Iamstrongerthanheis's story pt 1

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#1 Apr 23 - 6PM
Iamstrongerthanheis's picture

Iamstrongerthanheis's story pt 1

Part 1…

My ex N walked into my life like he owned it already. A good friend from college came to a birthday celebration that I was having for my sister and brought the most life changing "gift" ever, my ex N. He rolled out of the car, locked eyes with me, and I melted, in hindsight, it was like he knew and he has since used that moment to make it seem like it was fate that we met. I hadn't dated much, but when I did I hated it, and my experience with him was, as I have found out, too good to be true. I wanted to spend every moment with him, he was fun, extremely attractive, came from a great family, educated in the culinary world, and magically wanted everything that I did. In his 35 years, he had never met anyone like me, I was "the one." He expressed his love for me within 2 weeks, said he was willing to change his entire life for me....I am sure he was,I am honest, caring, a great family, I have a good job, a nice place to live, good credit.

The first few weeks were great, we put one another on pedestals, I felt like i had never felt before, on cloud 9. He had a job that required him to live outside of the US, but there were some issues with his contract or something, which is why he was back in the US and staying with his parents for a bit until things got worked out. He supposedly had plenty of money and when he did have to travel to where he lived, it was no big deal to come back and see me because money was no object. He had to travel to Europe on several occasions to work some business deals with his bosses, he was staying with me on these occasions so I actually took him to the airport when he had to go, come to find out, he never went to Europe, my friend got a hold of his passport and there were no stamps from the country he was supposed to be in. He is such a pathological liar that I actually had a conversation with him when he said that he was sitting on the balcony of his hotel and chose to talk to me instead of hanging out with his bosses and going to the art galleries. He told me the next day that he had a burn on the top of his feet from taking his shoes and socks off and sitting on the balcony. He came to see me in the next few days, choosing to leave early and surprised me, flying all day and all night to come see me, and believe it or not, he really did have a burn on the top of his feet. Where he really was, I have no idea, but I am sure on the 3 or 4 occasions when I dropped him off or picked him up from the airport, that his car was parked right in the parking lot and he just waited for me to leave, hopped in and drove a few hours away to his parents house. Meanwhile, while he was traveling, my sister and I took care of his dog, who didn’t eat dog food, I had to fix her eggs in the morning. She was one of the best parts of the relationship, if only she could talk…

He was the first person I thought I could trust, I trusted him with everything, including my family. Within the first two weeks of dating, he met my parents and siblings, who also immediately fell in love with him. My older sister, who is super skeptical, thought we were going to get married, he put on a great show.

Things with his job continued to be iffy, he became depressed because he didn’t have a place of his own here in the US and he was staying with his parents in the meantime. He said he was thinking about getting an apartment in the meantime while things were getting worked out, I told him he could stay with me some of the time, which turned in to him and his dog invading my and my sister’s world for weeks on end. I loved it, I loved coming home to cooked meals, sitting on the couch watching tv together, and snuggling in bed at night. Little by little, things got worse, when I talked to him about work, he became defensive and said that he didn’t want to talk about it, his parents gave him enough trouble about it.

On one occasion, he randomly told me that he didn’t think that he was good enough for me and wanted to take off, I cannot remember why he had this epiphany, but I should have accepted it and let him go. I am unsure as to whether or not this was a test to see how attached I was or if he had a moment of truth and realized that something wasn’t right and I did deserve better than him. This was the first time I felt destroyed by him, I felt like I had been hit by a bus, I could barely breathe, I had to leave work that day because I could not stop crying uncontrollably. Shocking to all of you out there, but he came back, much to my relief at that time. My ex N liked to drink, he would get all drunk, act inappropriately, be super arrogant in front of other people, and completely disrespect me by using crude language when I asked him not to, the more I asked him not to, the more he did it. There were several times where I excused his behavior because he was going through a rough time, false, so false, this is who he is. One night, I asked him specifically not to do something because he always acted like a complete jerk when he drank it and was out of control, he purposely purchased it after he promised not to, we got into a huge fight, and when we got home, he packed up his stuff and was leaving, he was completely drunk and should not have driven. My sister tried to stop him, I told her to let him go, she had a 2 hour conversation with him, only to come out with his stuff and attempted to throw it over the balcony because she was so mad. I told her to let him go, it was not her battle to fight. He put his stuff in the car and left. He called later and blamed me for his leaving, I told him I was not the one who packed his suitcase and put it in the car, which further infuriated him, I knew he should not have been driving, but I was not going to beg him to come back. He did anyways, spent the night, and left the next day. My sister and I had a moment that night, we cried together, we both felt like we had done something wrong, I explained to her at this point that he was mentally ill. I should have let him go then because I recognized it, but I thought I could change him because I thought I understood him like no one else in his life.

Issues with his job continued on, one day things were going to be happening within the next few weeks, the next, they couldn’t get the people to sign the leases so he could begin the project. I encouraged him to get a job in the meantime, he supposedly had skills that would allow him to work anywhere, and in an industry where it would be ok to be a part timer. I had it in my head that getting him back to work would be good for him because I could actually see him getting more depressed. His depression impacted me, I was anxious, couldn’t concentrate, my work was terrible, and I eventually became so ill, I got mono and was out of work for 2 weeks…who gets mono in their late 20s?

During my sickness, he stayed with me through it all, during this time, I told him that he needed to get his stuff together. He was looking for jobs and had an interview at one point, magically, the same day he was supposed to interview, his bosses called and agreed to give him his salary back because things were looking up and he would likely be back in work very soon, so why go interview. Keep in mind that the times that he was supposedly going to interview, he got all suited up, my sister says that he “played dress up with our family.”

The holidays were upon us and I wanted him to come to my parent’s house for Thanksgiving, initially he and my friend who introduced us were going to stay at the house, but for comfort sake, I decided to get a hotel room. He tool this as my family didn’t want him there and made it a huge deal, one day he was coming, the next he wasn’t….total mindfuck. He ended up coming the day after Thanksgiving with my friend, day 1 went great in my mind. Day 2 was a disaster, he acted like his arrogant self in front of my siblings, disrespected me, got drunk and made his bed. My parents found out about it, wouldn’t even speak to him when we returned to their house, I thought I was going to break up with him after this, it caused a huge rift in my family.

I let it go on, again, thinking that it was going to get better. He told me that he was going to propose to me that weekend, he supposedly told his family that we were engaged when he returned…to this day I don’t think he ever intended to ask me to marry him that weekend. He told me he bought me a super expensive ring at the jeweler his dad goes to for his mom, I found out a couple of weekends later that he was looking on Craigslist for rings the day after we got back from the weekend from hell.

Holiday #2 came around, my parents had hired someone to do some digging because there were too many red flags, it turns out his entire history is a lie, with the exception of his childhood that I heard from his parents. When I spoke to my ex N about it, he denied everything and said that my family made it all up. The detective told my parents to get me away from him as quickly as possible. I spoke to the detective myself, but didn’t want to believe it. I spent days in bed, my mom slept with me because I was so destroyed and afraid to be alone. I returned to work in the hopes that it would be a good distraction, I cried everyday almost all day, I barely kept it together. Thank goodness, I work with a great bunch of people who understood where I was, they knew this wasn’t me. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, I was a ghost, I isolated myself from my friends and family because I was so down, I felt like I was difficult to be around because all I did was cry. How could this be? How could I have trusted and loved this man? I was going to marry him and have his children. Why did he pick me? Why do people like this exist? Why didn’t I listen to my gut earlier in the relationship? Everything couldn’t possibly be true…he really loved me, right? I was not an object to him, I was a person, right?

Apr 26 - 7PM
Iamstrongerthanheis's picture

my story part 2

Part 2 Even after I found out he was a big fat liar, spoke with the detective, and got confirmation from friends that he wasn’t right, I didn’t want to believe it, I kept speaking to him. He blamed my family for our breakup, his loss of friendships, made me feel guilty because his family still loved me, etc, etc… One night, we were talking and he asked if I believed him or if I believed what my family said, I told him honestly that I didn’t know who to believe, he then proceeded to verbally berate me, questioning my love for him, using foul language, he hung up. I called back a bit later, asked if he could speak to me normally, again, he went off, I hung up, and the next day I changed my phone number. He emailed me a couple of days later wondering why I had changed my number, I wrote him back explaining that I would never again allow someone who supposedly loved me to speak to me like that. He said that it was in the heat of the moment and he was just angry. I would not give him my new number, we communicated via email until I finally cut him off there too. I lasted with NC for about 4 weeks, and then I sent a closure email…big mistake, there is no closure with them. In the email I detailed how I felt about him, how I prayed that he would one day find value in himself, and how our relationship turned out to be just like the one he described with his parents…blowouts followed by reparations, and there it goes all over again. He responded with a mere, “I love you” and no acknowledgement of what happened or what was said. I wore down and called him, when I heard his voice, it was like taking a step back to when we first met, hearing his voice was like a drug. I stayed strong, saying that I could never be in a relationship with him, he said he understood initially, but then gradually started to slip things in, I got caught again. I was wrapped up in him again and again found myself doubting all that I had learned previously, I trusted him again. I told him about my plans that I had worked out during my NC time which included moving to a new location to start over, he tried to convince me to move to an area that would be easy for us to get together, he almost had me there. I saw him twice, the first time, he held me in his arms and hugged me, I cannot explain the feeling, it was such comfort. But it began again, the belittling, the questioning and attempts to distance me from my family, but I let it go on. I saw him again, my friend who introduced us was again entranced by him as well and was actually considering moving out of state with him if my ex didn’t go back to his job out of the country, which was further affirmation that things couldn’t have been as they had seemed because someone else had believed him too. My friend and I started talking, the stories compiled and didn’t add up, once again we were questioning why this person was in our lives when we couldn’t believe anything he told us. He lied to us, to his parents, his siblings, everyone! We found that he couldn’t make his own car payment, pay for his cell phone, and was borrowing money from people left and right with no intention of paying them back. He was also smoking pot everyday, meanwhile telling his parents that he got a job, which he did have for 2 weeks, his parents thought it was for over a month. We had conversations where I told him that I couldn’t be with him ever, he would go crazy and tell me not to speak to him, I granted his wish and stopped talking to him, only to have him text me and ask why I wasn’t speaking to him, when I would say it was because he said he didn’t want to speak to me again, he would say “I know, but I don’t know which is harder, speaking to you, or not.” Total mindplay. He has told me that I am “hard to love” because of the issues with my family, but he “still loves me anyways, he would do anything for me, no one will ever love me like he did, and he hopes I find whatever it is I am looking for.” To this day, I am still texting him. I realized before that I didn’t have the support I needed to stop talking to him and to fill the void of missing him. Now, I have been honest with myself, honest with my friends, and have asked for their support, before I was so afraid and embarrassed to seek help, now I know if I don’t, I am in for a long and painful life.
Apr 24 - 7AM
momoya's picture


So sorry to read your story. You have been horribly betrayed and decieved. We have very similar experiences and discovering the truth about him via a background check is just the tip of the iceburg. I was overwhelmed with thoughts of replaying the past because I was decieved since the start. Nothing about how he treated you is ok. It wil be hard but you can get over this and heal. Please read up on this disorder, they are masters at what they do. All the best to u!


Apr 26 - 7PM
Hunter's picture


Im sorry you are here. Welcome. You need to find the strength to stay away form him. Hunter