Just not sure ?

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#1 Jun 14 - 6PM
Oneswoop's picture

Just not sure ?


Met my wife 6 years ago, amazingly affectionate and open with me. Things moved very quickly and was living with her after two months, three months in she said she loved me.

Had to move state to work for three months and the whole time she called crying for hours on end and I had to come back to visits her which we had not planned for.

When I moved back I noticed she was not making the same effort with certain things. She would never ever engage in an argument and was often passive aggressive.

Got engaged and then one week prior to marriage I had a major fight with her about details withheld of her sexual past with a person I know. She was very upset but still wanted to marry me.

Her is where things got crazy. As time went on I felt I was being used as a therapist 24/7, my world started to get darker and darker and I felt drained. I finally decided to tell her I felt I had depression and this is when the madness started. Within two days she was looking at me like a stranger. She told me she didn't feel the same about me, she started saying really mean stuff, she was playing erotic songs in the morning before work and asking me how she looked while the whole time she started an affair with a guy I'm work on our first year anniversary, meanwhile I was seeing a therapist to try save the marriage by improving myself, whenever she could see I was losing interest, she turned it on telling me we should do something fun together, pulling me back in.

After she didn't come home one night I packed her bags and sent her to her parents, I could see on her iphone finder she was down a lane way with a guy in a car at 2am, I drove there and caught her with the guy she is having an affair with. I told her we were done and then blocked her number and havnt spoken in 2 weeks, she has been contacting all my friends. Even though I saw her, she denied it the next day to my face.

Is this the normal behavior of them? All so strange to me, she was so loving for 6 years until I went against my gut feeling and told her about my depression

Jun 15 - 5PM
Goldie's picture

I'm confused

Jun 15 - 5PM (Reply to #4)
Oneswoop's picture


Jun 15 - 6PM (Reply to #5)
Goldie's picture


Jun 15 - 6PM (Reply to #6)
Oneswoop's picture


Jun 15 - 6PM (Reply to #7)
Goldie's picture

When you have the chance

Jun 15 - 5PM
Oneswoop's picture

I agree

Jun 15 - 4PM
Hunter's picture

I don't know .. Is this