Loosing oneself while supporting the Narcissit

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#1 May 7 - 10PM
malloryforest's picture

Loosing oneself while supporting the Narcissit

Read a really interesting book about Narcissism

One part that really stood out, amongst a lot, for me was a chapter on the Narcissist's victims.

"The narcissist lead an unpredictable, vicissitudinal, precarious, often dangerous life. His ground is ever shifting: geographically as well as mentally. He changes addresses, workplaces, vocations, avocations, interests, friends and enemies with a bewildering speed He baits authority and challenges it.

He is, therefore, prone to conflict: likely to be a criminal, a rebel, a dissident, or a critic. He gets bored easily, trapped in cycles of idealization and devaluation of people, places, hobbies, jobs, values. He is mercurial, unstable, and unreliable. His family suffers: his spouse and children have to wander with him in his private desert, endure the Via Dolorosa that he incessantly walks.

They live in constant fear and trepidation: what next? where next? who is next? To a lesser extent, this is the case with the narcissist's friends, bosses, colleagues, or with his country, These biographical vacillations and mental oscillations deny the people around him autonomy, unperturbed development and self-fulfilment, their path to self-recongnition and contentment."

My marriage was about change, and not change that I wanted. From the moment we started dating, we were on a rollercoaster, that took none of my desires and goals into consideration. In the seven years we were married, he had 4 job changes, we lived in 4 different homes and three different states. He would start a new job, and feel like he was the hero saving the company. As soon as the honeymoon period wore off, and he was no longer the knight and shinning armor, he would get bored at work, and need to find a new job. He had disdain for most employees. In every job he created an us and them. He and everyone who supported him were the Us. Everyone who questioned him was the Them. He would tell employees...either you are part of the solution or not. You can guess who was leading the solution. If things at the company were going wrong, you could bet it was the negativity of the people who were part of the them. He always cast himself as the brilliant hero, even if the company was crashing. Then, it was off to the next job.

If the job was steady, then we had to move for more excitement. If we got bored with the house, then we had to go to another state. The worst thing in H's mind was something stable. To him, a man who put his family first, worked hard and didn't make waves, and was happy to limit their time at the office to be home was just a mediocre man. He was average, boring. H would rather be dead.

If you don't have a family, then maybe this attitude would be fine, but when you are married to someone like this, you slowly die. I felt like my life was constantly being uprooted. I could never settle in long enough to pursue my own goals. My successful career was abandoned with each move. Didn't matter if I loved a job, loved friends, loved a community, or if the kids were settled. It was always about following him.

I never felt like a partner in any of the decisions to make another major life decision. He would talk to me already having made a decision. The talks were more about how to convince me or manipulate me to going along.

Over time, I became resentful. How was I suppose to have my own life, goals, desires, ambitions if we had to keep moving or changing for his? When I expressed this, I was not being supportive. I was not appreciative, He would say things like, ultimately, I make more money so we have to follow my carreer. He would also hold our material comfort over my head. He would say things like...you have a nice house, car, etc. you are so ungrateful. I can't tell you how many times I would say that I would give it all up to feel like a respected partner in the marriage, and to be able to pursue my own dreams.

So, for seven years I followed my H around, sacrificing goals. And in the end, he discarded me as he did every job, house, friend, etc. In fact, his only "friends" are past girlfriends and current employees that are part of his solution "cult."

All the time I was married, there was a part of me that said,,,,this isn't working for me. I am not a partner. He is not interested in me really pursuing myself. He is only if it fits into his life. I grew angrier and angrier. It is not worth hanging onto someone who doesn't encourage you the same way you encourage them. It's not worth hanging onto someone who finds nothing wrong in asking you to do most of the sacrificing in the relationship. In the end, you totally loose yourself, and all you have is the beast who feels he has a right to take everything and anything away from you.

My next step is to take my energy and start directing it towards the life and goals I had to sacrifice to support his life and goals.

May 8 - 7AM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

you are right - don't be an Echo

First - Vaknin and his books and support groups are something to steer VERY clear of. Vaknin's actually a psychopath and his book is designed to make him money and manipulate victims: http://www.enpsychopedia.org/index.php/Sam_Vaknin http://narcissism-support.blogspot.com/2009/03/sam-vakin-diagnosed-psychopath.html That said, losing oneself is something that happens. In the legend of Narcissus - Echo falls in love with him but he's so cold & cruel to her that she can only repeat Narcissus' words... becoming an "Echo." This is what happens to Nvictims. Ns don't want you to have a separate life or even a brain - you are to merely orbit around them like the sun. You NH sounds like he treats relationships the same way as his jobs - and that is very very sad. My exNH at least has had the same job for 15 years so I have never had to deal with that. Yours sounds like he could care less about his family's stability - which is why I am PUSHING you to PUSH your attorney to demand he settle. You should also make sure he has to pay THE STATE Child Support, NOT YOU DIRECTLY because Ns are notorious for defaulting. There is simply NO SUCH THING a colloborative divorce with an N as they will use it to delay and manipulate more. I posted this a while back: http://www.lisaescott.com/forum/2009/03/27/be-yourself-not-what-narcissist-tries-make-you Even when you are not together the Narc will try to manipulate you. Yours does stuff like asking for an online chat with his child when its TOO LATE to do so and would probably pitch a fit if you said no. But when you know its too late - YOU NEED TO SAY NO. And you need to simply say "please call him between the hours of X and Y." You need to call the shots. He will guilt you, say you are 'denying him his kids.' TOO BAD! A real man and a real father would respect that his child needs rest. As my kids are getting older it is Harder & Harder for exNH to PUSH them onto his schedule but he does see if he really wants to see them - HE has to accomodate, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. He doesn't like it, he tries to guilt me - but too bad. You need to really PUSH to cut this man loose. If he doesn't sign off on certain things, he needs to be FINED. He needs to STOP DEALING WITH YOU about the kids and talk ONLY to your lawyer. He needs supervised visitation and you need FULL and SOLE CUSTODY. ExNH has taught you not to ask for or push for things - and you need to PUSH your attorney to step things up here. Don't avoid it to avoid conflict... you deserve better. And you need to do things for you. You no longer need his approval or to be his lackey or as I called myself with exNH - "the free, live-in babysitter" who trots his kids out when HE wants and when HE feels like it. You deserve your own life. Have you been able to find something to do that makes YOU happy? Even starting with a new haircut, moving the furniture around or a manicure is big step in the right direction. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals http://one2one4victims.webs.com/