 4PM (Reply to #27)
gettinbetter's picture

oh gosh

My eyes turn colors sometimes they are brown sometimes they are green and sometimes they are hazel. Im worried. Yikes. My narcs were blue sometimes and brown almost black at others. I hope Im not a narc
Nov 14 - 5PM (Reply to #28)
Scoop's picture

So that has cleared that up

So that has cleared that up , non narcs eyes change colour too. hmmm , back to the drawing board .my girl friend who lives with the flea just sent me this "today i brought over a set of plates from my mums coz all ours are shit and he said "oh great more stuff to wash up " .. he never says anything positive to me , i dont know how you did it girl , i souldnt let it get to me " The wank stain is lacking suppy . I knew he would turn on her and i warned her , lucky she is getting out this week , she should take the plates with her .x
Nov 14 - 5PM (Reply to #29)
gettinbetter's picture

I was just kiddin

The evil eye thing is definitely accurate I have couple of pics wish i could post where you can see complete evil in his eyes they are freakin creepy as hell. but my eyes do change color so much so that I didnt know what to put down on my drivers license so I go with hazel these days.
Nov 14 - 8AM (Reply to #26)
MsVulcan500's picture

My Eyes Change Color

My eyes change color . . . some. They are mostly blue, but sometimes depending on what color I am wearing, my mood, or if I'm sick, they do change. They can go from grayish to blue to green. And they don't change by the hour or the minute. I usually notice it in the morning, then I check to see what I'm wearing. But I don't think they ever get all dark and sinister looking. At least I hope not!! I never noticed my narc's eyes changing color. I know there has been a lot of talk about that here, but I just never saw it.
Nov 14 - 2AM
CarolKittyGale (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

On hindsight I think both my

On hindsight I think both my ex Narcs look snidey and creepy....what the bloody hell was I and actually expect horns to sprout from there head sooner or later.
Nov 13 - 9PM
anonymous's picture

Looking into the Eyes of a Snake

From my story: After I got home that Sunday, I sent him an e-mail thanking him for the nice weekend. I also told him that I wanted to do what he said what he wanted me to do, which was to not allow him to color my decisions. I said that I wanted to go work with him on that other gig but that I would wait to make a decision until I had thought about it for a while. I said I wanted to be sure I was making the decision to quit my job because it was truly the right thing for me and not simply because I wanted to follow him. He replied with an e-mail that would haunt me. He said that he did not want to color my decisions in any way because they were too personal to me and he wouldn't feel comfortable giving undue influence. He then wrote that he was very happy about our relationship, that the sex was phenomenal, "the best I've had"and that I had "brought out feelings in [him] that [he] wasn't sure [he'd] ever feel again." He said that his "feelings for [me] had consistently surpassed anything [he] had ever felt for anyone before." Then, the following Tuesday, he took me on a dinner date and all of a sudden, I was looking into the eyes of a snake and I was the recipient of a coldness and meanness I had never experienced before. In the five years I had known him, he had never raised his voice at me, he had never looked at me with anything but kindness and he was always warm and supportive. He implied that I had roped him into working at a place that he hated. He loudly said, "What the fuck were you and X thinking, that I would come back and stay forever?" I was completely blindsided and didn't know how to react other than to cry. The following Friday, I was unceremoniously dumped after being told that at his core is a cold and analytical personality who is always doing math. Guess the strong feelings were nothing more than bullshit and the whole time he was a snake in the grass waiting to slither away. Bastards.
Nov 13 - 8PM
blueeyes's picture


I'm on my blackberry and I can't find this video your talking about anywhere. Can someone post a link if they have it? Thanks.
Nov 14 - 2AM (Reply to #21)
Scoop's picture


Its on you tube , if you search David Icke reptiles lots of vidios come up , i spent far tooo much time yesterday watching them , its wild and crazy stuff , but David icke seems convinced he is right . He was a tv presenter in England , very famous and then he went public with his "findings" and his career was over so he started to write books on supernatural stuff and conspiricy things .
Nov 13 - 3PM
Susan32's picture

Completely dark and vacant

The ex-Psych professor's eyes were completely dark and vacant, like nobody was home. It was more like looking into a black hole. And, like a black hole, capable of sucking out the life, joy and energy in the room....
Nov 13 - 3PM
fooled no longer
fooled no longer's picture

the N eyes go from nice

the N eyes go from nice Hazel on a normal day to ice cold black stones that stare at you, I have tried to stare him down sometimes, and it's bone chilling.
Nov 13 - 2PM
jen79's picture

sorry for posting hundreds

of comments, just got to see blueeyes narc, and yogilala's, and they saw mine, they all have evil empty look in their eyes. And blueeyes even said, mine looks like her first narc. Then I realized that in the whole internet, there is not ONE pic of him where he has a genuine smile, not even one. If he smiles at one, that with this smearky (I hope thats the right word) smile, smeary (?), smeery (?), you know what I mean, this kind of I am evil dangerous and sexy smile, not one where you say aww how sweet. And the rest of the pics is evil.
Nov 13 - 8PM (Reply to #17)
M's picture


Mine never had a genuine smile---more of a leer. And I've noticed that he can't keep his lips closed. He's always baring his teeth in a snarl. Very creepy.
Nov 13 - 1PM
jen79's picture


Yes me, I have seen some things of him, though I think he is crazy, you never know, we are limited within our 5 senses. But when I saw it, I thought right away about the narc.
Nov 13 - 1PM (Reply to #2)
jen79's picture

hahaha conspiracy!

They are aliens!!!!!!
Nov 13 - 1PM (Reply to #3)
jen79's picture

I think

what he basicaly says, is that some people are prone to get possessed by lower frequency energies/entities, and that we as humans interprete these lower engergies with our 5 senses as demonic or reptilian whatever.
Nov 13 - 2PM (Reply to #4)
Scoop's picture

It intresting stuff , while

It intresting stuff , while we are pioneering the subject on narcs and being victums of them i know i am ready to resurch any avenue ... the idea of posession is something we have all felt and it becomes more clearer once you go nc for a while just how out of the ordenary our behaviour was and in turn their behaviour was . If this guy has looked at things independently from psycopaths and just with the ruling classes then ...well ... its a big coinsidence in my book , "there are more things in heven and earth " and all that ... what i do find intresting is the study of diffrent art form ancient civilizations depicting dragons , and reptiles . Even in Christianity we have the sepant giving eve the apple ... hmm ..
Nov 13 - 3PM (Reply to #15)
gettinbetter's picture

yes yes

I cant believe my behavior. Just today after I came home from a nice lunch with my family, I had a moment where I thought no this didnt all happen. It was a dream. He didnt come back 15 years later and do this to me. I didnt let him poision me and my morals like this. NO NO NO this couldnt have happened. But it did :( There is something to the whole energy thing. I knew there was pain and sadness in his eyes the minute I saw him when we reconnected. In fact he ask me what was wrong as I kept turning away from him. I saw so much sadness. When he ask what was wrong all I could say is its hard for me to look at you and see how much of your life I have been absent from. I knew something wasnt right literally the minute I looked at his eyes.
Nov 13 - 3PM (Reply to #14)
Susan32's picture


Most religions believe in forms of exorcism, from Tibetan Buddhists to Roman Catholics. There's a conference here in the US educating priests on exorcism. A common factor is that the possessed person doesn't think they need help;they think they're OK. It's their family and friends who have to take them to the priest for deliverance. A relative of mine got involved in the occult, she's divorcing my cousin, and she was sleeping on the floor because she thought demons were pursuing her. Apparently she had candles and pictures everywhere, living in fear. When she was at my sister's wedding 2 years ago, she was mentally "with it", healthy physically and emotionally. According to my aunt, her eyes look strange, there might be drugs involved too. A possessed person doesn't think they need to get help. They think they're fine. Everybody else knows they're not.
Nov 13 - 2PM (Reply to #5)
jen79's picture

me too scoop

only some days in NC, and you feel already the difference, its like being possessed by something that at least doesnt belong to us. Eckhart Tolle would probrably say we are feeling their painbodies, and since we had sex with them = sharing energy with them, we have eaten up their lower frequencies. Another explanation I heard from the suffi, he said this is a djinn. Well when I was in mediation, I once saw, that behind the N was lots of stuff, its like he carries around a whole mess pattern, that doesnt even belong to HIM, and he never cleaned it up, I mean everything ever happened to him, everything is still active within him, this is huge. I always had the feeling, he punishs me for something that someone else did to him..
Nov 13 - 3PM (Reply to #6)
blueeyes's picture

The eyes

I really want to elaborate here. I'm on my cell and holding a sleeping baby so I can't until later. I saw the evil in his eyes all along. Everyone including Obama and Joe Biden's wife LOVED my HN eyes!! I hated them! This also has a lot to do with my name Blueeyes. Some of you know that when I was pregnant I cried thinking my newborn would have his father's mental disorder, ASPD and NPD. I promised mtself in my last trimester that if my baby was born with my blueeyes then he would have my kind soul. My baby has my eyes! I'm so glad I see myself when I look at his precious face. Jen, your N's eyes and sick of it's N's eyes are similar. My N's eyes are yellow/green and almost florecent. His eyes get compliments but they have always given me the creeps.
Nov 13 - 3PM (Reply to #7)
gettinbetter's picture

mines are freakin evil.

mines are freakin evil. Weird thing is they dont look like that all of the time. My Narc looks quite similiar to blueeyes narc. Weird
Nov 13 - 3PM (Reply to #8)
jen79's picture

maybe they are all from one planet

From narc planet, evil aliens!!!! looool thats why they all look the same, yogilala's looks dangerous too and terribly vain.
Nov 13 - 3PM (Reply to #11)
gettinbetter's picture

What do you consider vain?

Does this qualify? Professional pics of yourself on your Harley. Sending provactive pictures of yourself to your ex girlfriend (me) Picutures of yourself with your shirt off and dont even let me start on the picture where he had chaps on! He was never like this before. He cared how he looked yes but not like this. Constantly works out now. Pics like the ones he sent me years ago he would have said they were gay. He was a Narc back then but now I see how much it has really taken hold of him