These are hilarious!
For the holidays, mine went to the $.99 cent store and loaded a basket with things he said all "had meaning."
I got:
Ranch salad dressing
fabric softener
protective goggles (use your imagination)
a paper calendar mouse pad
Oreo cakesters
a chocolate bar
a $.99 scarf
I can't recall the rest, but I think there were about 15 things.
They were each wrapped individually. He also baked me something, got me coffee beans, and bought me dinner.
That's always where the mind-f**king comes in. Mixed messages.
But the $.99 cent store????? OUCH!
Yet it still makes me giggle.
haha. these are hilarious! ranch dressing!
yes each little gift had "meaning allright" - it means "I am a cheap ass loser"!
Oh my. Could almost start a buffet with all these awesome goodies.
I got a nice box of chocolates for my birthday, and a dozen red roses&a card for Valentine's Day. My ex-P was the prime suspect (everybody assumed it was him, even tho he denied it during the D&D)... and I still think he did it. He sent it anonymously. On the birthday card, there was a picture of an angry little boy holding a flower... how fitting. That best describes him. A middle-aged man who has a little angry boy within him, perpetually immature. He was too much of a coward and a jerk to say it was him.
It happened my junior year... when I had suspicions about him and was constantly asking if he had a girlfriend (and he kept saying no)
The only present that he bought me that wasnt on my list that I would have to give him for every holiday was for our anniversary. I thought I would get some kind of jewelry because he always used to brag to me about how he got one of his exes a beautiful necklace on their anniversary, but no. I got a streetbike jacket so that I could drive with him more often without his dad complaining to him about he was putting me in an unsafe situation.
"dont let yesterday take up too much of today"
This was also the only present that he let me keep when he broke up with me. He took all of the other presents back. I know that he only left this one for me because he knows I will never use it since he doesnt take me on rides anymore. Well today I GAVE IT AWAY (it was very expensive) to his room mates girlfriend who he rides with all the time. Now he will have to see it almost everyday and know that I could care less about him or that stupid jacket that he was so proud of!
"dont let yesterday take up too much of today"
I always get mine nice things. For his 39th B-day I got him a new guitar. For his 40th among a bunch of small things the Band of Brothers dvd box set.
He sold them both at the pawn shop when he needed money.
I didnt get valentine gifts as he didnt believe in "man made " celebrations .. He brought me flowers once after the 2nd d&d . for christmas last year he got me a some cheep beads £4.99 . Knowing that he was such a rubbish present giver i pre empted the socks and got him a travel mug £2.99 this christmas , i just knew he wasnt going to buy me anything good so i was dammed if i was . Having said that he spent nearly £500 on his little brothers present this year ....In fact i went christmas shopping with him this year and he spent alot of money on family he hardly even knows , he was going to France for a family reunion so guess what he brought exspensive presents so he would look good infrount of everyone on christmas morning . god i hate him . I was secured , i want going anywhere so in his mind he had nothing to prove to me hence the £1.00 socks from the market ...IM GONE NOW THOUGH SUCKER .
For Christmas My extremely thrifty 1st N gave me a cheap sweat suit that was too small and a can of Folgers coffee. Didn't realize the bitter taste his gift would leave with me down the road!
2nd N gave me gifts that were FOR him...expensive leather purse and leather gloves for Christmas, which you'd think was quite nice. But I knew he only bought them because he had a deeply ingrained leather fetish and wanted them to rub up against so he could get it up (wand didn't work unless his fetishes were catered to).
I just remembered this...his fetish also includes suade. I had a cream colored white suade jacket that he JUST LOVED. I spilled marinara sauce on it one night when we were out to dinner. He was beside himself with grief (for the jacket). This was shortly before we broke up. Well, last fall...almost a year since we broke up...I went into my closet and found it hanging spotless. He had snuck it out of my house and had it cleaned without me knowing. I shudder to think what he did with it when he had it alone at his place!
lol. can of coffee. you and herlatestvictim should get together and share narc stories over a cup of your coffee and a bowl of her cereal from her great guy. lol
lol...or we could find our respective Ns and pour hot coffee and a bowl of milk-soaked cereal over their heads! But that would break NC...probably not worth it. :)
"you and herlatestvictim should get together and share narc stories over a cup of your coffee and a bowl of her cereal .... "
And if you like, you can borrow the chipped coffee mug that mine gave me as a house warming gift!
Mine gave me a box of cereal for my birthday along with a card and balloon. The card said it was OUR favorite cereal. Really?? A week later the "main gift" came.. earrings that looked like NOTHING I would ever wear.
I laughed so hard about the cereal. I can't believe it. Mine gave me a Valentine's day used heart stuffed animal that said Happy Valentine's Day, I saw it in his house for x-mas.... Wait also gave me a little tiny bag of M&M's in my stocking????????????????? WTF is wrong with guys... .... Yes, I thought that was so strange but your cereal story was so funny.
I laughed so hard about the cereal. I can't believe it. Mine gave me a Valentine's day used heart stuffed animal that said Happy Valentine's Day, I saw it in his house for x-mas.... Wait also gave me a little tiny bag of M&M's in my stocking????????????????? WTF is wrong with guys... .... Yes, I thought that was so strange but your cereal story was so funny.
I luaghed so hard about the cereal. I can't believe it. Mine gave me a Valentine's day used heart stuffed animal that said Happy Valentine's Day, I saw it in his house for x-mas.... Wait also gave me a little tiny bag of M&M's in my stocking????????????????? WTF is wrong with guys... .... Yes, I thought that was so strange but your cereal story was so funny.
In the two years i dated him i received.
1 bouquet of flowers during courting stages
1 valentines card with a single carnation (first year)
1 Birthday dinner (1st year)
no Christmas presents ever
A ring after the first time i left him to get me to go back to him.
1 steak dinner and roses the day before i left his ugly ass.
He gave me nothing but grief and heartache.
The best gift i received was the day i walked out and gave myself the chance at a new life.
Mine made a point of telling me how much money he spent on me. A week after buying me nice flowers, he mentioned they were "very expensive" lol. He took me to dinner theatre and on a nice camping trip for my Birthday.....and months later would mention how much money he spent on me for my Birthday.
Always annoyed me. I spent money on him too and never pointed out how much. Guess they only see their contributions lol
The gifts I received just further demonstrated that he really had no idea what I liked or really cared. He actually sometimes bought me gifts that were perfect for him.
This is a good topic. I knew I was with a freak when I gave him 2,000. to pay some debt he had right before Christmas so he could get back to work and there was NOTHING under the tree for me. On VD he gave me a tulip plant with the price still on it 2.99 and said as he handed it to me that he thought this was different and special cuz it wasn't what all the other guys were getting for their girls. I said you mean long stemmed roses and he said yes and I said oh so u thought you'd be different and buy the cheapest thing in the store, you sure were DIFFERENT.
God Bless,
Mine was unemployed so of course I got nothing (but since he was unemployed I rationalized it). I got him a cap for Christmas, (he likes wearing them) While reflecting, I realized just how selfish he is. He told me that he received lots of money for Christmas, and he actually told me he spent $40 on another cap. I got him one but I guess that was not enough, so he spends money on another one. He did not even think to take me out or reciporate in some way. I actually get sick when I think about what I put up with.
He probably just bought another one just to show you that yours wasn't "good enough"
Mine rarely, if ever wore anything I bought him. And one gift, he pointed out a flaw on it. So rude!
Wow, I think you are right. When I would see him, he would only wear the cap that he bought himself and would never wear the cap I bought him. When I pointed it out he would just say "oh I wear it, but when you are not with me" Its amazing that the pieces of the puzzle start coming together when you actually start reflecting on it. These men are sick.
These are hilarious! For the
Protective goggles ... thats
haha. these are hilarious!
only one way to go...Forward (tm?)
Only one gift in 4 years
The only present that he
"dont let yesterday take up too much of today"
This was also the only
"dont let yesterday take up too much of today"
Nice Gifts...
I didnt get valentine gifts
Heartfelt presents
double ewwww
lol. can of coffee. you and
lol...or we could find our
Bad gifts
In the two years i dated him
only one way to go...Forward (tm?)
in the two years I dated him..
Mine made a point of telling
oh, the gifts...
All about him
He probably just bought
You are probably right