Silent Treatment vs No Contact
Silent Treatment vs No Contact
I've searched the site to learn the difference btw the silent treatment vs no contact. My exN moved out while I was at work, no explanation/no warning. I was depressed, desperate and excessively contacted him. He ignored all my contact except an occasional "Stop Contacting Me". The more he ignored me, the more I contacted him. I was determined to get answers, validation or resolution. Though every 2 weeks, he responded or contacted me to 'talk' which led into sex, I realize now he was only using me. As time went on, he started blocking me and then completely shut me out. I got a text from a mutual acquaintance that he shared my personal pain filled emails with her, why?
I have been having a hard time with the silent treatment, questioning if he's doing no contact bcus I'm unhealthy for him vs he being unhealthy for me. During one of his 'visits' he said that his mom told him that I have some sort of hold on him, that he gets week around me or by hearing my voice, so that was his explanation of avoiding me.
I've taken the silent treatment personal, it's demeaning and cruel. I'm coming to terms with the break up for 4 months ago and him moving back in with his exwife 5 weeks ago but I'm having a hard time with myself; liking and forgiving myself for being a complete fool by chasing and begging for him back. The silent treatment is a permanent 1-up on me, but is that necessary with everything else he's already done?
Sorry if the topic is a repeat and thank you for your help.
I know all to well
Life is about choices as Hunter would say
Savingmyself One thing you
Saving Myself
I didn't mean to imply
Cognitive Dissonance
About CD
Does it get better? Here you
NC will redeem me..
Trying to redeem myself with myself
You get your pride back
This guy is a true resident
no the silent treatment by
No Contact is not the same as Silent Treatment
I know I'm repeating...
Tapping Into Another Experience
i met my soon to be ex narc
Yes all true and common here
I'm truly getting it