Thomas Sheridan blog

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#1 Nov 3 - 7PM
Gaia's picture

Thomas Sheridan blog

Thank you Cgrl for this site :)

There is Nothing Real Behind the Persona
Behind the months or years of perfectly-constructed performance by your psychopath is a nothing: a void, a blank, a hunger for something the psychopathic entity can never define. They now see no further benefit in playing this part and have moved on to a new role. It is just business. You are treated to a completely new, cold and emotionless persona. “Who is this stranger?” you will ask yourself over and over again. It is so bewildering.

I really can resonate with this paragraph, I remember in the last days (to freedom), I kept asking him who he was, he was doing his infamous D&D, and he acted, sounded like a different person! It was bewildering indeed.
