Yep. I called him this morning.

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#1 Feb 14 - 11AM
Skb's picture

Yep. I called him this morning.

Left him a voicemail this morning saying I am the only one who has ever loved him despite his "dark side" always have, always will. Happy Valentines Day. This was met, of course, with total silence. He LOVES that I am still suffering. He loves that he has crushed me. I haven't moves on and he knows it. Makes me the CRAZY one he can look down on and blame for being psycho. And I keep giving him my power. I play the victim instead of moving on. I am SICK of it.

Feb 16 - 12PM
Emmy2002's picture

No Contact

I'm having the same problem with NC. I made it all the way till 9:43pm last night with NC. But I went & sent him a text to let him know his dog was sick. Why?? I don't know, he doesn't care. If he doesn't care about my son or myself why would he care about his dog he left us?? It is really hard to not text. I have him blocked from my phone & emails, but I can unblock him at any given time, send him a text & block him again. I went on the internet to see about a permanent block, but can't seem to find one. My cell phone carrier doesn't have one either. I don't know why I can't keep myself from texting him. I don't want him back. I'm doing fine without him. This is the one step I need to conquer so I can be finished!!! Anyone out their have any advice on how to block him forever???
Feb 16 - 12PM (Reply to #29)
Deidre40's picture


hi emmy--my to do NC in 'bite size' morsels. so...starting now...tell yourself...'self, i'm going to make it to 9pm tonite without contact.' then, 9pm hits, and give yourself another goal. setting mini goals and ACCOMPLISHING THEM...will cause you to want to accomplish more mini goals. you will get to the point, where you will have hit so many mini goals, that an entire week will pass without a single text sent to him, without realizing it! and once you hit a number of mini goals, you won't want to thwart further efforts. you start to like the victory you soon start to feel over going NC. try it. it works.
Feb 16 - 9PM (Reply to #30)
Emmy2002's picture

Good Advice

That is good advice! I will try that......tomorrow! I slipped & sent him a text at 7pm. My son loves deer meat & the ex N gave us four packs a few months back. He killed a hugh buck & gave us four small packs of meat & stuck the rest in his Mom's freezer that will go to waste. Anyway, my son wanted to know if we could get more. So I sent a text asking if my son could get more deer meat cause he loves it & it's all gone. No response. Which I knew he would. It just shows he doesn't care about his son. It doesn't bother me that he doesn't answer. It bothers me that I can't stop treating him like we are still friends! I know we never will be, that's fine too. I guess I'll just text my family if I feel like texting him! But I will try your idea tomorrow! A small bite at a time!!! Lol!!! Thank you!!
Feb 16 - 11AM
Deidre40's picture

I agree with Hunter to a

I agree with Hunter to a degree, but I don't believe you 'enjoy' the abuse. I think more of what it is a familiar thing for you, to be abused by this asshole. That's more it. Being comfortable with the devil you know, and not the devil you don't know so to speak. (the devil you don't know being going on in life sans this man) The only thing that will bring you everlasting NC. (and God, of course, prayer is powerful!) NC is the great equalizer. The great enabler towards freedom. I think what you're struggling with is...that link between letting go of the familiar (the abuse) and letting in something healthy (NC). NC, I won't lie, is daunting at first. Especially, you might find, as you go silent...he may reach out. (aka hoover) Not saying he will, but mine started reaching out, when a few months had gone by of my utter silence. He reached out in a variety of ways, from getting friends to bait me for him reaching out directly. I always maintained military silence. lol Sadly, you're at's you against him. You will only win, if you stay silent. WHAT WILL YOU WIN? Your life back. And that my dear, is worth going NC for, no? But...28 years is a long time! It will take time. But, go NC one day at a time...and eventually, he will fade away. The sting of all this will fade away. You have to just trust us when we tell you this. It is the only thing that stands between you and freedom. I WILL SAY THIS. AND I'M SAYING IT CAPS SO IT DOESN'T GET MISSED. YOU WILL HAVE VERY QUIET, BORING, LONELY DAYS DURING THE FIRST STAGES OF NC. THIS IS NORMAL. THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT PEACE LOOKS LIKE! WE ARE VERY CAUGHT UP IN NON STOP DRAMA, WITH NARCS. THEY MAKE LIFE SEEM EXCITING, BECAUSE WE'RE ALWAYS ON EDGE. BUT, THAT IS NOT NORMAL AND HEALTHY 'EXCITEMENT,' IT'S CALLED ABUSE. TRAIN YOURSELF TO LOOK AT THE SOLACE AS HEALTHY, NOT AS BORING. BUT, KNOW YOU WILL HAVE VERY BORING DAYS. DAYS WHEN YOU WANT TO TEXT. WANT HIM TO TEXT, CALL, ETC. BUT, LET THOSE FEELINGS PASS. TRUST ME...IT'S ALL PART OF THE HEALING PROCESS. Good luck to you. Hang in there, and stay strong!
Feb 16 - 5PM (Reply to #24)
Skb's picture

That is it EXACTLY

Diedre40, you are EXACTLY RIGHT. That is what I am going through. Where is the drama and the excitement. I miss living on the edge. The heart pounding freaking out because I couldn't reach him or he forgot to call or waiting to hear his voice or see him. I told my theraPist it was a RELATIONSHIP ON STEROIDS. How am I ever supposed to go back to normal? It feels so dull there isnt that FEELING in the pit of my stomach. I am not wondering if I out manuvered him. It was a game. I always LOST!!!!!! But I kept thinking someday maybe I would win. He was going to give me EVERYTHING I EVER DREAMED OF. It was going to be perfect. And now it is all gone. No more knight in shining armor. (I was a fantasy, but it was so beautiful.) Truly, I know he was a psychopathic liar. I now have peace. I just forgot what peace feels like. You are wise. Thank you for caring about someone you never met God Bless.
Feb 20 - 5PM (Reply to #27)
walking_on_sunshine's picture

Think of him as a drug, and

Think of him as a drug, and right now is the withdrawl. What you might realize once you have been away from the drug long enough is that you wern't all that unhappy b4 you started this drug. You did not take this drug because you were fucked up and needing to get love high... You were however, in fact, drugged against your will and if you crave that drug ,its only because you were made into an addict. I'm away from the drug myself long enough that i dont crave it. I realise I am not a depressed person looking for a love high. I truly want peace, and drama makes me sick. You might discover the same once you are out and away.
Feb 19 - 11AM (Reply to #25)
Snowflake's picture


I am trying to heal for exactly the same reasons..I get off on the rollercoaster, it feels acceptable to be let down and have to work harder x
Feb 20 - 9PM (Reply to #26)
Deidre40's picture


omg...this is put so perfectly, snowflake. i never could articulate it like this. thank you! i remember growing up with a narc. he made me feel like i had to work hard for his love. i never seemed to ever 'get' it. always falling short. i kept trying harder...and one day, i no longer cared. but those scars. those childhood patterns. they carry into our adulthoods. so well put, girl...thank you! i'm done trying to EARN someone's respect and love!
Feb 16 - 7AM
Monica's picture

Erase him from your life

A huge help to me in moving on was erasing my xN from my life. I blocked his phone numbers that I knew, blocked his email, defriended him on FB, threw away everything he ever gave me, erased all photos and files of him on my computers including all emails both sent and erasure. After I did this it was like out of sight out of mind and I was able to stay NC and move forward. Trash everything that reminds you of him. It helped me immensely. Drove him crazy too. He needed my supply and started using sneaky means to contact me until I sent him a cease and desist order. I now cannot even see what I ever saw in him. You can do this!!! Start erasing.
Feb 16 - 7AM
janemarie's picture

Have you spoken with Goldie

Have you spoken with Goldie yet???? Do you have a therapist? You made just need a little more than this forum to kick you in the ass to get you moving girl!!!!! I felt like you are feeling during my first month, but then I put everything into the NC and only then did I begin to move forward....I had and still have set backs....but I still remain NC... I spoke with Goldie, I got a new therapist, I bought some books...You MUST do something and everything for yourself to help you.....NOTHING is gonna help you if YOU dont do something to help yourself!!! Take control here....stay's the only way!!!!!
Feb 16 - 8AM (Reply to #20)
Skb's picture

I have done both

I have a therapist and have talked to Goldie. Still struggling. (I have known/loved this man for 28 years.) So kit us gonna take time to cut the ties. I AM GETTING THERE. Thank you so much. Couldn't do it without all if you.
Feb 16 - 8AM (Reply to #21)
Hunter's picture


Honesty is a great start.. Hunter
Feb 14 - 3PM
Im_always_fine's picture

DING!! Round 154!!You just

DING!! Round 154!! You just handed him a TKO...Total Knock Out. He's the champ and you're out cold. What's it gonna take? A padded room on mental ward? A terminal illness from the stress on your system? The total implosion of your entire life? What price do you put on yourself? Where are YOU going to draw the line? And say you can do this and this and this to me...but not THAT. Where's the line for you?
Feb 14 - 2PM
spinning's picture

skb, you do have a choice

here. Please exercise it. Your choice to "play victim" instead of moving on could come back to bite you in ways that will make you feel worse than what you are feeling right now. This guy has already called the cops on you. He can collect your "messages" and, well, use them to build a case for harassment, a RO, etc. etc. which would cause you much embarassment and pain. Don't give him this power. He doesn't have that kind of power, SKB. You have all the power here to control your own future and your own destiny. You must ACCEPT that this person has nothing good to give you and will simply continue to do what he is doing and perhaps even worse. Please don't leave any more messages. It could get way more complicated than just "venting." Please consider this. Sincerely, (not) spinning. AND WISHING NO ONE WOULD EVER SPIN AGAIN


Feb 16 - 6AM (Reply to #17)
Skb's picture

Thank you

Thank you, Spinning, for your straight talk and for knowing my story. You are right. This man brutalized his second wife with a two year divorce. He spent over 30k just to beat her. Got a RO and watched her go to jail. (his lawyers were brutal). He is capable of anything once he us DONE with you and it is always the woman's fault. He WILL take me down with no remorse. He is a psychopath. I needed someone to talk sense to me and you did. Thank you. I will not leave any more voicemails.
Feb 14 - 12PM
TNR1's picture

Hey SKB...are you looking for

Hey SKB...are you looking for closure or looking to get him back? Neither of those you are going to fully get from him...I think you know that. If you are seeking closure, then you need to say your loving, kind words to him in your mind and release him. If you want him back...SIGH!!....I've been there!! I went against all the great advice on this site and I pursued Mr. N with a smattering of very sweet emails (just as you just did with your text) and although, eventually he did come was exactly the same as real change. I would love you to avoid what I went through at all just prolongs doesn't actually fix or change or improve anything and you are still LEFT AGAIN. I think you really need to consider your motivations for reaching out to him and realize that you are dealing with someone disordered who just doesn't care about you.
Feb 14 - 12PM
Lisa87's picture

You just let him know you are

You just let him know you are still in the game, and thats all it is to them, a game to mindfuck us over and over and over again. Only you have control/power to stop. Do you want to keep riding the rollercoaster of pain or do you want to get off the ride for good. Keep busy with things you love and make you happy and forget the evil. You have the power....take it
Feb 14 - 12PM
midnight7's picture

Dear Skb, am sorry but the xN

Dear Skb, am sorry but the xN doesn't care whether a woman leaves voicemail professing love for him. The xN is incapable of love so he doesn't even love that you are suffering - he just gets off on it - one large ego boost. You have just given him a big old dose of good supply. His silence is abuse and he may use this in the future to come back and hoover. The fact you called him suggests that you still believe he can be the fantasy figure you wanted him to be and that he is capable of change - he isn't. Keep reading - knowledge and insight assist with letting go of the fantasy, him and playing victim. The past is the past, you are in control of your new journey and you have everything within you to succeed. 'Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens' Carl Jung. Those who look for validation from an outside source live in a fantasy world. Those that look within themselves come alive. NC = sanity = self respect = peace.
Feb 14 - 12PM (Reply to #13)
Skb's picture


That is it EXACTLY. I want the fantasy because the real man us sick, cruel, heartless, and a pathalogical liar. I KNOW THAT! I HAVE TO ACCEPT IT IN MY HEART.
Feb 14 - 12PM
Sparrow's picture

You need to find a way to

You need to find a way to develop more will power. You acknowledge that what you are doing is giving him power, more supply, but your not able to control your urges. Remember, that is all they are at this point, are urges. A craving to speak to him, re-connect with him, or even to seek revenge. They are all in the same....... What is done now is done. I only wish you would have come here first before making that call. Today is a difficult time for many on the forum, including you, and today is also a day where we really need to exercise our strength, put it to the test, refrain from breaking NC. Try and regroup, and strengthen your committment to NC! Hang in there, you will get this down eventually!
Feb 14 - 12PM
Movingforwardnow's picture


Then stop doing it! When the pain is too much to handle you will do something different. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein The result will always be the same with these disordered freaks. Sorry you are hurting today. Give yourself a hug and remind yourself of ten things that make you special..I know you can come up with a list of 10 things. Write them down. read them aloud, post it where you can see it. Love you today!
Feb 14 - 12PM
Hunter's picture

You can't be that sick of

You can't be that sick of it.. You picked up the phone.. If you would have asked me I would have told you the outcome.. Abusive SILENT TREATMENT... Now you've opened up a can of worms for him to come play in the sandbox.. In a few days he will Hoover and then you are back in the game of abuse.. I ask.. You now see Contact = Pain.. What are you going to do about it? Hunter
Feb 14 - 12PM (Reply to #2)
Skb's picture

No he won't hover

He won't hover. God I wish he would. All I get is silence. He knows what that does to me.
Feb 14 - 12PM (Reply to #7)
Hunter's picture

Well you just answered What

Well you just answered What your intentions're not SICK of the abuse at all ,in fact you are enjoying it.. We can't help you until you commit to helping yourself.. Seems you don't get that fire burns.. It's time to put on some big girl panties are do some work..calling him is very counter productive.. Hunter
Feb 14 - 1PM (Reply to #8)
Skb's picture


I will stop at Penneys tonight and buy some "big girl panties." Thank you. It IS time to step up.
Feb 14 - 1PM (Reply to #9)
Maggster's picture

Hang in there-we all know it

Hang in there-we all know it is painfully hard. You posted on the forum for a reason; to get advice from those who have been there. I'm having a fucking awful day but it would be so much worse going back to that monster. Please, think ahead and envision your life without all that commotion. I often close my eyes and fantasize about days without worrying if he likes the shirt I am wearing, if will I say the right thing, if will I slice the bread correctly, if he is where he says he is, if he really had an HIV test!!! No more ifs for me. I'm done. Take my hand and lets leave the devils behind.
Feb 14 - 12PM (Reply to #3)
Sparrow's picture

Wishing to be hoovered? I

Wishing to be hoovered? I didnt read that post when I was responding to your initial post. Be careful what you wish for! Wishing to be hoovered is like wishing for a terminal illness. Dig down deep and find the strength my friend. He will destroy you without lifting a finger to do so as long as you are thinking like this. SILENCE IS DEADLY.
Feb 14 - 12PM (Reply to #4)
Snowflake's picture


I hear you wishing to be hoovered because I wrote a post on it only days ago..its about getting your power back but trust these people on here who have experience with such things. I dont so I will leave for the others on here to advise.. Someone related it to keep picking a scab open.. These are things I remember people saying to me/others.. Stop yourself, tell yourself you will wait say an hour..often the gut react of missing him has passed by then Post on here exactly what you were going to say, let it out, nobody will judge but will assist you with thought process. Do not send it to N. Work backwards..think about the desired reaction you are hoping for and recognise it, think about the reality you are likely to get based on silent abuse and further humilation and stop yourself. We have all humiliated ourselves on here, you cant undo the past but you can stop causing further humiliation x
Feb 20 - 6PM (Reply to #6)
Emmy2002's picture

Lighten the mood

Snowflake, I just wanted to let you know what happened to me Sunday. Your comment about posting on here, I wish I would have seen it sooner! Anyway, the N is blocked from my cell, no outgoing calls by me, no incoming calls from him. I was having a NC withdrawl & picked up my phone & sent him four nasty texts. Well of course they don't go through & I get a message from Verizon saying I cannot send messages to that number. So I proceed to send another nasty text & guess what....the little bugger went through!! Talk about panic! Then I just sat there laughing at my phone cause I did a No-No!! But it felt damn good sending the non-going texts!! Of course he didn't answer, Thank God!! So maybe I will post on here before I text!!
Feb 14 - 3PM (Reply to #5)
sadderbutwiser's picture


PLEASE listen to everyone on here. they know what they are talking about! we have all been where you are. at some point, we have all wanted them to hoover. however, believe me, once you FULLY REALIZE the reason for the hoover, you will not want it, ever. they DO NOT hoover because they care or miss you. they just need a fix at that particular time. you must accept this. it is the absolute truth. they are truly pathetic losers. i am 20 months NC and mine STILL walks past my house with his dog even though i live on a very small street in a large neighborhood with many other ways to go. i know he does it to toy with me. he is sick. he is still pissed because I ended it and have remained NC. they are sick freaks. i think sparrow or lisa said it best. the hoover is NOT a compliment, it is actually an insult cause he still thinks he can suck you back in. when he STOPS contacting you, that is a compliment. mine hasn't tried to call me in a while cause he knows i stopped taking his calls and that i am so much stronger now and am done with his games for good! him not calling anymore, now that is a compliment to me.