A big welcome to all of you joining or visiting our forum for female PD's/It's All About Her

This is fantastic Lisa,

We now we have a place of healing here where we can reach both men and women. Also we do address ALL the personality disorders. I will include a link so you can read a more detailed description of the other PD's and as Lisa said there are more diagnoised male narcissists. Women traditionally tend to be more borderline and histrionic.

Most all of the PD's do in fact include Narcissistic features and components, therefore, you may see the narcissistic traits in them as well. Also a PD can have traits of other PD's without necessarily having that disorder full blown. They usually have a primary diagnosis and then can have features of one or more of the other PD's. This is why it is important to read the links and see what fits for the PD whom you know.

Self absorption and difficulty with intimacy, push pull, I love you; I hate you, lack of empathy for YOUR needs, sexual promiscuity in some, mood swings, which makes it difficult to have a give and take relationship, or shall I say nearly impossible. We all know the drill; with a PD you never know from day to day what you are going to get.

Any question? Jump in when you are ready to get your feet wet and we will be happy to respond with our experiences dealing with the PD's ourselves. Everyone on here has been involved with a PD and we are all in various stages of recovery.

I am one of the moderators and will gladly listen, respond, and point you in a direction which may be helpful for you.

Welcome to the site and I wish you all the very best in your recovery and healing from the adverse effects of a PD. We welcome all who have had relationships with PD's, parents, coworkers, children, romantic, platonic, we all need help sorting out the trainwreck that just hit us or the one we are still dealing with in our lives. This hurts, it is confusing, and support is a huge part of recoverering from or living with a PD.

Schizoid personality disorder

Avoidant personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder

Schizotypal personality disorder

Paranoid personality disorder

Antisocial personality disorder

Dependent personality disorder

Histrionic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder

God bless,


Jul 24 - 11PM
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


This is sooooo true: "Self absorption and difficulty with intimacy, push pull, I love you; I hate you, lack of empathy for YOUR needs, sexual promiscuity in some, mood swings, which makes it difficult to have a give and take relationship, or shall I say nearly impossible. We all know the drill; with a PD you never know from day to day what you are going to get." Thank you for your leadership on this. It is hard for men to admit they are in an emotionally abusive relationship, but once they do, they are on the path to recovery. An abuser is an abuser is an abuser and no one should ever feel ashamed for being a victim. We must get real, wake up an heal in order to move along the path forward. I imagine many will read before posting, but reading is the first step! Getting to the point where you no longer bury your head in the sand and deal with reality is HUGE! If you are here, we are glad you found us. You are NOT alone. Understanding it and acknowledging it is the first step in breaking free and finding happiness again. It is not an easy process, but absolutely necessary in order to live a real, authentic life of happiness. You deserve nothing less!!!!!