To all those in the states, Happy Fourth of July! I will always be grateful to the men and women who fight for our freedom and never take it for granted. I hope all who celebrate enjoy a fun, safe and celebratory day today!
To all of us, regardless of where we live, Happy Independence Day!!!!!
The quotes in the link below really remind me how lucky I am to have my independence. I thought I would share with all of you in hopes that you appreciate the same!
Some of my favorites are:
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”
― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre
“I'd rather die my way than live yours.”
― Lauren Oliver, Delirium
“Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”
― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
“Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an institution.”
― Mae West, The 2,548 Best Things Anybody Ever Said
“There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”
― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
“To find yourself, think for yourself.”
― Socrates
“I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I've just done what I damn well wanted to, and I've made enough money to support myself, and ain't afraid of being alone.”
― Katharine Hepburn
“I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves.”
― Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
“There are some who want to get married and others who don't. I have never had an impulse to go to the altar. I am a difficult person to lead.”
― Greta Garbo
“People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take.”
― Emma Goldman
“For it is in your power to retire into yourself whenever you choose.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
“I'll walk where my own nature would be leading. It vexes me to choose another guide.”
― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre
Lots of Love,
how about
Words of wisdom