Anyones narc have OCD

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#1 Jun 23 - 10PM
Littleone's picture

Anyones narc have OCD

So.... Yet another weird thing to add to the list.

My EXN had to do certain things 5 times. He kissed me hello and goodbye 5 times. Fast rapid, rough kisses, really weird. If I ever hit him playfully he would make me hit him again to make the 5, weird weird weird weird weird!!

Anyone else experience something similar?

Jun 24 - 7AM
spinning's picture

OCD big time,

Little one! He constantly hand sanitized. Flossed his teeth in his car. Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. The disordered freak I was involved with is borderline. When he began 'splitting,' the clean freak vanished and the chaotic one emerged. All the stuff he did at first, i.e. spotless vehicle, impeccable grooming, freakish hand sanitizing, etc. fell by the wayside. At the time I didn't understand what I was looking at. In hindsight, his schizophrenic tendencies were revealing themselves. Ugh. His ex told me that he had OCD and was borderline with schzophrenic tendencies in a conversation I regret we ever had two months after he D & D'd me. It was eerie, but the lightbulbs were flashing on high. I like to be tidy, but when a person is over the top like the freak I was involved with, I now see it as a huge red flag. Love and peace to you Little one, and to all who stop here, from, (not) spinning. NO LONGER AN OPTION. THE SICK FREAK TRIED REALLY HARD BUT HE DIDN'T TAKE ME DOWN


Jun 23 - 11PM
Goldie's picture

Yes mine does and ADHD

And was on ritalin which I believe turned him into a raging addict, plus his mother is one, and his dad is a major feelings avoider. God bless, Goldie