Numbtolife's Story

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#1 Mar 7 - 12PM
numbtolife's picture

Numbtolife's Story

I met my ex a little over 3 years ago. I was a determined, young, fun, confident, independent your woman who had her whole life planned out. I was finishing up my degree then intended on moving out of state to pursue my passion in marketing specifically for the skincare and beauty industry.

At first he was this charming, caring, funny, aggressive guy who was a challenge...and I loved the time I couldnt stand "nice" guys ... he was not "nice" by deffinition. The first few months were just fun - then I really fell in love with him - he was the first to say "I love you" and I thought I had him hooked. Well it wasn't long after that - his games began - over the course of a few years he would breakup with me (only to find out he was sleeping with his ex) then come crying and crawling back. Each time I took him back I changed a little (without my own knowledge). He wore me down so much that I questioned everything I did. Nothing I did was EVER good enough for him. He would glorify one week then spend the next 5 weeks bashing me. He was verbally and emotionally abusive.

I had lost so much of who I was I just didnt care anymore. I was weak now. I believed everything he said about me. I was afraid to be alone. Eventhough a part of me deep down knew there were others...i would never actually admit to it or God forbid question him. It went back and forth until March of 2010 when I learned I was pregnant. I gave him the option as to what he would like to do. Be apart of his childs life but not together...or nothing at all. He chose being together. For a the first couple months on and off he treated me great and I thought we would actually work and that he would be faithful and grow up ... then around june he really just started being terrible to me. I was scared to death. I did everything I could to make him happy but it was never enough. In August I had enough and I packed up a few of my things and was going over to my parents...he walked in realized what I was doing and raged at me...I had a black and blue lip. He is a cop. I was afraid to press charges because of what he would do and if he lost his job I wouldnt have insurance for my son. The week later in September he apologized...he apologized to my dad and blamed his temper on painkillers after a back injury. He promised my dad he loved me and wanted to be with me. I believed him. Again. Things were good. He arranged for us to go to couples therapy. I went. Things stayed good a few weeks. Then right back to square one. I was 9 months pregnant. He would look at my body in disgust...laugh at me...ignore me...started going out with friends...which he never use to do.

I had our son in November...he was agood a few days...and while he was on Paternity leave he slept on the couch so he wouldnt be disturbed by the baby. I did everything alone. 10 days after being home my son and I moved into my parents while the kitchen was remodled...He never asked us to come back when it was finished. End of Janurary I told him we were coming back and I did for about 2 weeks. Until the day I found out he had another girlfriend since the summer. She knew about me - and my son. He told me I was crazy and so forth. We moved out immediately. THis was Jan 16th...the fighting has gone back and forth. He wanted me to come back to him and when I told him I could not he began threatening texts. I went to the police. I was contacted by his lawyer who informed me he is fighting for shared custody.

Since January I have started seeing the therapist we saw together. She has since told me that he has BPD, is a Narcissist and has a sex addiction. She also said that I was attracted to him because of my mother who shares similar qualities. At my last session - she put things into perspective for me - and said because of the severity of mental/emotional/physical abuse I suffered from I have Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. I never really thought of anything being "wrong" with me ... but the symptoms are pretty much head on. I keep looking for coping methods, anything that will help me...and I just feel exhausted. Truthfully, If I didn't have my son to live for...things might be different. I need some insight. I dont sleep. I am scared he will win shared custody and I know it will not be for the right reasons. I just feel sad, scared, alone, helpless, like my life is never going to get better. The emotinal damage done seems like nothing will ever fix it. I'm numb.

Can anyone give me advice to move forward?

Thank you.

Mar 11 - 2PM
fooled no longer
fooled no longer's picture

you should stay strong and

you should stay strong and convinced this man means evil. Get a lawyer, a male lawyer tell him your fears of his character. You live with him no one knows him better.u have to to the authorities to make them get the message that he is Dont worry what other people think they dont know, go with your gut. Do and say whatever you have to get the authorities to see how dangerous he is. leave no stone unturned, discredit him as if your life depends on it. because it does. He will say terrible things against you to win. You must get tough. start writing down all the things he did in date order for the lawyer. It may not be too late to file a case against him for the battering. This board will get you through the dark days. xxx
Mar 9 - 3AM
agnesmurphy17's picture

Get A GOOD Lawyer!

I am not kidding here. You need a SHARK!!!! This cop of your's is very dangerous. Hitting a pregnant woman is an aggravated form of assault & battery in my state. Yet, you did not press charges because you were afraid to lose his benefits related to his job. And, that's the bottom line here. MONEY! He's not interested in this child. He did zero on paternity leave & found a new woman because you were useless to him pregnant. BUT, child support = money to him. Divorce = money to him. This man will seek to divest you of everything, including the child, so as to save himself money. And this "co-parenting" with a N. Forget it. Child is a weapon to abuse the mother. Any agreement must be nailed down in steel. No variations. Pick up, drop offs, day, time, location. No variations, no wriggle room. Put in a clause that all bills must be paid within 45 days, or else contempt. leave no stone unturned. You are so worn down & fragile at this point. It will take awhile to recover. He will jam this divorce through in order to get the best out of you. Do not discuss any terms of the divorce with him. Only your lawyer does that. N will wrest concessions out of you which you will be obligated to keep. N will break every promise he made. In fact, maybe swear off all child support if he will go away forever. If this is an option, I'd jump at it. But, that's up to him. I think you will come to regret this man's presence in your child's life some 10 years down the road. And the whole purpose of N's existence will be to make you miserable for the rest of your life. No matter how many other wives & children he has. Always, always, always gunning for you will be a sport. Sorry to be to negative. But, really, you need a SHARK of a lawyer. You need to be tough & aggressive right now. You need to define your boundries so that N backs off now. Once a N loses all respect for you, there is no going back. And, if necessary, get a restaining order, press criminal charges. Forget his job & the benefits. it's about protecting yourself from a life time of abuse. You need to read: Hirigoyen, "Stalking the Soul" and Bancroft, "Why Does He Do That?" You can get them on Amazon.
Mar 8 - 11AM
spinning's picture

numb, dear heart,

I send you good vibes and light to hang onto whenever possible. You are in the right place. Read all the blogs on this board by Lisa and you will find validation and practical help and tips to help with obsessive thoughts, anger, cognitive dissonance and more. How interesting for me to read yet another story about an abusive BPD cop who uses 'prescription drugs.' How sorry I am that you got roped in by someone like this. People entrusted to 'protect and serve' who end up with the face of a monster behind the badge. I know this all too well. Ugh. They are MASTER MANIPULATORS and you were likely targeted because of the qualities you possess which he DOES NOT. Whatever, it's over now. You must concentrate on YOU. Go NC as much as possible and focus on yourself and your son and healing. You are at the right place and you will get through it and be a better, happier person. Whatever you do, STAY AWAY FROM THIS FREAK. You are not alone, and with help and commitment, you will move on and be well. I send you a huge hug and the good vibes. Sincerely (slowing down from) spinning


Mar 7 - 5PM
ally2375's picture


I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you. The early days are the hardest. The insecurity, the exhaustion, and the sadness are so difficult. I'm sure that tending to a little one complicates it further, both because you can't completely go NC and because you can't curl up and hibernate through the worst of it. You will get through it though, and your son will be a ray of sunshine through the toughest days. I don't have any advice except to trust in yourself that you will get through this. Keep talking to your therapist and take care of yourself as best you can. It WILL get better, even though it doesn't feel that way right now.
Mar 7 - 3PM
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I am very sorry to hear you are going through this...welcome to the board...I am one of the moderators here but I rather be looked upon as a survivor and friend. I am still very much going through the process. I just want to say that I have trolled many a board, many a forum, and read extensively and I am very tenacious when I want to get to the bottom of something...that being said...this forum literally did save my life and my sanity...I was diagnosed with C-PTSD in October. I want to caution you of course, we are not mental health professionals we are a support group; however, I was unable to find a therapist that got it...I suffered through those symptoms alone, by myself and I was stuck to this board. You are fortunate to have a therapist who gets it...that and the support you find here I am confident will get you back in one piece. NOTE: It will take time and it is a process...18 months is an estimate...BUT it can vary... It is obvious you know that this man is an abuser...BUT there are a number of dynamics that occur when dealing with the personality disordered that make recovery or "closure" a bit trickier with the psyche...I would tend to think that any man who "stikes" a woman has something wrong with them...but there are certain charateristics that PDI's *personality disordered individuals* share and behaviors they engage in that make this situation clinically TRAUMATIC...hence the C-PTSD... I don't want to overwhelm you in the welcome note...there is a ton here to read...but more than that I strongly suggest that you begin to research personality disorders/narcissism/ sociopathy/psychopathy...and don't get too tied up in the semantics because in 2013 they're all gonna be called psychopaths...but get a good understanding of them. This will help you to objectively see what you are dealing with and how you are powerless over the situation, there is no need for second guessing...he will not change and it is unlikely he will be cured anytime soon. YOU need to focus on your recovery and healing and arm yourself with knowledge...stick to this board...AND...while IdealK said your parents will have to become knowledgeable also...this is because it is such a crazymaking under-reported, misunderstood type of abuse *except to the victims who unfortunately understand it very well* Many folks just don't get it, won't get it and will start to believe you are over reacting...this is a very real possibility so I am preparing you for it now...they don't mean to...they're just ignorant of the facts...however, such reactions are detrimental to you and in a way it almost re-victimizes the victim... SO you can pretty much judge who will be receptive and who won't but if you think they won't get it...if you have friends that off the bat you know just might not have it in them to deal with this journey and hold your hand through the constant ruminating and replaying of the tapes and repeating yourself...that is what this board is for...this is our safe haven to get it out...AND you have to get it out...ALL of it and there will be a wide range of emotions once it really hits you just what you've been through. You are not crazy, you are not over reacting and there is no excuse for what he is abuse and it is criminal...and we are here. NOW: Briefly regarding the legalities...if I may make a suggestion...document the abuse...medically go to the doctor, whatever you have to do...file a report...hopefully you have pictures but if not, sworn statements from friends who saw the bruises whatever and how ever much proof you can get and file a complaint. The ABUSER want's joint custody A. To bust chops and B. Most likely to avoid a higher support obligation. You want to document the abuse plus submit your therapists diagnosis of HIM so that you can counter by going for SUPERVISED visitation because he is a danger to you and the CHILD because he has a mental illness as noted by the therapist... More than likely, you both will have to submit to an independent psych eval...but with documentation like that...he's not going to look too good. I am going to close now, but we will communicate and the ladies on this board here brought me back to are in excellent hands... Hugs!
Mar 7 - 5PM (Reply to #4)
numbtolife's picture

Michelle - Thank you also for

Michelle - Thank you also for responding. I would really love to speak to you further about C-ptsd if you are open to it. I am almost embarrassed to tell people - because I feel like they will think I am just trying to excuse the mistakes I made instead of taking ownership for staying in the relationship so long. I put on a pretty smile ... and fake it for everyone. Whats the saying...fake it till you make it...well I have been doing that for years...and here I am. I use sarcasm as a mask as people think I am strong. Inside I am always on the brink of balling my eyes out. I cant keep faking it. I have a son now. And hes only 4 months old and he senses my pain...he has heard me cry and apologize to him since before he was born. Taking the easy route would be to continue pretending...but I cant because of my son. Back to telling people..."Many folks just don't get it, won't get it and will start to believe you are over reacting...this is a very real possibility so I am preparing you for it now...they don't mean to...they're just ignorant of the facts...however, such reactions are detrimental to you and in a way it almost re-victimizes the victim..." my therapist has never met my mom...but she sayes that she is an N and also has BPD qualities. I can't tell my mom anything is wrong with me - because she always turns it around to it being about her and "what did she do to make me so screwed up and that she was such a HORRIBLE mom" .... so I usually walk on eggshells with her...bc I dont want to hear it. But in regards to your comment...when things happen...and I try to find support from my mom...and i feel this "revictimize" feeling...all I want to do is call my ex...bc that is what I am use to. So while I live with my parents...until I can get on my feet...every day is a struggle. I hate being near her and at the same time Im too lifeless to take my son and go do things. I to him and play...all day. Thats all I do. I do go to the gym for an hour every day. But that is just sanity time... I am rambling here...but better this than obsessing over my ex and what he did and trying to figure out all his past lies - i thought I was crazy for this too - but w c-ptsd that whole obsessing over revenge or having an allegiance to the abuser made me feel like I wasnt the only one. If you can enlighten me on anything you have learned or specific coping strategies you use...anything you have at all...I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Mar 7 - 12PM
Hunter's picture


Hi There, Welcome, I guess! I'm sorry you are in this situation,however you are and it's up to you to overcome it, for you and for your child! You are not alone, you have loving patents who sound supportive! They will need to learn about this disorder as well, knowledge is power! You must leave this abusive man for good! He's a cop? Big F'n deal! He should know better. It's time you stand up for yourself, Start NC, ASAP and get an attorney! I know in my state the ex must pay your attorney bills! Sock it to him the way he socked it to you! This is your life and your childs life! You committed no crime, we live in a free country and you deserve to live a full healthy life with you and your child! I know it's hard but you need to take the Bull by the Horns! Being NC Now. Communicate with him via Email and only if it relates to the child! You deserve better and in time you will be stronger and happy again! Stand Strong Idealk
Mar 7 - 5PM (Reply to #2)
numbtolife's picture

Idealk, Thank you so much for

Idealk, Thank you so much for responding to my story. I will gladly accept any and all words of advice and encouragement with open arms.