why do they say things to plant a seed of doubt
why do they say things to plant a seed of doubt
I broke up with my N about a 2 weeks ago and i have been trying everything to stay strong and move on with my life....easier said than done some days. I can't help but go over some of the things in my head that he said and did, especially when I first wake up in the morning. I woke this morning thinking about this comment he made and just want clarification from someone as to why he said this.
I remember after about a month or so after dating him he said on a couple of occasions, "if we don't work out, can we still be friends?". Our relationship at this stage was very strong and loving (well, so I thought!) and why would he say this??? As I could see a strange N pattern appearing after about 3 months, I said the same thing to him (as I knew things weren't right) and his response was, "oh no, we will be together for a long time". I was always left feeling totally confused by these kind of comments.
For the same
Mission accomplished. That
You could take a joke and
total mindfuck
Mine used to say
They know they are Fucked
the many female friends is
can I expose him?
Mine told me a relationship
Do they know they are f**** up??
Mine wasn't. When I thanked
to Dorothy
my ex N said the same thing
Thanks redsunset13601
They do this to place doubt
So typecast!
Thank you for your words of advise Sparrow