daisyme's story

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#1 Jan 23 - 9AM
daisyme's picture

daisyme's story

Firstly, I want to say thank you to all of you for sharing your experiences and insight. It has been a saving grace. After 14 years of an off/on relationship with someone who I thought was my soulmate, I’ve been dumped. As if the relationship never existed. As if I don’t matter. He was (and unfortunately still is) the love of my life. For the past 6 months, I’ve obsessing and struggling to make some sense of it. What happened? What did I do wrong? Why is he lying about the OW? Why did he keep calling me? Why is blaming me for EVERYTHING? Why does he refuse to talk about it?

As it turns out, after coming across this site, some research and a lot reading for the past few weeks, I think that his behaviors are a textbook example of a full-on N. For anyone kind enough to read and offer some insight, here’s my story – I’ll try and keep it brief. ;-)

We met just as he was splitting up with wife1. I fell truly, madly and deeply in love with him. He was everything I ever wanted. Strong – silent, very physical, travelled the world, incredibly sexy and lived an adventurous, alternative lifestyle. After a year and half, he ended it abruptly. I was hurt (as he started seeing someone else immediately after me) but brushed it off as “needing to spreading his wings” because he married young.

Soon after that, he moved away. Over the next few years, we would see each other regularly (=have sex) every time he came to town. There were some red flags back then, but I dismissed them as “quirks”. He was ambiguous when it came to “us”. I never question him about anything or whether he was seeing anyone else because I didn’t want to upset him or make him think I was needy. However, I quickly assumed the caretaker role, was always there for him, paid for a lot of things, etc. (Gratefully, I have a great job and am financially secure).

Fast forward a few years later, I went to visit him and it was like we were never apart. We made plans for me to move in. At least, I thought so. So, just before this was to happen, I called and he said he was “on a date and to stop hassling” him. WTF? I was devastated and swore to myself that I would never be hurt like this again by him. He ended up marrying this woman, wife2.

After 3 years of no contact, he’s in town for a visit. I said no, but of course, he kept calling, and I finally relented. He makes my heart melt. Damn. As it turns out, marriage to wife2 was on the rocks. He told me that she changed into a different person and went crazy. (red flag). However, I was now convinced that he really loved me. After all – why would he keep coming back to me after all these years?

As he was going through the separation with wife2, we had a long-distance thing . He seemed to be often short on money , so I sent him anything that he needed. Soon afterwards, I ended up trekking the 1000 miles to move in with him. At first, it was bliss. We spent alot of time together, went on a lot of fun adventures, while respecting each other’s personal space. I couldn’t have been any happier. I pictured a beautiful future together. It was almost immediate that my world revolved around him. I even turned a blind eye to the restraining order from wife2 (and the statements of emotional and physical abuse in it). He justified all of it and I BELIEVED him. His friends mentioned she had issues, so thought nothing of it. However, ever so gradually, the dynamic changed between us.

To help him out on an investment, I lent him a very large sum of money on a verbal agreement. In return, he offered to add me as a partner in the contract. As soon as the money was transferred, he denied ever saying such a thing. I tried to bring it up a few times – each time he would fly into a rage or get upset at me for something completely unrelated. So, I gave up. He seemed to resent me for making it possible to get what he wanted.

From here on, it was a roller-coaster ride. The good, bad, and the ugly. You know it. Eventually, nothing I did was ever good enough. So I tried harder and tried to do more to regain his love an attention. His expectations were a moving target and he contradicted himself constantly. He would make plans with me, deny it, and take off with his friends. I could never question him about anything as he never had to explain himself. He would purposely say/do mean things and if I was the least bit hurt or protested, he called me an uptight bitch. He would call me cheap if I didn’t pay for things. He flew into inexplicable rages at the oddest things – the dryer lint not being emptied, for example. When he needed help, I was expected to drop everything (which I did), but he did not reciprocate the gesture– what he was doing was always more important or he was always too busy. However, he would drop everything to help his friends. Often, he was Dr Jekyl/Mr Hyde. When out with other people, he was charming, charismatic and easy-going, but would give me the silent treatment on the way home. There were many broken promises as he conveniently “forgot” things he said, did, or would do. He twisted things around and blamed me for things that were unrelated to me. He made up excuses to prevent us from doing things together (he seemed to almost enjoy isolating me and denying me his company). Sometimes, I felt like I had to be grateful for his presence. He accused me of doing to him, what he was doing to me. To keep the peace, I usually ended up apologizing (even for things I did not do), which sometimes made him even madder. Or, he acted like nothing ever happened. Over time, his rages became more violent, especially when I tried to stand up for myself. He would throw all my stuff out of the house and lock me out. I am ashamed to say that it escalated into physical abuse. I went from a strong, confident, independent, woman to a shriveling, needy, emotional mess. At the same time, i also got very defensive and lashed out verbally in an effort to regain some power, which made things worse. I morphed into this person that I no longer recognized. I thought I was going crazy.

Things were not good between us but my sister was very sick so I had to leave for a while. We had a big fight the night before I left. However, we kept up the relationship through daily phone calls. I ended up staying longer than expected and he was upset that I wasn’t there for him. So, he really does love me, I thought. I called him to say that I was on my way back, but he said hold off for a few months because he was “busy”. So I did. I sensed something was amiss. After a few weeks, I asked whether he was seeing someone. He denied it. Our phone calls were fewer and further between and he sounded mad all the time. So, I asked him again. He denied it. I later found out (not from him) that he was LIVING WITH someone. Just like that. Apparently, they’ve only known each other a short time. The few times that I got him to half-admit that something was going on, he said they were “just friends”. He also blamed it on me because I abandoned him. His relationship with the OW is my fault.

To make a long story short, I’ve called him hundreds of times to say how much I miss and love him and that I want to work things out, but he would “have to go” or hang up on me in mid-sentence. He also came up with every excuse in the world to prevent me from going to see him. After a while, he stopped answering my calls. Yet, every time he wanted to talk, he would call me and act like nothing happened. And sure enough, when I brought up the topic of “us”, he conveniently hangs up. Recently, he called me every morning and night (like clockwork), amping up the charm and saying that he wanted to see me and work on us. However, after two months, he stopped calling altogether and ignored all my calls. I’m guessing that the relationship with the OW was temporarily off, then back on. I was demoted to back-up supply.

I’m pissed that he blatantly lies and expects me to believe him. He can’t be accountable for his actions– even the relationship with the OW. In fact, he never ever really told me – I told him. He changed his phone number so I have no way of contacting him. (Even to ask for the six-figure sum of money he owes me).

My hopes and dreams were all tied to this guy. I am left with no closure, a multitude of questions, a shattered heart, and pervasive feelings of helplessness. What burns me is that he blames me for everything and is getting away with it all. (He drained me emotionally, spiritually and financially, starts a new wonderful life with OW and HE’S the one who is pissed off?) Safe to say, to his benefit, I’m quite sure that he’s told everyone that I am nuts.

I now understand the D&D cycle and that I was duped. I was (and still am) in love with an illusion. This guy cannot deal with being alone. Throughout our history, he promoted/demoted me as current/backup supply. I know this in my head, but it still hurts like hell. I can’t seem to get him out of my heart. He takes up all the space in it.

Herein lies “the problem”. Even with the physical distance between us and the realization that he likely fits the profile of an N, I can’t seem to let him go. If I ever see him again, I know my heart will melt. How does one even begin to unravel the ties of emotional attachment? I don’t want to, but know that at some point I will have to. This sounds ridiculous, but even though he’s completely shut me out of his life, he’s still a very big part of mine.

There’s more, but will stop here. In closing, just want to say again that I am continually inspired by your stories and support and will rely on them as a source of strength.

Feb 7 - 2PM
Hunter's picture


Hello, I have good news and bad news! The good news is you are here. We will help you. The bad news is you are here, you were Narced. You say there is more to your story,no there's not. You need to escape from this creature for good. you can not continue to live like this.I encourage to read,read and read. We all have similar stories. NC means NC. Once you understand what is going on it will become easier to move forward! GoodLuck Idealk
Feb 7 - 4AM
daisyme's picture

sick of it... i totally feel...

..for what you are going through. Our experiences sound very similar. The way they twist everything around to justify their own selfish purposes AND blame us for it is *absolutely* brutal. I feel so ashamed that I let myself be duped by his lies and false promises for SO LONG. Before he disappeared, he would call all the time to talk or say he wants to work on us and that either I could fly back "home" to him or to just wait a little longer and he will come to see me. He knew that I had to leave town temporarily to take care of family stuff, but instead, he said that I was not committed to him to justify the fact that he found new supply and already moved her into the same house that we were living in. WTF!! Not to sound like a broken record, but I am SO GRATEFUL for this site and all the incredible women here on it. It has brought me to tears many times to read about others' experiences. I was never one to disclose much - even to friends. I now am realizing the power of sharing, even things that hurt. Thank you for reading and replying to my story. I'm kind of still i the thick of it, but as you mentioned, time and education! We all have it within us to take back our power, to heal, and to eventually get to a better place.
Feb 6 - 8PM
gettinbetter's picture

Oh Geez Daisyme

Bless your heart. What a PIG! and this sounds oh so familiar to me. Mine same thing. Im sure you have read alot of my posts. My story is not posted. Mine too just one day up and shut me out wouldnt answer calls or texts then he popped up 2 months later after I sent a text that I was going NC although I didnt know he was an N then. He text back after 2 mos silent treatment that he still love me and he accused me of doing to him what he was doing to me and that I was trying to control him by saying that he didnt love me I was just trying to get what I wanted. It all makes my head spin. We began talking again a little by text but the conversations were strained a bit. I finally said I just needed to know was it over and he emailed me and said NO its not over and I will always love you. I said can we talk and he said yes. So I called at scheduled time and immediately he had to go. This is after 2 Months silent treatment. I call the next morning and he is sweet and say S I love you. Ill be in town at the end of the month for a week so we can spend some time together. A few days go by and he is again completely silent so I got frustrated and said Im so tired of feeling rejected. That was it I never heard from him again. I texted probably hundreds of times no response. They are such freaks!!! All I can say is it is really really hard to let go but you gotta or there will be nothing left of you. Stick here you will find comfort. We got mixed up with some really bad guys but the good news is they are not our problem anymore. They will do it to the next person and the next person but we are out and safe a little worse for wear but we are safe from their torture because we know what is wrong with them and that it cant be fixed. Hang in there. He is still in my heart a bit. I still cry but not everyday. Its been 4 months since we last communicated and its getting easier but he's not quite gone from my heart yet. Its a process that only time and education heals
Feb 4 - 4PM
momoya's picture

how are u?

I read your story and just wondering how you are doing lately? I am so sorry that this has happened to you. You seem to be a very supportive and generous woman and you have loved him deeply. I understand how much it hurts, but know you will get over it. Be sure to keep reading up on Narcs as the more knowledge you have the more you will be prepared. Don't be fooled again, that he can offer you anything other than more pain. It is a trap, don't fall for it again. It will get better. All the best! be strong!!!


Feb 6 - 12AM (Reply to #7)
daisyme's picture

momoya, thanks so much

....for taking the time to read my story and for your kind words. they really mean alot. I've been reading as much as I can on Ns. It continually astonishes me how much destruction they wreak and how my ex-N fits the profile to a tee. I recently finished a book that focused on N lovers - the title could have easily read - "My ex-N's name - case study of a relationship with an N. Am gradually working through the muck. I haven't see him for a long time, but it still feels raw. The initial shock has subsided, but am struggling with those feelings that we all experience in the aftermath - loneliness, anger, hurt, confusion, shame...etc. I realize now that I surrendered my identity, hopes and dreams in holding out for the fantasy of a loving, lasting relationship with him. Aside from the emotional trainwreck, there's the unresolved practial matters that are left dangling. I had relocated to be with him, and while I was out of town tending to family matters, he moved the OW into the same house where we were living. He has "forbidden" me to go back there all the while keeping my hopes up through long-distance phone calls. So, I am basically in limbo with no place to live. Now, that he's secured his new supply, he's changed his number and went NC. A good thing? Ultimately, yes. However, my belongings are still there and I'm left paying the bills that are in my name (for services that he used). Not to mention that big debt he owes. Ugh. Frustrating to say the least. Thanks again for the encouragement and support! I recognize that it will be a journey to rediscover who I am, to shift the focus to my own needs, and to make healthy changes. Scary - as i kind of forgot how!
Jan 23 - 5PM
daisyme's picture


thanks so much for your support. PHEW - i feel relieved to know that i'm not alone. have been going to therapy, but it makes such a difference to share with others who have been there, done that. after suffering in silence for years, i've disclosed some of the later break-up details to some friends. they are supportive, but they don't (and thankfully not) "know" it. as for OW, she contacted me out of the blue via email a few months ago. She said they are in love but also asked me all sorts of questions about why him and i were still in contact. I could tell that he's been misleading her already. I did not respond, and she later insulted me. really freakin nice. During the time when he called me daily (and got my hopes up of a reconciliation), i told him about the email (in a respectful manner). He told me to think nothing of. I'm guessing she left shortly after, which is why he called me. Somehow he worked his magic and sucked her back in, which led to my complete discard. its taken me a long time to realize that it's not a question of her or me. its really all about him. always has been, always will.....
Jan 23 - 12PM
fooled no longer
fooled no longer's picture

sounds like a Narc to me.

sounds like a Narc to me. Hes treated you so badly it wouldnt matter what he is called. The emotional ties you talk about are all on your side. to him you are just old supply, that he call call on when he needs an ego top up or a place to piss. would you let a street tramp kick you down and then piss on you over and over again. Of course not, well thats what this guy is doing to you, focus on the facts and his actions, not the fantasy.
Jan 23 - 10AM
titta22's picture

the lowest

I'll be honest....what they do and the mind tricks they play takes you to the brink of insanity!! I thought many of times that it would be better if i just died!!
Jan 23 - 10AM
ally2375's picture


Thank you for sharing your story with us. You've been steamrolled by an N, that's for sure. I'm so sorry to hear that. I can completely relate - I'll bet most of us can - to the cognitive dissonance of KNOWING the N is bad for you, yet still MISSING him. Even knowing that the OW is going to get exactly the same treatment, sometimes I find myself thinking, "Yes, but she's getting the GOOD him now. I really miss HIM. What I wouldn't give to have him back." Accepting that he wasn't real takes awhile, I think. At least, I still struggle with it. It's not ridiculous that even though he's shut you out, you still feel like he's a huge part of your life. You loved him, and, unfortunately, we can't switch our emotions off like light bulbs. Coming here has made it easier for me to start to pull away and heal. There are wonderful women on this board to offer support and advice and, best of all, they UNDERSTAND what it feels like. So read, ask questions, hang out with us. Go NC if you haven't already done so. Everyone here will support you. Hugs, Ally
Jan 23 - 9AM
titta22's picture


I understand how you feel.....I guess at some point we will have to let them go! They take too much space in our hearts and in our hea. How can we make room for the good things to come in to our lives if we don't let go of all this toxic waste that is holding us down!!