I'm sorry but I have to vent ... he is an evil f*ckwit

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#1 Jul 12 - 7PM
Lost's picture

I'm sorry but I have to vent ... he is an evil f*ckwit

I've been drawn to this site for a while now however I've only been a member for 5days and have just started reading The Path Forward after finally going NO CONTACT 3wks ago after losing it and saying enough is enough I can't do this anymore!

Last night after reading so many similar posts / comments and also making comments myself plus reading more of the book, I think I had an epiphany. I'm just so angry that I feel like seriously hurting him and I'm sooo not a violent person

Reading the posts, comments and book has made a lot of the bad memories of things he used to do and say come flying back to surface with even more intensity than ever before because I was in so much denial and disbelief that this man I loved with all my heart could be this monster and even now as I write this I struggle with the conflicting feelings that I have that it is causing a permanent lump in my throat.

Even after finally telling him that his behaviour not only to me but his now OW and his family was not acceptable, that he was only using me for money and for someone to listen when current OW was pissing him off and not giving the supply he needed. I told him that everything was always everyone else's fault and that everyone always owed him something, that he needed to grow up and start taking responsibility for his life and his actions. I even apologised for my email and how it made him feel nasty. The response was that he wants no apologies nor does he make any, he understands that I have issues and that is why he was there for me. He loves who he is and always will. He thinks it's best that I forget about him and move on.

So now I look like the crazy idiot and ex who wouldn't let go and leave and I remember he did this to me when we were together as well after telling me that there was no spark anymore but that he needed me to live because it was more fun and that I didn't have to make a decision about leaving now and that he was happy to keep trying because after we aren't kids anymore and maybe the thrill that he keeps looking for that wild, intense passionate love does not exist. He told his brother when it all came out about his cheating that he told me months ago it wasn't working but that I wouldn't leave ... so it's all my fault.

I'm so angry not only at him but at myself for allowing this piece of shit to treat my like a second class citizen or like a piece of gum stuck to his shoe that you just can't get rid of. Most people would say that I'm a fairly intelligent person yet I allowed him, no-one else but me, to devalue me, brainwash me, turn my insecurities against me and people that I cared about. He knew exactly how to get into my head, I opened up to him about all my insecurities and played on them time and time again and I allowed it. He would get enjoyment out of watching me become this crumbling mess yet at the same time would get annoyed because I was 'depressed' again and he was sick of the drama. I was like a rat in a cage to him that keep running around that wheel! He doesn't like bullshit in his life nor does he tolerate it but he frigging creates it!

There are so many thoughts and feelings going through my head that I don't even know where to start nor understand what's mine and what's his energy & emotion, I took it all on. I took on all his pain, his anguish, his anger and made it mine because I felt sorry for him, felt sorry for this little boy who I could see what stuck inside and just wanted to be loved unconditionally and wanted someone to take his pain away. But the more I did that, the more I cared and looked after him, the more he used and abused me. He even said that he was lucky to have someone like me in his life that does as this for him! But then he said the same thing about current OW.

I really want to write all this down like verbal diarrhoea and send it to him but what will it achieve? He will never understand my pain nor understand that his actions have caused it. I want to out him to everyone and anyone that will listen but again what will that achieve because I'll be labelled the crazy, jealous and spiteful ex!

I can honestly say that I have never ever in my entire life experienced such gut wrenching pain and heartache that sometimes I can't stop myself from crying that I end up whaling ....

What kind of people does this to another human being and get enjoyment out of it ... they are sick f*ckers

Jul 13 - 8PM
SusieSwizzle's picture

your douchebag

sounds EXACTLY like mine...he poured out his life, his struggles, his issues, ALL out on me..paid for NOTHING..barely saw him..when I did sometimes it was fun...many times it was sex...degrading sex...sometimes as I did it I thought 'why am I here with him'...sex was all he ever really provided me..the solid friendship that I thought we had..one sided..I was a human sounding board..nothing more..after a year..one time we were together and he asked if I had color contacts in..my eyes are hazel and normally the first thing people notice on me. A year. The man who claimed love. The man who claimed I was special. The man who probably had a dozen women in the time we had spent together bc he sure as Hell wasnt spending it with me...fucktards...all of them...I really wonder why we suffer this extraneous pain considering how God-awful and evil they are..but I guess its really shock..Cognitive Dissonance..when the realization hits, that we, were really the glue that held together a non-existent relationship. So very exhausting...XO Peace & Love
Jul 13 - 3PM
enpsychopedia r... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Never outed mine

I never outed my moral retard to friends or family. I emailed him a few times, just to indicate i thought he had a terrible problem and I forgave him as a consequence--and to let him know that, after all is said and done--the important thing is that I truly rocked before and now I am REALLY amazing after learning all I could from the intense grieving process. It wasn't altogehter insincere except the truly rocking part. That's just not me, but the faux conceit and condescension probably made him heave...and that's okay. I am disgusted mixed with indifference now. As Lisa Scott says, they are truly ridiculous human beings. After we incorporate that idea into our souls, we heal. The phantom limb phenomenon becomes, "Wow, glad I had that tumour removed!" or "Wow, that hemmoroid's gone....GREAT!" I've never heard of anyone having phantom hemmoroid pain.
Jul 12 - 8PM
Hunter's picture

Awesome, isn't it! Now we pay

Awesome, isn't it! Now we pay the price! Hunter
Jul 12 - 8PM
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


You shouldn't feel bad about anything you did. It is what anyone would do in a normal relationship. He is sick and that's the only abnormality. You just poured your heart out to a heartless individual which hurts.
Jul 12 - 8PM
FreeToBe's picture


Staying away from him, staying NO CONTACT is probably going to be the hardest thing that you have ever done. But you must LOVE YOURSELF enough to do this for YOU! He is TOXIC to you and your well-being!!! YOU are not all those things he has told you that you are, YOU are NOT crazy! These monsters truly do exist (as unbelievable as it is) and all of us here are testament to that. There is no denying the sheer coincidences in all of our stories which are so similar to one another. Keep reading, write it out (PURGE), keep a journal and begin your path forward! One day, he will not matter any more and you will be free of the emotional turmoil that hurts so much today. Feeling Your Pain, FreetoBe
Jul 12 - 9PM (Reply to #6)
Lost's picture

No contact is so hard ...

it's really hard not to make contact because even though I told him how I felt, it's not in my nature to argue with people (probably because I've never stood up for myself in my life) and because I don't know what was a lie and what. if anything was real, I do feel incredibly bad about having a go at him and want to apologise again and explain ... he said to me that he couldn't understand why I turned nasty of all of a sudden and in some ways that is exactly how I feel and I feel like the bitch now ... and I know he'll be spinning lies about me to his mother (who I also believe to be a female N - her behaviour towards other people mirrors his so much) and anyone else that will listen ... it hurts because I don't think I'm a bad person, yes I have issues from childhood which I am dealing with but I'm not a bad person if anything I worry too much about upsetting other people and forget about myself in the process
Jul 13 - 5AM (Reply to #7)
FreeToBe's picture

Lost, It is perfectly normal

Lost, It is perfectly normal to feel guilty for saying hurtful things to him. But don't think for one second that he has any remorse himself. If you reach out to express your HUMANNESS and apologize to him it will only serve to strenghten his stance that it is all of your fault and that YOU are the crazy one. FreeToBe
Jul 12 - 8PM (Reply to #5)
FreeToBe's picture

And forget about

And forget about wanting/needing an apology from him. You will not get one. "Why should [they] apologize when [they] have done nothing wrong"? You want validation. We all want/wanted it. That is what WE are here for.
Jul 12 - 8PM
Sparrow's picture

A narcissist. Plain and

A narcissist. Plain and simple. He is poison. Get rid of him once and for all.
Jul 12 - 8PM
maky1's picture

yeah, just rant it out in a

yeah, just rant it out in a journal. You said that he said,"I make no apologies." It is true you will never get one. Start the song and dance trying to get one and you will just get more frustrated. MIne said, "I refuse to apologize to someone I love and was protecting." Doesn't make any sense except in his mind, but he, too would NEVER apologize and finally once said in a text, "if an apology for something i did not intentionally do will help ease your pain, then I apologize." That is not an apology at all. that is him rolling his eyes, tired of me wanting an apology from the god who does no wrong... thinking giving in and just saying the words will make me give him a break. It is frustrating that they play games with us and then turn around and claim other things to other people-- or even right back to us! They say so many contradicting things and push and pull, and even if you had it all on videotape, they would still have some other explanation or belief that it happened differently. I finally told mine thru text that he will not apologize and i am done trying to make him, he is blocked. and then i called verizon and blocked him. I think other people see through it. best not to give them the ability to throw anything else back on us or say it was us. Don't give them any stories to tell other people or any more words to twist. Just don't be there and he can't do it. Block them and be done with them.
Jul 16 - 9AM (Reply to #2)
jules k
jules k's picture

When i said to him how about

When i said to him how about saying sorry, he replied "sorry is just a word" :-/