It takes over me!!!!!

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#1 Mar 23 - 2AM
SoOverItNext's picture

It takes over me!!!!!

Here I am at 4am trying to get some type of relief some help some piece of mind. it takes over my everyday. Sometimes...

This started about 10 years ago. I met him through a mutual friend and we hit it off immediately. We enjoyed each other's company. Spent A LOT of time together. Neither one of us even consider a relationship because we were enjoying our friendship. Eventually, we became intimate and began having a great relationship. We were everywhere together. That didn't last long. We had soon become "home-bodies". We spent a lot of time at home (lots of sex) just hanging out. I started to wonder..."don't his friends and family wonder where I am?" Hmmmph. Oh well. This honeymoon stage was fun.

He told me all the right things like he had never loved anyone the way he loves me, no one understands him but me, he really needs me in his life and will never let me go away, I am the most beautiful woman in the world, he "needs" me, we were "meant" to be, no one will EVER love me as much as he loves me, etc....

I went for it. I just knew that this was my soul mate. Friends warnings were overlooked, etc. That was 10 years ago and since has only gotten me to love him more.

I would be typing for years if I told you ALL of the things that transpired in between so I'll just name a few...

He told me that I was jealous of his ex, several times, because she has this and dresses like this ans acts like this....

He told me that I'm a miserable person and that no matter what I could draw people in with my looks (he said he'll give me THAT) but once they find out who I really am , they'll leave just like him.

Sometimes he calls his ex in front of me and he'll talk to her so different than he talks to me and he says he knows how to treat a woman who deserves respect...(although he always calls her names behind her back).

He's called me by his ex's name SEVERAL times.

He's stolen from me.

He always accusses me of sleeping around and calls me names and tells me that I'm acting different toward him because I'm letting some guy "run up in me".

Please excuse my rant, I have NO ONE to talk to about that and you all have been so supportive!!!!!!!

When he gets me upset and I say something really mean ge always says "there's my girl! That's what I like to hear!.
He likees me angry and arguing.

If I do no contact, he comes to my home bangs on the door, etc.

He's broken furniture, cellphones, my car door, car window, picture frames, etc. no replacing anything!!!!

I feel sick. :(

thnx for supoort ladies.

Mar 23 - 10AM
spinning's picture

SoOver, this guy's a

complete loser. You will be so happy once you are free of him. I hope you are NC. If he bangs on the door don't answer it. If he doesn't go away call the police. I say this because I have had firsthand experience and I will NEVER AGAIN ALLOW someone back into my space to manipulate, use and abuse me; take my money, steal my time and my identity and my soul. You can do it, too! One moment at a time, one foot in front of the other. Ten years is a long time, so don't give this psycho another moment of your precious time. You do not need the torture or the abuse. It brings nothing good to your life. I joined this board when I was still "in it," though I barely posted. I foolishly let him back in for another, final, ultimate destroyer D & D. I'm here to beseech you to not make the same mistake. I put in six years. Six precious years I'll never get back! UGH!!! It's time for you, now. You've found the right place. Read all the blogs, they are filled with helpful information. Make a commitment to will pay off and you will be better. The cog-dis and obsessive thoughts will lessen, honestly. I also have firsthand experience with that! After just 4.5 months NC I am finally feeling liberated from the hell I was in. You can too. Don't keep going back there...go forward. hugs to you and I'm sending the good vibes for peace and healing. sincerely (finally slowing way down from) spinning
