Has anyone tried EMDR?

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#1 Mar 14 - 8AM
Janakita's picture

Has anyone tried EMDR?

Has anyone tried Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a form of therapy for the trauma from abusive relationships with N/Ps? It's a type of guided biofeedback to reprogram the brain after trauma and the resulting obsessions and other symptoms. Originally, it was developed for PTSD. My friend has gone to a couple of sessions for dealing with difficult feelings (past abuse of NExH, current asshole supervisor) and found it SUPER helpful, even after only one session. Her therapist has her hold buzzers in her hands (many patients are led through eye movements or tapping) while she alternatively visualizes a disturbing image and the negative thoughts/feelings about herself it conjures up with a positive thought about herself in response to the event. A photograph of the exN and the OW, his new wife could be the negative image, with negative feelings/thoughts about a failed marriage and trying really hard to make things work when he was meanwhile cheating with the OW. The positive counter-thought/feeling and image could be relief to escape abuse, soaring like a bird into the sky. The idea is that the positive grows larger and larger than the negative, and the person feels less and less disturbed by the negative, until becoming indifferent to it. Isn't this awesome?! It can be used to deal with anxiety, anger, fear (any difficult emotion/thought) from a past or present conflict- it kind of reminds me of exposure therapy...

Anyway, I want to try EMDR some time. I don't have any insurance right now and it's expensive out of pocket, so I will have to wait until I get a full-time job. Just curious if anyone else has had a good (or bad) experience with it... thanks!

Mar 18 - 7PM
greengirl91's picture

Oh my, it seems like in

Mar 17 - 12AM
PTSD Online
PTSD Online's picture

EMDR is incredible