The ring
by Harper03 |
Just being honest
by Sickofhim |
"""AA Songs for the Journey"""
by adoette |
Odd question
by Sickofhim |
Stop Wondering If He's Really a Narcissist
by no more an echo |
People treat us the way we ALLOW them to treat us & review of 50 Shades of Grey
by Goldie |
Thinking of breaking NC???
by spinning |
Are they AWARE?
by dulcinea441 |
I called, but hung up. I couldn't...
by TovaBella |
Is all their behavior premeditated?
by Trainwreck56 |
by BrokenBlonde |
Words to describe my NPD experience...
by Dallas |
Why so many vibrators?
by EAD46 |
Exposing the Psychopath?
by lilygirl |
Award winning comments!
by nomoredenial |
Narcissist and OCD?
by HardToBelieve |
I'm thinking REVENGE..has anyone done this to an ex N?
by foreverfun1 |
The Audacity of the OW asking my side of the story...REALLY? I DON'T owe her nothing!
by Liberated2Aspire |
I hate even writing this....
by fallingfoward |
Why can't i stop? is it me?
by star17 |
So, what does a hoover *look* like, exactly?
by Deidre99 |
I'm sorry, but I just have to ask this...
by Sunafterrain |
Why the relationship failed
by neverlookback |
by Monarch |
So just how do you 'accept' it?
by bgirl |