What do you all think about a question answered by Dr. Sam Vaknin???
What do you all think about a question answered by Dr. Sam Vaknin???
Was curious about what you here on the forum thought about an answer I received from a question that I had posed a while back to Dr. Sam Vanknin. Would like your input as well. The question was my usual obsessive one about my exn and the ow. It was basically as to what he thought about a narcissist staying long term and even spending the rest of his life with a woman that possesses great wealth AND many qualities that a narc would find appealing and want to have (and we all know what those would be such as unlimited adoration etc....) did he see the narc ever leaving that source of supply. His answer was that the only "need" a narcissist has is for supply and if the supply is high end supply then why would a narcissist mess this up??????
Even though (before I get the posts where I shouldn't be worrying about narc and ow now) I get that, and I'm steadily working on that part (the obsession) I guess I can't help but feel confused about the conflicting things I read or hear. I respect Dr. Vanknin's opinions and I know he himself is a narcissist, however, you people here on the forum have lived through the real experiences where MOST of you tell me that on the contrary NO MATTER what this ow can offer it will still fail. No crystal balls here and I get that too, but do any of you think with Dr. Vaknin's opinion on this question that he is indeed correct that IF the narc considers the person to be giving high end supply they will remain constant to him?? I'm not forgetting the part where the ow may actual have a mind of her own, and one day flee, but in this case I'm not thinking so.
Thanks. Just want to hear what you think on his answer.
Are you wondering if the ex N
maky 1
I wrote a post a while back
Your obsession, as you and i
Obsession wheel turning
As long as your gaze is still
This is completely accurate.
Yes, helped
that's right. and may i make
I'll give that a shot!!!
and further, there are no
Why can't I see him D
The problem isn't him,
I won't ever gain my mother's
As kids, we yearn for our
Does sound strange
The part of him that makes
I wish i could fast forward you to the future...
I love this post, Light! And
its ok D
It is very hard to "get",
When he says she doesn't make