ANyone got TIME to do research for NarcNarc????NEED HELP!

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#1 Apr 20 - 9PM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

ANyone got TIME to do research for NarcNarc????NEED HELP!

SHe's been taping EVERYTHING and HELP NEEDED!!!!

Tue, 04/20/2010 - 20:39 — wallaby
And I gotta tell you I was on the phone with her today and I heard some of the conversation with her and one doctor (one who told PsychoN he needed to "get out") and PsychoN. OMG these guys are in such deep do-do and they are underestimating and talking down to NarcNarc like you can't believe. THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE DEALING WITH. NN is sharper than a F'in ginzu knife and they don't get it and they are talking out of both sides of their mouth - all of the hospital staff. And she's GOT IT ALL ON TAPE. (and it has been freaky to hear PsychoN talking....)

TexN you are right on (in your last post on this) - NarcNarc can kill two birds with one stone on this one. I'm telling you it is a freakin goldmine of hypocrisy and malpractice at the hospital. What she needs is the right lawyer to take this on. No matter what happens next - what she's been through and what has happened here is ACTIONABLE. Of course the poetic justice here is the con is getting a con pulled on him in his final hours.

ANyone have TIME TO RESEARCH and help find a good attorney for NN in her area? SHe must stay at hospital at all times. I have ideas how to go about it but am slammed for time this week due to major work events and my two kids. I've been following the whole thing by phone but what NN really need is someone with TIME to research (even online and make some calls - which we will pay for) and get her some names of attorney's in her area. Please contact Barbara ASAP if you have any time to spare and can help.

Once he is dead which should be soon once they kick him out tomorrow she needs to get al the medical records and needs an attorney working on her behalf before his body is cold. This is SO IMPORTANT - it could be the one chance NarcNarc has to pull herself out of the abject poverty the PsychoN put her in. SHe needs all kinds of help and this is the only chance in the foreseeable future of her getting any - a lawsuit against these idiots. ANd I'm telling you NN hasn't even shared it all - would make your hair curl some of the things they are saying and going!

Even an hour or two of your time researching could really help - contact Barbara please!

Apr 21 - 9AM
woundedsoul36's picture

Apr 21 - 12AM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I'd do it but I am up to my NECK in a pool of alligators this week. NarcNarc needs the BEST disability & personal injury attorney in Kansas City, MO... not just the names - she needs to find the BIGGEST BULLDOG IN TOWN. help! ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 21 - 10PM (Reply to #2)
Amazed's picture

Wish I could Help!

I don't know who to recommend!
Apr 21 - 10PM (Reply to #3)
wallaby (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I think we can start

With the attorney(s)who sued the PsychoN's doctor previously for malpractice. At least they would have already have a bunch of dirt on her and know that NN is not making ANY of this travesty up.
Apr 21 - 10PM (Reply to #4)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


EXACTLY! ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller