Learning how to have a sucessful relationship with a PDI

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#1 Feb 8 - 11PM
betty2020's picture

Learning how to have a sucessful relationship with a PDI

Occasionally i am asked the question "how do you have a successful relationship with a narcissist". It comes up often as many that have had an awaking or realization that the person they have shared their lives with could have a personality disorder. Most of us wanted to know in the beginning "how do i fix this". I know i did. Its a tough question to answer for me because i remember in the early days of how determined I was to "fix" the relationship. Actually to fix "him". He was the problem and I was the problem solver.

I never wanted to believe that his obscure and bizarre behavior was not treatable or fixable. I just needed some guidance and direction on how to accomplish my mission. So I came here in search of answers.

Well the truth came about a year after i began my research and the process of "fixing" him. I beat my head against the wall day after day, month after month and to no avail, i was lost as ever. Yet, I still believed that the answer was out there somewhere. When reality hit me it was a year later and I realized that the only way to "fix" him or the situation was to concede to the fact that everything in my world would always and ONLY revolve around him, his wants, desires, needs, choices..etc. I was a ghost and non existent in this world so in order to be happy I had to be willing to accept this.

If I was willing to let him treat me in the manner he felt deserving then It would be a success. Well for him anyway. If he could manipulate, lie, cheat, abuse in the manner he was accustom then I suppose it would be a success. At least for him. If I was willing to be the door mat, whipping post, meek and submissive slave that he expected, it would have been a success no doubt. For him that is.

You see there are no success stories for "US" if we stay in this type of a relationship. The success only comes for them. There is no "fixing" them or the relationship. You can not fix what is not broken right? How can you fix perfection? Perfect is as good as it gets. In the narcs world they are the definition of perfection. They may tell you otherwise to throw you off of their egotistical trail, but what is going on inside the brain is something quite different.

As they are manipulating you by gaslighting and spewing their garbage word salad, they are devaluing you and reeling in their greatness on their awesome con artistry skills they have developed (props to them). Holding their head high and thinking what a fool you are for being so gullible to fall for it. It is pure deviance at best. Their success is measured by how much they can get you to concede. The more they get away with the behavior, the more successful they become. This is how they measure greatness.

So to answer the question "can you have a successful relationship with a narcissist?", the answer is yes and no. You can have a successful relationship IF....you are willing to have it only a one way success. Success for them. If you are willing to relinquish your rights as a human and become a mindless robot catering to the needs of only one disordered individual and be at their beck and call 24/7. If you have no need for nurturing of the soul and you are content with being an empty shell of non existence. Then yes, i would call that a success. But only for them.

Is this realistic for any human? I dont think so. I suppose this is another question that could be debated but I have yet to see a person that is able to do this forever and consider themselves in a happy and content relationship. Misery will eventually out weigh all else in the relationship at some point. It then will become just a matter of time before they reach the final step of letting go and moving on. This is not a matter of "if" but "when".

When your in a relationship with a disordered person, you have to ask yourself how much can I endure? How long can i withstand the abuse? What is my tolerance and what am I willing to give up of myself in order to make it though one more day. Not thinking in terms of eternity but daily survival.

The most important question is "do i really want to give any more time to a hopeless cause?" Lets face it, none of us have been given 9 lives to live here. Do you really want to spend the only one you have waiting on a dream that is never going to become reality?

Time is much better spent on finding the dream within yourself. Then the person that is meant to share that dream with you will come into your life. This is where happiness and contentment lies. When your right with yourself, everything else in your life becomes right too.

Lots of Love

Feb 10 - 4AM
ImStrong's picture

Wow I kust love Betty and

Wow I kust love Betty and the aha moment you gave sadder beliw os so right on target. Oh and by the way betty im not prego by the narc tbank God...i nev we r prayed so hard in my life lol. Im free. You have to be the best advice giver on this website Betty. I adore each word you display. Yo uh trully the best .hugs

"In the fiery pit lays a man with two faces.One is the face of a God and the other a face of the Devil.Beware He lurks your souls.Keep one hand on your heart and the other hand over your eyes. Let him walk pass you not into you.Ghost of love will possess

Feb 10 - 12AM
almostlydia's picture

Exact as always, Betty.

Exact as always, Betty. There is no hope, there is no fix. If there was I would have found it. Before I found this site and learned everything I know now, I was sidetracked in the worst way by the Australian couple who tout finding 'The Way'. It did nothing but cause me more time and hope for something that I now KNOW is hopeless. I have to wonder now if the only hope for the malignant N's is a lobotomy or something similar like in the movie 'Regarding Henry' where he suffers brain damage from a robbery gone bad. Last night I watched a new version of the 'Dorian Gray' movie with Colin Firth and I was again amazed at how accurate the story is for those of us who have lived thru the experience. I do believe they are very aware of their evil doing and are tormented by it every day. But, like the movie and my experience, are completely unable to do anything to change it even when they try. Recently I remembered something the N said to me during one of those rare moments of truth that let me know he knew. He said 'I never thought that the person I would have to save you from would be me'. It was very telling. He believed I was the one who could keep him from completely spiraling out of control. I was not willing to spend my life trying to keep him human. I was the Portrait of Dorian Gray - I wore all of the burdens of his sins on my face and I was the one he used to measure his shame. It is no way to live. almostlydia


Feb 9 - 4PM
prettypeeved's picture

That's about the size of

That's about the size of it. The perfect partner for a narc is a doormat.
Feb 9 - 9AM
ABC0311's picture

Great post

Feb 9 - 9AM
mystwoman's picture

This a really great post.

This a really great post. Thanks so much for posting it. I know in my case with xnh, I got to a point where I just said, "Enough. I'm done". He was never going to change. He was never going to treat me the way I deserve (like another human being and not his toaster). He was never going to love me just for being me. He wasn't capable of loving me at all. He blamed and devalued me for everything on the planet, even though it was his disorder that was the root of the problem. It was xnh that did the initial D&D, but it was me that finally pulled the plug on the entire relationship. The night he dumped me, I was done with him forever. Now, that I'm NC and away from xnh, I'm so much better off. To quote Star Trek, being in a relationship with someone that has a PDI truly is a "Kobyashi Maru" (no-win scenario). ______________________________________________________ God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Feb 9 - 9AM
victimnomore's picture

Post Hit Home

This post hit home for me. 5 months ago I was willing to do anything and everything to save my marriage to NH. But one day I had had enough. I was exhausted and I had nothing else to give. I felt that it was better to be alone than to live in this misery. I was just miserable. So here i am discovering myself all over again and beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.


Feb 9 - 8AM
sadderbutwiser's picture

betty i have a question

i'm a new member, but have been on here, and reading and learning everything i can about narcissism for over a year. there is NO doubt that he is a classic somatic narcissist. (he even hates his mother who was an alcoholic, classic, i know). i was "involved" with my N for about 3 years. since we are both married, i just wanted to be friends, but of course the brainwashing, excessive flirting, and hyper- sexuality, etc, started and i got sucked in. luckily i (finally) got wise before i let anything heavy happen. there is much more to my story, which i will share later. my question related to your post is this: he has been married for 24 years. they live in my neighborhood (yuk)and we also see them at sporting events, school functions etc. whenever they are together he barely acknowledges her. everything i read says she cannot possibly be happy. however, she worships the ground he walks on, has told me how wonderful he is, etc. she seems extremely happy and follows him around like a puppy dog. she honestly does not seem unhappy in the least. can it be that he treats her well? this man flirts all the time. she works long hours, and he is home alot due to his job, so that is when he does his thing. so its easy for him to call women, stop by our houses, etc. like i said, i have found out about other women also. i know for a fact in talking to other women over the past year that he has a long history of making weird sexual comments to a number of women. (pretending he was kidding, of course). with me he took it much further do to my stupidity. how can she be so happy? he has maintained a VERY long-term relationship with her and i KNOW he is a twisted freak. can he be THAT GOOD that he is able to treat her well even behind closed doors? can he keep his mask on even with her? he definitely needs her financially as she is the breadwinner and does EVERYTHING for him. She probably wipes his butt too! she is always happy and perky when i see her. i don't get it.
Feb 9 - 10AM (Reply to #22)
betty2020's picture

Sadder, Part of the

Sadder, Part of the condition we suffer while in this type of relationship is blindness. The brainwashing that takes place prevents us from seeing that the relationship is abusive and unhealthy. We become accustom to our partners needs always being first. Some can with stand this for long periods of time. They become so dependent on this person because they are lead to believe that they are not deserving or will ever find someone as "good" or "special" as this wonderful person they have been convinced they are with. They begin to believe that this type of abusive treatment is normal, healthy and is what true love constitutes. How does he do this? To truly understand this you have to look into the human psyche. Most people that are looking for a partner want to feel like they are getting the best of the best. Cream of the crop. While searching they find a person that displays a high sense of superiority, self esteem, charming, handsome etc.. This is easy to find in a Narc. Most of them can charm the pants off of you within a few minutes. They are good talkers, tell you what you want to hear to suck you into the trap. Once your in, the brainwashing commences. The balance of the scales begin to tip. In time they begin to make you feel less than worthy and that you should be grateful to have found such a great catch in them. So you try harder to keep up with the facade. You believe this person is something that he is not. He begins to hold celebrity status in your mind. You believe your lucky to have found someone so special and begin to do everything you can to keep them in your life. In reality, no human holds this type of status. As the abuse escalates you begin to see that something is not right with the picture....but, by this point your self esteem is little to none and you begin to believe that this is still the best partner you will ever be capable of finding. So you stay. You believe that one day they will see your loyalty and begin to treat you with the respect you know deep down you deserve. That day never comes, but you wait, holding on to false hopes and dreams of better days. Praying for the few moments in a day that he may decide to throw you a scrap or two of respect, love or attention. Your emotionally weak and frail. You put a good front on but inside your miserable. Yet, you hold on for that one day that all will be good forever. The day never arrives unfortunately. I grant access to all members here on our forum. I read the stories they send in with their request. I see a lot of long term relationship that come to us because finally after exhausting themselves after years of living with an abuser they have a ahha moment and wake up to the realization that it is not ever going to change. In life with an abuser time slips by so fast. It is constant turmoil and living in a turbulent state over a period of time you begin to loose track of the days, months, years. It blows by you while you are busy trying to figure out how to fix the situation and make it good. You become fixated on pleasing them to keep them in your life. The abuser makes sure to keep you in your place of inferiority so you try harder to please them. This allows them to push the envelope with their behaviors. As time passes you let your boundaries slip to the way side. You have little to no time to waste on thinking about your needs and wants. All you want to do is please them so you can have a few scraps thrown your way and a maybe a few moments of feeling like you are loved. This is not love. This is abuse. Emotionally battered women often say that they didnt realize this is not normal until they were at the very end of the relationship. And yes this can be years later. They mistake the abusers behavior as an act of love rather than what it truly is "abuse". So the woman you see standing in front of you is one that has endured this for a long time. She is blind. You can not ever wake her up to see her reality. This only comes when a person is ready. Everyone must have their own Ahha moment. It can not be forced upon you. Giving information to someone in this type of relationship is a waste of time. If she is not ready, the message will not be delivered. I had countless situations that happened to me where I should have walked out for good. I stayed. I didnt leave him over the prostitutes i caught him with. I didnt leave him over the 15 year old girl he had sex with. I didnt leave him because he verbally abused me, degraded me, violated me. I left him over one small comment that he made to me the night of my 44th birthday while sitting at dinner. The comment was so minor and had nothing to do with his abusive acts. I dont ever remember what it was to tell the truth, could have been the weather. But, I had my Ahha moment. It finally hit me that this was all I would every get from him and the relationship. I realized that life had to be better on the outside because it could not get any worse than what i had been through on the inside. Everyone reaches this point when their ready and able to see the light. Some go on for years, other get it right away. The vision of what you are seeing on the outside of this woman is false. We learn to wear masks just as the narc does. We are conditioned and trained to do so. She has had a lot of years of training and she has been conditioned well by this man. She doesn't know who she is. She doesn't care to find out today. She is far to busy trying to "fix" and keep it together. One day though, this will change. Unless the end results in death she will find her Ahha moment. The best we can do for all of those still in the darkness is to pray for their return. xo Betty only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

Feb 10 - 3AM (Reply to #23)
Scotchy71's picture


Amen to that Betty, thank god I dumped his sorry ass before the major damage was done - I escaped relatively unharmed in a long term way. I saw him for him quite quickly and I'll always be grateful for that - life has changed for me, I'm in a much healthier place and really excited for my impending overseas trip...xxx Great words and knowledge..love x
Feb 9 - 10AM (Reply to #18)
victimnomore's picture


I am going to try to answer your question from a person married to a Nh for 25 years. First and foremost do not believe what you see. I was also the "Happy Wife" to the outside world. If you saw us together everyone thought we were the perfect couple and we did a lot of things together. Concerts, movies, dinner, weekend getaways, vacations. We had 2 luxury cars, a house you name it we had it.When we would be in public he was the perfect husband and i was the perfect wife. Always smiling and just being my lovely self. Well I was absolutely miserable. My NH was sexually perverted, he was emotionally, verbally and physically abusive and I felt trapped. He had worn me down so bad by this time that I was just resigned to stay and pretend that everything was ok. During the 25 years he choked me, punched me, kicked me cheated on me all the time and bought a STD home. I can't tell you how many times I tried to leave. I actually filed for divorce twice and he manipulated me both time to stay with him with the promise that he will change. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors and I was too embarrassed to tell anyone so I just went on pretending that my marriage was good and I was happy until I started having panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia and clinical depression. I just wanted to die. By the time i had the courage to leave I was almost dead. Spiritually I was sucked dry and I just wanted out. It is so much more to my story but let me assure you if he treated you the way he did his wife is most likely getting the worst of it. My NH was so nice to everyone else but he treated me behind closed doors as if he hated me. And I did everything for him. I will give you a rundown. cooked everyday, cleaned the house spotless, shopped, paid the bills, ironed his clothes for work, took him lunch to work, picked him up for lunch, bailed him out of every possible situation that he got himself into. Did just about anything for him sexually, booked and paid for all vacations, paid for all concerts, dinners etc. washed his clothes, folded them and put them away. All he had to do was work. Thats it. the only thing I did not do for him was wipe his ass and shower him. I hope this answer your question. No matter how it look on the outside, if he is a disordered person that his wife is suffering in silence. Oh and i forgot he also was addicted to porn and his phone and the internet soliciting sex and massages. Whew! I am soooo glad that that part of my life is over!


Feb 9 - 10AM (Reply to #19)
betty2020's picture

This is one your examples

This is one your examples Sadder. Thanks for the post victimnomore. xoxo only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

Feb 9 - 2PM (Reply to #21)
sadderbutwiser's picture


to victimnomore, betty and neverlookback: thanks so much for your replies. i'm so sorry for what you guys went through with these so called men. luckily i was never the wife or girlfriend to mine. i know i was just an object like everyone else. i just can't help but feel that mine is such a good actor that he is the perfect husband to her behind closed doors and that's why she has stayed and seems so happy. i need to get rid of those thoughts that are driving me crazy.
Feb 9 - 10AM (Reply to #20)
victimnomore's picture




Feb 9 - 8AM (Reply to #16)
sadderbutwiser's picture

in regards to my post

i welcome all comments/answers from all of you guys here. i really need your input on my question. thanks. this site has helped me so much.
Feb 9 - 11AM (Reply to #17)
Hunter's picture


Funny you brought this up. I had dinner with 2 friends last night. I have to say I was exhausted and bored listening to them bitch about their husbands. I just wanted to scream. They are so lost that abnormal becomes normal. My one friend should be divorced by month end. Her husband is a king clusterB. He beat the crap out of her back in Oct. And that's when she had her AH, moment! With that being said the abuse in the household has filtered down to her children. Her teenage daughter had attempted suicide twice and her 10 yr old son acts out. The whole situation is a train wreck. Her husband depleted all their savings due to the economy and his job situation. (no job for 2 years) he also blew through a 2 million dollar trust. From the outside looking in all is perfect. Last night still after all his BS, cheating, lies, abuse, she still believes he will be a responsible father to his children and give support to her. She is still trying to justify his behavior. I have given her books, offered this site, etc. It goes in one ear and out the other. I felt like Charlie Brown after a while... Wa wa wah wah.... As for my other friend and her husband same guy different body. Idealk
Feb 9 - 8AM
helldweller's picture

Betty and hopeless causes

When I talked on the phone with his other women, I was struck by how RESIGNED they all seemed, especially the one he'd been with for twenty years. When I asked, "Are you his girlfriend?" she responded, "I don't know WHAT I am. Whatever he says on whatever day it is." She said their relationship worked like this: She would call him every day and ask if he wanted to get together. He never called her and never answered her calls. He would simply text back: "Thanks, but I have to(fill in the blank)" Every few weeks, he would say, "OK" and he and his child would go over to her house, she'd make drinks and dinner, they'd have sex while the child played video games. And that was it. She did not ever complain that he was always too busy to see her, did not ever question anything he did, did not ever ask for more. But here was the main thing, and it was the same for me, too: you couldn't just let him be, let him come to you when he wanted. You had to be ACTIVELY PURSUING HIM ALL THE TIME, NO MATTER HOW MUCH HE REJECTED YOU. I tried so many times to just "let him go" and let him come to me when he wanted to, but he wouldn't allow that either. I had to be pursuing him; he had to be able to reject me on a regular basis. There were so many days I woke up and said, "I"m not going to text him until he texts me" and a few hours later he would write, "Why no texts?" and I'd tell him I was just letting him have some time to himself He'd say, "Fine. You don't love me anymore" and I was back, instantly, spending the rest of the day texting him every wonderful thing I could think of, letting my work sit, my chores sit, my children sit.
Feb 9 - 5PM (Reply to #14)
Susan32's picture

Normal men pursue

One of my friends observed during the final D&D, that it was the ex-Psych professor who WANTED me to pursue him. A NORMAL guy loves the pursuit. There was a recent article in the New Yorker about brain chemistry when it comes to courtship. A NORMAL man fantasizes about rescuing the woman, being the woman's hero, being there in times of trouble- Narcs/Psychs fantasize about hurting women, hurting others. The ex-Psych professor once said "I love watching you cry." He said that crying made me look more beautiful (he was quoting "War and Peace", in which the plain, devout Princess Marya is said to be lovelier when she's weeping) During the final D&D, when I was declaring my love to the ex-P, he was constantly moving the seminar class, so I'd HAVE to pursue him, and he'd HAVE to reject me. He claimed that I was "hitting on him" when I never said anything sexual. The ex-P NEVER called me (well, the crank calls kinda count, when he'd call, be silent, then hang up--those ended my senior year because he didn't have my number, lucky guy) But he liked me calling him. I was the one who did all the calling. In the senior skit, I starred as myself, and a male classmate starred as the ex-P. We had a short, wordless scene that was of me pursuing him, and ending with him sweeping me up in his arms, and me saying "I love a happy ending." One of the ex-P's male disciples said "That's Mr. T--!" Since the ex-P was in the audience, he made a run for it when the scene was clearly USING him as comedy material. The ex-P's girlfriend moved from California to New Mexico to be with him... she was pursuing him, not the other way around. When he physically abandoned her at the concert, she had to catch up with him and pursue him. You sum it up well with "Actively pursuing him all the time, no matter how much he rejected you."
Feb 9 - 10AM (Reply to #13)
betty2020's picture

The human psyche again at

The human psyche again at work. We all want what we think we cant have. A challenge. To peruse is part of the game. It keeps you sucked in. You have to remember helldweller, at this point in the relationship he had you figured out. He knows if he sits quiet you will eventually act out. He has studied you over a length of time. You were his science project honey. He knows when to act out and when to refrain. He knows what to say, when and how to say it in order to get the reaction he desires from you. They are very good at what they do. You will never win this war with the emotionally manipulator. It is impossible. Remember he is the scientist and you are the lab rat. Your job is to run around in a maze of circles to avoid pain. His job is to direct you to the appropriate response or stimuli he is wanting to get the results he is attempting to achieve. Today you have a choice. You choose to avoid what you know will cause you pain. You understand the equation now. Narc X Helldweller = PAIN. Those days of being the lab rat are over now. You escaped and this gives good reason to celebrate. xoxo Betty only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

Feb 9 - 8AM (Reply to #12)
onwithmylife's picture


these men seem to really love it when you pursue them,my EXN must have been in seventh heaven when he was still married, but separated and had me strung along as well. That is why he cried so much ,his third wife told me, when she said to him she had met a man and wanted a divorce. they were married for 10 years legally and only lived together for 6 months, you can imagine what that was like. I remember one of the times he discarded me and I drove a distance to his house to try and talk things over and he said at the door, did not invite me in,"you are only making things worse by showing up." WTF, here we are 2 supposedly adults trying to communicate our feelings and that is the best he comes up with, so i left crying and devastated, in hindsight that is not the way it is suppose to be.these women your EXn is with must have VERY LOW SELFESTEEM to put up with his crap. A woman who thinks good enough of herself would want half the cake, not the crumbs, seems like there are many desperate women out there.
Feb 9 - 7AM
Hunter's picture


Excellent, In simple terms, When enough, is enough, its enough. Have an Ideal day
Feb 9 - 7AM
sara-smile's picture

Thank you for the post

Thank you for the post Betty. It's a great reminder to have when they are spewing crap out of their mouths and they are saying exactly what you want to hear. They are all liars and masters of manipulation and sometimes it's so hard to remember that because you just want the pain to STOP.
Feb 9 - 7AM
blueeyes's picture

You too?

After a while I said to myself "This is unacceptable." He can't see his behavior as wrong and he is incapable. So, at some point we HAVE NO CHOICES Betty. We have one choice, Let them go...... There are no choices with a PDI. We either cater to their mood or their needs, which are subject to change on a dime. Or we live our life for us. I choose the latter. Great topic, I try to explain this topic often with others involved with a PDI. Greta post Betty! Luv it....
Feb 9 - 6AM
onwithmylife's picture


this is such a wonderful, heartfelt post that truly speaks to US ALL.We all gave it our best trying to make these relationships with with these disordered men.. Now it is time to walk away and lead the lives we are meant to lead and who knows,like you said, just maybe find love,not only of ourselves, but of someone else, in the process. A beautiful post you wrote...........
Feb 9 - 5AM
alittledark's picture

my head dropped as I read

and I'm not even that close to him...it's just a stupid online affair, and am having a hard time letting go even though I know Betty that your words are all true. I had my first session of therapy yesterday, but she didn't want to talk about the narc just my social anxiety. But she did say I didn't want to let go of him because I am afraid of getting depressed without all the euphoric feelings. Heck, I don't even feel the euphoria anymore. I'm a walking zombie. just pray for me. Thanks Betty. You and the ladies/guys here are like my only mentors right now that truly understand. :( I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace. --Helen Keller

I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
--Helen Keller

Feb 9 - 12PM (Reply to #5)
alittledark's picture

Thank you very much Betty

This line in one of your replies: "You believe that one day they will see your loyalty and begin to treat you with the respect you know deep down you deserve." is how I feel most of the time...and it's sad and twisted that I am feeling like that knowing how many other girls he has and will hurt and not to mention him already hurting me over and over through his push/pull, punish/reward games. And when you said that it was a minor thing that was your turning point ...wow, I cried when I read that. Not sure why, but I was doing so good with my few days of NC when he sent me a non-relevant email...had nothing to do with me just him bragging about a celebrity friend and it infuriated me and I replied hatefully back with hurt that he was totally ignoring me. He sent me the meanest reply that I had ever received from him and it very much scared me...scared me because I thought he hated me. But the email was not mean at all, but he was using a tone that made it seem like he was very disappointed with me and made it seem like I should have been happy that he was sharing such good news with me. My anger quickly turned to sadness and shame and I replied, falling right back into his stupid trap. I have got to get past the point of worrying about disappointing him. I will take your advice and look for another therapist if this one doesn't seem knowledgeable about NPD. Thanks again Betty...you are so very wise. I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace. --Helen Keller

I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
--Helen Keller

Feb 10 - 1AM (Reply to #6)
M's picture

that line

is so true. I have learned and educated my family on dealing with myxhN from this site. His latest plea is to have my dad convince me that it is the best thing for our daughter to see us talk face to face. We are divorced. He was RARELY home, so why should we converse on anything? I know what xhN means by "converse"...aka "give me the opportunity to abuse you verbally & demand things." I am so done with that. If he wants to do that--put it in an email so it's documented. BUT>>>a YEAR ago, xhN told my dad to stay out of it. Ugh.
Feb 9 - 11AM (Reply to #4)
betty2020's picture

Dont discredit this

Dont discredit this relationship based on the fact it was an online affair honey. Most will tell you that although the physical component was alluring to us, it was the emotional component that drove us deep into the trenches with the narc. This emotional relationship can exist in any context. Regardless if it is via computer, phone, long distance or in person. Once your sucked in the emotional trap your hooked. I am very glad your going to therapy. You need to continue going and you may not see your progress immediately so you must be patient. If you find over time that she does not understand the concept of what you are going through in dealing with a personality disorders person, you may need to seek out someone that has more experience in this field. Not all therapists understand the disorder, nor the aftermath of what the victim has gone through. xoxo Betty only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

Feb 9 - 4AM
titta22's picture

Thanks betty

I really like what you wrote!
Feb 9 - 2AM
Anne_'s picture

for betty

this is truly a great post. I was there too, I was willing to give in, to do anything to make the relation with xN work. It didn't bring me one moment of true happiness. Life isn't a computer game. We have one change. better make the most of it. thx betty for this post :-) Why would we refer to other authors if we have writers like that on our own board :-) Anne