Spotting Narcissism - In A Man

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#1 Jul 1 - 10PM
Anonymous (not verified)
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Spotting Narcissism - In A Man


Because it is so difficult to get involved in a real relationship anymore, women often overlook tendencies their man has simply to stay in the relationship. One of these tendencies that women should not overlook is narcissism. If your man suffers from this, or shows signs from this, it might be time to end things with him for your own sake. Many people do not talk about this trait as being a problem for relationships, but that only is because they never had to deal with it. It is deeper than the man simply loving himself. It can cause grave relationship problems.

If you are trying to look for the common signs of narcissism, the main one to find is your man's inability to empathize with other's feelings. When your man has this trait, it is a huge relationship problem because the time will come, if it has not already, when it is important for him to care about your problems as if they were his. A narcissist man cannot do that. They think they are the only ones who matter, so they often will overlook your problems as you nagging or complaining. Another common trait to look for is power. This type of man usually thinks they are worth more than anyone else and that they deserve to be treated better than anyone else.

Another strong trait of narcissism is jealousy. Because they feel as if they deserve to be treated better, they will become extremely jealous of anyone who is treated better in their minds. This also can be seen if you have a great accomplishment under your belt. Instead of being proud of you like a healthy companion would, he will think you were not worthy of the accomplishment and become jealous of you. From a relationship standpoint, this is exceptionally bad behavior.

If your relationship shows any of these signs, your man could be suffering from narcissism. There are two options you then can do. You can stick with him and try to get over all of his faults, or you can end the relationship. You have to weigh both sides and see which one you can handle doing. You have to remember that, although you might be able to change parts of him, he will not change being narcissistic. Many women do not see any of these awful qualities until the relationship gets serious because they tend to idolize people in the beginning of relationships.