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#1 Mar 25 - 4PM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Funny thing about their lies, the truth always does come out in the end, I know I know when its too late. He forgot I have a VERY VERY good memory and I could almost write down everything he every told me when I asked him questions. You want to see all their lies? Just wait a year and ask them something they have already told you the answer to and by damn, their answer will be different a year later.

They lie for the moment to get them what they want or to get them out of a pinch and will SAY ANYTHING but they are not too smart because they should remember more carefully the answers they give or the lies they tell because the ones that live with them on a daily basis will bust them all the time. No wonder their relationships are always in trouble, nobody every trusts them or believes them, their lies do catch up with them, every single one

Mar 26 - 6AM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

my favorite lie

he told millions of lies in the fifteen plus years.literally millions..and most of them were not funny...but one was soooooo ridiculous that even though it enraged me at the time, it's a glorious example of a Narc in action....mine was also a raging alcoholic and a drug fact the practiced every addction in existence at one time or another..he drank hot vodka..thought no one could smell it..and would pull the old gaslighting 'you're crazy' when i would tell him he was drunk, and i could smell the i bought an alcohol meter..professional quality..just like the cops use...i set some boundaries (that eventually got my dog murdered, and me nearly murdered too)..and i would make him blow when i thought he had been drinking...he often bragged that he was a 'professional alcoholic'...and he certainly night he came staggering in...and i made him blow...he blew a 38...according to experts, 40 percent blood alcohol levels put you in a coma.and causes alcohol poisoning and death....but he would often blow between 35 and 43..he truly was a 'professional alcoholic'....that night he blew a 38...and i told him to get out... and he looked me straight in the eye...and smirked...and said..'you're INSANE...i haven't been drinking..the grocery store was giving away free samples of olive salad, and it's the vinegar that's made me blow a 38'....he would have had to have 'sampled' about 6 tons of olive was a totally inane and ridiculous lie...but he like all narcs and psychopaths...he believed his lie...therefore it became the truth...and if it was the truth to him...he should have been to me...and whenever i would question or disprove his TRUTH..he would fly into a rage..which eventually became violent rages....
Mar 26 - 6AM (Reply to #5)
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

hate heavy drinkers

nothing worse than living with a drinker, its repulsive. My husband drinks at the bar at least 2 x a week maybe more, and I never know when he will come home halfway sober or staggering like last night, makes me want to puke on him when I see him that way. If I ever date again (getting a divorce) never never never will I have a relationship with a heavy drinker NEVER. I want to write you more later but I wanted to touch base on drinkers makes me sick
Mar 25 - 10PM
lisarudi's picture

Walking Contradictions

Is what many N's are. When I would catch my exNh in a lie, he would scramble to "secure the scene", behaving as if the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels. Never lasted.......of course When reminded of the promises he made after I would call him out, he would tell me "I didn't mean anything I said, it was just crisis management". If you were to ask the same question every week, the N would give a different answer every 7 days.
Mar 25 - 5PM
foolmeonce's picture


Their lies are insane - last time I spoke with my exN before NC he said I feel like I've aged a million years in the last 6 months not being with you, I feel so old. Everyday without you is one day closer to death. Two minutes later he's talking about his kids and says only when I look at my kids do I realize I'm getting older otherwise I feel as young as ever. Their brains were put in a blender at birth then poured back into a mold. It's exactly as Cynthia said - NC is easy since you know everything is a lie anyway. It's not like you think you're gonna catch up and learn something new - and besides you've heard all the lies before - they really are not that imaginative and say the same things over and over again.
Mar 25 - 4PM
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

and furthermore

How can you have a relationship with someone that LIES 24-7, I mean really? Lets put aside the cheating for a minute - who would really want to talk to someone where everything they say is LIES, I mean they lie about what they ate for dinner, they lie for NO REASON - we have a hard time with NC, but one of the things that keeps me NC is ok Cynthia call him up and talk to him everything he says will be lies anyway. I miss you - LIE, I really do love you - LIE, I have been busy working lots of overtime - LIE, my father is really sick - LIE, If he was pinochio his nose would be 3x longer than his thingy, errect that is, if he was pinochio he would be in a shit load of trouble. It was the lying that really got to me, I would hang up the phone and think, wonder if all he said was lies? OF COURSE IT WAS, their lips move they lie, just like little pinochio whose father warned him if you lie your nose will grow, I would have liked to say Now if you lie I will slam your nuts in a car door so QUIT LYING, ha ha ha EEEWWWWWW the lies drove me INSANE and CRAZY