Want to tell him he's a loser, does this eventually go away?

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#1 Jan 3 - 8AM
Victim-no-more's picture

Want to tell him he's a loser, does this eventually go away?

I don't long for him, I don't "miss" him, I hate him really. I don't want to see him or want him in my life again.....but God I would like to say some hurtful things to him....like telling him he is a despicable human being and that he is worthless and repulsive. Just for one second to remind him that he is not that great guy he is parading around pretending to be, and to let him know that there is one person that knows what he truly is inside.....is this ever going to go away? I still feel like I want him to suffer. Thomas Sheridan says they will all get theirs in the end, but will they? And how will I know it?

Jan 4 - 1PM
HardToBelieve's picture


Don't tell him that. If you do he will only think ''She wants me. Yep, she is angry. She wants me. She loves me.'' Trust me!
Jan 4 - 1PM (Reply to #11)
Victim-no-more's picture

Yeah I've come to my

Yeah I've come to my senses......he will eventually get the picture a year from now when he realizes he has not heard a peep from me......he's dead to me
Jan 4 - 1PM
I_am_free's picture

I wondered many times about

I wondered many times about this..Initially when he sends me messages begging me not to leave him and blah *PEEP* blah...I would get so worked up and angry and send him ugly msgs but now I realised...not only am I wasting my damn airtime but he could not care what I think of him cos in his mind he is perfect! Like the others said...write it down..I do and it helps plus it saves me airtime which I can rather use on sending nice sweet msgs to ppl who actually care about me..not rotten bumbags who only used me He made me promise when I met him to never leave him...everything was promise this promise that and in the end he broke every single promise he made to me incl TRUST...so he can go fly a kite (im still being nice...I can think of so many uglier words to use) I look forward to that day when it no longer matters whether he knows how evil he is or what he did to me.
Jan 3 - 11AM
Dee30's picture

negative attention is still attention

as long as they can elicit some kind of reaction from you, they will suck it up as NS. I feel and i told him off a few but I don't even think he cares. Karma is a bitch. He will one day karma will get at him..
Jan 3 - 11AM
Movingforwardnow's picture

For me it's more that I hate

For me it's more that I hate that he still thinks it was all me. he believes i am the crazy one and I am the one who ruined everything. Yes, i want to tell him how horrible of a person he is but I also want to make him see I am not the horrible person he made me out to be. he told so many lies behind my back and I hate that he actually believes those lies.
Jan 3 - 10AM
Anari's picture

Don't tell him. I made that

Don't tell him. I made that mistake. ( I sent 35 or so texts). Don't he doesn't care what you think of him. Tell us. I did that too, I wrote several posts on what I thought of him. The feeling does go away...but it kinda goes away when you're kinda at the point of not caring if he get's stung by a bee or eaten by a crocodile. It's a point you just get to. And then, I still remind myself over an over again what an ass he was. Sometimes I forget and see his nice side. Don't tell him. He'll only make fun of you. ( Think of the old KGN saying...everything you say will bounce off of him and stick back to you).
Jan 3 - 9AM
Hunter's picture

Your Silence tells him

Your Silence tells him everything he needs to know. Hunter
Jan 3 - 9AM (Reply to #5)
Victim-no-more's picture

Thanks for reminding me of

Thanks for reminding me of this. High five! Needed that reassurance...... Things are getting better.......
Jan 3 - 8AM
spinning's picture

VNM, I believe we've all

had these feelings...I know I have...and still do. But when you focus on this you are allowing him to still control your thoughts, to take up space in your head and I believe we've given them enough...kick this out of your head. What has worked for me is to write it down. SCRAWL AND SCRATCH it ALL IN CAPS across a page or two or three or however many it takes...Then I rip it up and it feels pretty damn good! Then it's out for the time being and I can carry on with loving, peaceful thoughts directed at people who care about me, at the Creator and the Universe and at all the things that are not disordered, destructive and disturbed. It's a little shift in the focus that feels quite empowering. Just a suggestion. It has worked for me. As for do these feelings ever go away? Well, for me it's a process. I rarely think of his pathetic existence, sometimes I do ruminate over the fallout he left behind but mostly I don't care enough to want to expend any more energy on him. He is what he is and I'm glad I not longer have to deal with it. I'm simply glad he's gone. Hugs to you, VNM, and good vibes for peace of mind... Sincerely, (not) spinning. AND IT FEELS GREAT


Jan 3 - 8AM
Used's picture

victim-no -more

YES IT DOES... There was a time, i used to think[after i dropped him and he was still trying to get back]next time he does it, i will let him and i will tell him every thing i think of him and his shitty behaviour...just not today, but as time went on, i would still think of it, but eventually I thought I couldnt even be bother telling him....I told him enough when we were together, he still carried on... When i met him[honeymood period] he saked me to promise him, i would never call him..loser..you will end up with no one and nothing and loads of other things... I said of course i wouldnt, and didnt think i would 3 years down the line, not only did i throw it all back in his face but added a few choice things of my own....he wasent pleased..lol, but then said why are you still with me then.....SO NOW I AM NOT..... I am a person that thinks, talking to someone after the event is for building bridges.... I WOULDNT EVER WANT TO BUILD BRIDGES WITH THIS MAN.... INCIDENTLY, THE THINGS HE ASKED ME NOT TO SAY TO HIM, WHERE ALL THINGS EVERYONE OF HIS EXS AND SOME NOT EVEN EXS HAD SAID TO HIM......SO THAT SAYS IT ALL TO ME.....IT WILL GO, THE ANGER, THE FEELINGS WILL ALL GO....GOOD LUCK..
Jan 3 - 8AM
Sparrow's picture

Getting their's in the end

Getting their's in the end and how will you know? It really doesn't matter.........just knowing that he lives the pathetic existance that he does should be enough for us. They are without souls, they have no heart. They have to wander the earth as that for their entire life, that to me would be punishment enough. Don't seek vengeance, revenge. Don't have the desire to get even or to tell him what he is and that you know what he is, it will go in one ear and out the other. What you think of him, bears no resemblance for him whatsoever. You might as well whipser in the wind. You don't and won't affect him anymore. Period.